Kings & Queens
Kings & Queens

Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Hands and Feet by Audio Adrenaline. Please check back for more Audio Adrenaline lyrics.

Hands and Feet Lyrics

Artist: Audio Adrenaline (Buy Audio Adrenaline CDs)
Album: Underdog

An image flashed across my TV screen
Another broken heart comes into view
I saw the pain, and I turned my back
Why can't I do the things I want to?
I am willing yet I'm so afraid
You give me strength
When I say

I wanna be Your hands
I wanna be Your feet
I'll go where You send me
I'll go where You send me
I'll be Your hands
I'll be Your feet
I'll go where You send me
I'll go where You send me
And I try, yeah I try
To touch the world like You touched my life
An I'll find my way
To be Your hands

I've abandoned every selfish thought
I've surrender everything I've got
You can have everything I am
And perfect everything I'm not
I am willing, I'm not afraid
You give me strength
When I say...

This is the last time
I turn my back on You
From now on I'll go out
Send me where You want me to
I finally have a mission
I promise I'll complete
I don't need excuses
When I am Your hands and feet
I am Your hands and feet


by Tessa on 7/4/2008 5:23pm
I absolutely love this song! This is my greatest inspirement other then the bible itself to get out and get a move on on God's nation. He is creating a nation out there guys!! WE are his nation. Lets pick up HIS hands and feet and go out and work for His name!! AMEN!!!
by San on 12/4/2008 8:36am
Wonderfull song!
by hannah leonard on 12/8/2008 8:44am
U guys rock I've been around your music sence I was born [11 years ago] lebanon,TN

Love Ya!!!!!!
hannah leonard
by dulce.! on 6/27/2009 2:07pm

si de mexico i me encanto esta cancion desde q la escuche xq tiene muy buen ritmo i ademas me gusta lo q dice .. q Dios los siga bendiciendo bie besos
by bjk on 11/21/2009 11:57am
wonderful lyrics. too many Christians just biding there time, but we are called to GO & SERVE
by Madiisz on 8/6/2011 2:22pm
beautiful song !!! xDD
by Ravindra Aulolu on 1/12/2013 11:09pm
its such an amazing song, words cannot describe it

Audio Adrenaline Lyrics
Audio Adrenaline Underdog Lyrics

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