Chuck Berry: Definitive Collection
Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to My Ding A Ling by Chuck Berry. Please check back for more Chuck Berry lyrics.
My Ding A Ling Lyrics
Artist: Chuck Berry (Buy Chuck Berry CDs)
My Ding-A-Ling-A-Ling
When I was a little biddy boy
My grandma bought me a cute little toy
Two Silver bells on a string
She told me it was my ding-a-ling-a-ling
My Ding-A-Ling My Ding-A-Ling won't you play with My Ding-A-Ling
My Ding-A-Ling My Ding-A-Ling won't you play with My Ding-A-Ling
When I was little boy In Grammar school
Always went by the very best rule
But Evertime the bell would ring
You'd catch me playing with my ding-a-ling
Once while climbing the garden wall,
Slipped and fell had a very bad fall
I fell so hard I heard birds sing,
But I held on to My ding-a-ling
Once while swimming cross turtle creek
Man them snappers right at my feet
Sure was hard swimming cross that thing
with both hands holding my dingaling
Now this here song it ain't so bad
Prettiest little song that you ever had
And those of you who will not sing
must be playing with your on Ding-a-ling
Chuck Berry Lyrics
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that was funny
I remember that song when I was just 9 years old! During indoor recess, our teacher let us play records and we had that song. Well the whole class busted out laughing and thought about naughty things if you get my drift. I just love that song!
this song funny as hell
Listening to that song right now on a '70s comp cd. Nice.
its a funny song
Every time I listen t5o this song it still makes me laugh and remembering the 70s
This son is azzum
fantastic college drinking song
this really gets the prudes going the P C brigade i mean
that his so perverted
These lyrics aren't all right. Some of the words, and even some whole sentences are not the lyrics he sings.
What a great song! I remember singing this in a long line at Kings Island amusement park one summer with a group of friends and by the time it was our turn to ride we had everyone in line singing with us. What a blast!!
i agree with (Smartie)
N its a nice song ;)
I remember this song from when I was really little like 6 or so, my daddy taught it to me and my older brother, I cant wait till my son is old enough to teach him
I remember this song from when I was a little girl and I just loved it. My great nephew is 7 and calls everything a ding-a-ling-a-ling so I am giving him a CD of the song for him to take back to Toronto with him. He'll love it..............
sang this song last night with another dad to a bunch of 11&12 year old baseball all stars. what a blast!
my dang al ang my dangalng would u plz stop poking my dangalang alang
'own ding-a-ling' not 'on ding-a-ling'
this is one of the funniest songs probably ever written and Ol' chuck does a heck of a good job of it. I sure will start playing with my own ding-a-ling....ha ha ha!
Actually Smartie those lyrics are correct
onlt heard the song once on radio and when i was young laughed all the way to the cemetary since it was durnig and anut funearl when i heard it
i saw chuck a couple of weeks ago and he added another verse into this song. i cant remember the words. does anyone know them?
there is a whole verse missing:
i remember the girl next door
we used to play house on the kitchen foor
she'd be the queen and I'd be the king and she'd swoop down and play with my ding-a-ling
i do believe the second verse goes:
And then mammma took me to grammar school
But I Stopped in the vestivule
in the second last verse, the second line should read:
Man them snappers were all 'round my feet
I have early made two corrections to the above the lyrics based on the "one" song I heard on youtube.
But readings "Scott" comment, as well as "nmbillsfan" and "Smartie" comments, I realised that depending on the version of the song you listened to, the lyrics did change.
I am oly 25, and I remember as a child hearing the song sing about the girl next door - that version wasn't live.
Regardless of the song you grew up, ( I grew up with an Aussie artist singing it - Johnny Chester - remember him) the song is still entertaining.
He also sang about a family from Trinidad "with much confusion as you will see") - just as funny
All time greatest song, lol. Though it was slightly uncomfortable listening to that song as a kid with my mother...
