Gangsta's Paradise
Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Gangsta's Paradise by Coolio. Please check back for more Coolio lyrics.
Gangsta's Paradise Lyrics
Artist: Coolio (Buy Coolio CDs)
Album: Gangsta's Paradise
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I take a look at my life
And realize there's nothing left
'Cause I've been blasting and laughing so long
That even my momma thinks that my mind has gone
But I ain't never crossed a man that didn't deserve it
Me be treated like a punk you know that's unheard of
You betta watch how ya talking
And where ya walking
Or you and your homies might be lined in chalk
I really hate to trip but I gotta loc
As they croak, I see myself in the pistol smoke
Fool, I'm the kinda g that little homie's wanna be like
On my knees in the night
Saying prayers in the street light
1-Been spending most our lives
Living in a gangsta's paradise (2)
Keep spending most our lives
Living in a gangsta's paradise (2)
They got this situation, they got me facing
I can't have a normal life, I was raised by the state
So I gotta be down with the 'hood team
Too much television watching, got me chasing dreams
I'm an educated fool with money on my mind
Got my ten in my hand and a gleam in my eye
I'm a low down gangsta, set tripping banger
And my homies is down so don't arouse my anger
Fool, death ain't nothing but a heart beat away
I'm living life do or die, what can I say?
I'm twenty-three now but will I live to see twenty-four
The way things is going I don't know.
2-Tell me why are we so blind to see
That the ones we hurt are you and me?
(rpt 1)
Power in the money, money in the power
Minute after minute, hour after hour
Everybody's running, but half of them ain't looking
At what's going on in the kitchen
But I don't know what's cooking.
They say I gotta learn
But nobody's gonna teach me
If they can't understand, how can they reach me?
I guess they can't
I guess they won't, I guess they fuck
That's why I know my life is out of luck, foo!
(rpt 1, 2, 2)
Coolio Lyrics
Coolio Gangsta's Paradise Lyrics
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the ones we hurt are you and me...Megalh frash.....
classic,it ....i mean the lyrics really flow and takes me to paradise.i look down the memory lane,and wonder about coolio,he must have been inspired,...so touching and ...
This song is absolute genious...
They say I gotta learn
But nobody's gonna teach me
If they can't understand, how can they reach me?
I guess they can't
I guess they won't, I guess they fuck
That's why I know my life is out of luck, foo!
its a qud sonq
this is one of the best rap songs ever
when i wrote this i just looked into my heart
this song is amazing and every time i hear i think ...
i know every word to this song me and my whole family knows it...
i think it has great meaning towards it
Y did sum1 pretend 2 b coolio
coolio still sux at all ..
Great song, great lyrics. Genius.
I wish more rap songs were written this well. I knew from the first time I heard it, that it was destined to be a classic.
This song is a classic. Gives me memories.
that fuckin song is too fuckin cool
Jah greates song evah man coolio is di man me loves dis song
I can relate to this song as I chose this life growing up and have watch my friends die and every day I face death and not seeing my daughter grow up. Being a ganster isn't always what you think so think twice.
BEst song ever
you ve rock my chilhood and i still like you
tis song is my life straight
especially the chorus
Been spending most our lives
Living in a gangsta's paradise
but we
Keep spendiLiving in a gangsta's paradiseng most our lives
My 86 year old white Mother LOVES this song!
apla teleio!!!
olo to song me kanei k anatrixiazw
that song is g ed up it is the best rap song it realy describes the way us hood people live
poli dinato tragoudi...!!!
Oh..what a song!Too perfect to be real.Ekpliktika apistefto kai mia tromerh dunamh krumenh stous stixous
U can just love it,don't u?
this song is so cool..coolio!!!! u rock!!!!
poloi elines
astig talaga 2ng rap song n 2.....
mono mega, terastia!!
the best song for me...touching my heart!!!!tetoia tragoudia vgainoun spania...
i luv u singing that song wow
alhtheies polles
this song is sweeeett but u neeed to check out jedi minds songs they're boss
poly wraio tragoudi re ! nomizw einai arketa palio, alla as min xehname oti ta palia einai ta pio wraia sinithws . . . k o Coolio den exei teleio malli ??
paidia einai tromero tragoudi,afou yparxei se oles tis tsantes mou panw(to exw grapsei)..kai opoios to dei kai katalavei ti leei exei kalws...as zoun oi ypoloipoi sthyn agnoia tous...
perfect .maybe stupidly it remembers me the time � was military :S maybe cos of the bullets which passed near my a..
Gamaei kai dernei....
gamato tragoudi !!!!It is the best
This rap song is really nice when i listen to it � always take a look at my life this song shows me the life...
thats a fucking great song yo? not just one under others a good track to think about live
korekte sache alta
Big tune
Ceza'n�n rap s�zleri daha anlaml� ve d���nd�r�c�
big meaning... legendary song...
"1-Been spending most our lives"
Its "I've been spending most our lives"
Great song
They say I gotta learn
But nobody's gonna teach me
If they can't understand, how can they reach me?
I guess they can't
I guess they won't, I guess they fuck
That's why I know my life is out of luck, foo!
I grew up with this song and it's one of my most favorite songs ever. Thank you Coolio for a great song. God Bless you!
Love always,
to tragoudi einai teleio...gemato noima..alla k akoustika wraio... apla teleio !!!!!!!!!! <3
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west side ridah tupax the man and g hommies. I kill the fuckas bre hommie. ride to my hommies in the east G clappa mafukka blood and cripsssss true man blast hommies like a mean man ready to conquer the sqeez and the sweech
i dont now what i am saying hear but it sounds really cool
i want to be a gangster who steals banks etc.
kommati me yperoxo stixo kai mystiriaki mousiki kai kyriws me yperoxes proswpikes anamniseis...
hey the last part of this song has been wrong translated a few words are changed i think by someone who is not a really good listener
i guess we can respect coolio by translate his songtekst the right way
luvvvv iiitttt
Nie no tym kawałkiem to wtedy dali do pieca. Zajebiste! Pzdr. dla ziomk�w z W.D.
poli kalo to tragoudi alla oi stoixoi den einai apolutws swstoi
sto telos I guess they won't, I guess they fuck
einai lathos... to swsto einai
I guess they won't, I guess they front Exei simasia auti h leksi gia auto to tragudi
apla yperoxo...
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i don't have words to explain zis song.....i just love it
gwan song no more no less.....nigga puuuullllooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most songz have come and they fade away like they have never been heard of,but i think this song will never fade.
I shoot coolo myself if can affort a chance what you gunna do it huh yeah can't do anything but diss me sucka mcs
teleio kommati!!!!
u suck
i live in the valley of the shadow of death. i was bornt underground by a reaper.i dont understand music
great song.growing up in lagos nigeria, me ma pals use to like this song,the lyric was good.
too much television watching got me chasing dreams
am an educated fool, with money on my mind.
I missed the days when everything were just full