I was at home last night and I saw Chuck berry on the "Tonight Show" I know he has had countless hits but I immediately thought of this tune. It is hilarious and the lyric is priceless.
keep playing with my ding a ling
You don't have it all accurate, like for the last verse its.."must be playing with your own Ding-a-ling"
Own, not on. I've listened to this almost everyday, and I'll tell you, its own. And that's not the only one wrong.
i dont get it. its about playing with a christmas ornament right?
this song is the funniest
hahahahah coccccckkkkkkkkk
This song rocks! so funny :D
I first heard this song when I was real young. Every time I heard it, it made me laugh. I have started singing it to my co-workersand looked up lyrics to make sure I was singing it right.some of the lyrics are wrong,but they still get it. it makes them laugh!!
big balls by ac/dc is better
i have a live version of this and he makes up 3 verses on the spot and has the crowd yell the chorus back to him, what a performer!
sure brings back memories of listening to my local AM station as a kid
my dingaling my dingaling a will you stop slingig my dingalingaling alingalingaling
i love this song so much ill play it all the time
i think this song sucked crap out of my butt
my grandmother doesnt like my rap because of the lyrics so she told me to print off the lyrcs to the songs i like. lets watch her little pllan bacfire haha
Long time back we sang verious verions at the fishing camp.
Kinda like 99 bottles of beer it went on forever.
I had an album back in the early fiftys. it was called "hitsville", with artist like "the bees, the spiders and wee willie wayne. but Motown says they didn't start until 1959 and don't know anything about this album. . Anyway, there was a song on the album called "Toybell". It was not sung by Chuck Berry. I would like to know who sang and wrote "Toybell". It was also about playing with my ding a ling.
do the people at lyrics depot read the comments we send in? seems to me that if they did, their lyrics to this song would be updated. fun stuff my ding a ling!
i think i was singing this with denise at kings island i remember something like that
we were just singing and talking about this song at work today.
Hahaha! Looove this one! mm Mmmmm :)
that means he is masturbating
OK You Have It all wrong first off its
my momma sent me to grammar school but i stopped in the vestivule its terrible fall
and bells ring not birds sing
last its cutest song youve ever heard
its on my mp3
I thought VERY BEST RULe Sounded funny LOL...its vetivule,,, and once i was climbing the garden wall,i slipped and had a terrible fall,i fell so hard i heard bells ring,but held on to my ding a ling a ling
The only version I ever Heard was Chuck Berrys
It is an ever-changing song. That's what make to so great, they are all right.
i just finished watching the movie cadillac records...wow! i hope more movies like this using old songs. its time to remember the past. LEGACY!
thank yu all for your kind words..
my girlfriend.s that right with a s all like to play with my ding aling even a couple of their sister and mommy join i glad this song was writen during my life time thanks chuck
if u dont like this song u must have got a surgery and missing ur da ling
really funny
We did this for a boy scout skit. It was the funiest song ive ever heard.
im gonna do this at my skool talent show this is kicks
This song is a real cute thing. But the lyrics is not complete
awesome song!!!!!!!!!!!!
I herd this song for the first time last week on a community radio station. I just had to search for it on Youtube. Soooo funny. How Chuck got away with it in the day I don't know.
im gunna try this at karaokee
Chuck wrote this with literal meaning. It wasn't some code for body parts. Years after he wrote it, he was shocked to learn the meaning that some people had attributed to his lyrics.
From what I remember, Chuck Berry had about 3 different versions of this song with about 10 verses in all.
Regardless, it will always be funny and ambiguous and I love it.
It's a VESTIBULE people. If you're going to correct other people at least know how to spell the word yourself!
I grew up with this song. My dad had a record called funny bones (or something like it). I loved this song then, although when I was younger, I completely missed what they were really singing about. It's still funny, and even funnier now that I'm grown up.
my mom and dad love this song they every word so i got into an argument over it and i won cause i knew every word how wierd
I laughed my ass off when i saw heard u sing this song live. Your the KING GO CHUCK!!!
i remember i was thirteen when i first heard this song and it was one of the funniest songs i had ever heard and still is
send it to my phone number
I learned this song when i was REAL Little! My uncles would sing this song along the shaving cream one! when he passed away in 2004 we played this song at the gathering after the wake and My whole Family From the queen Nana to the youngest of childern sung it Nice and Loud was a very sad time and this just lightened the mood a lot! Great Memories RIP Nana,Uncle Steven Greatly missed and loved we will always have My DingAling to chuckle at!!
I only remember this song being banned from 7 radio stations. It was a shame because the only dirty part of this song is what came out of your head. The song clearly states what a dingaling is!
I am 65 years old and my kids loved it when it came out I believe in the late 60's or early 70's. It will go down in history as a great song, or at least should. Hell, I still play with my dingaling..
Haha funny, kinda sounds a bit wrong, though
i like this song pimping
This song is fuckinnn ! HIlarious ! Hahaha
my boss and i used to sang this song together , it's really so nice and funny i liked it aloti
I think it funny as can be to at karaoke
my dad and i used to sing this when i was little. he'd play the gutiar and i'd sing. my mom hadded it. she said girls didnt have a ding a ling. now that im grow i laugh at them both for that.
maybe the funniest song ever
Everybody likes " My Ding-A-Ling"....
i'll be playing guitar and singing this song toloads of pensioners on holiday tonight. they'll all join in GREAT SONG
I'm 51 and just introduced the song to my 29 year old daughter. She couldn't believe it and loved it!
love this song scine..... 2008
Sang the chorus as going through the TSA pat-down at the airport.
Rhonda is right. Some of the lyrics are wrong, but the basic idea is here. Chuck ad libs on it, live, too - as you can just imagine!
love this song awsome like to sing it at partys
love the song and teaching it to my grandaughter.
my husband just taught the first verse to my 4 year old grandson, he thinks its funny. We won't sing the rest of it till he's older of course. his mom's afraid he will sing it in school!
funny as anything!
omg i heard this on Simpsons... i swear this song is about a man's thing-a-majig? Eeew.
you should not be talking about your ding a ling eeew!
This song came out just before I went to the Navy (boot camp in Great Lakes Ill. and the whole barracks sang it along with silver bells over Christmas. Talk ablut a bunch of ding-a-lings.
I love this song! my dad past this year and i found the 45!! my 2 year old is always grabbing his DING A LING after his bath and i start sing that song and he BUST INTO LAUGHTER and my wife runs him outta the room LOL she does not want him to hear it but it just brings back old memories!!
i remember this song from the 70's in a wisconsin bar. i would play it over and over to get the old people pissed
thanks all you wonderful people..xx
this song makes me laugh so much i cant stop
Too Good Yaar !!!
My favourite since childhood.
i love this, childishly cute, adultly cute, and somewhat amazingly good song, i wasnt aroundwhen it came out, but i sure am now and it is hillarious!
I love this song, altho i always thought it was 'i just wanna see my ding-a-ling-a-ling' but i wasn't litening right hehe.
lovit this song rules!!!!! should be put in a hall of fame somewhere
At Christmas last year my uncle startedto sing this song....it was really funny
this is too funny
Song is so gay
Jay your gay. Gay Jay with no ding a ling
this song so funny want to sing it on the x factor
i used to think he was singing about his dick
Too bad whoever put the lyrics up can't spell.
My son still sings this song.
I wish there were more songs like this. cute and funny
lol all of u niggas are gay u should kill urselves this song is lik really gay and homosexual and shit like that ayyyyyyy u fuken fags
very nice song i really like this song nd my all friend also like this
LOL! Great memories! Used to listen to my older brothers 45s. Just caught myself humming it & now I'm teaching to my grandson. Hope y'all enjoy as much we do!!!
My kids now have it as some annoying feature on their cell phones - some kid, just chanting the chorus to a drum beat. So, I went to Youtube and showed them the true Chuck Berry masterpiece that my wife and I remembered from the early 1970's. Aaahh, back in the day...
My kids now have it as some annoying feature on their cell phones - some kid, just chanting the chorus to a drum beat. So, I went to Youtube and showed them the true Chuck Berry masterpiece that my wife and I remembered from the early 1970's. They love it. Aaahh, back in the day...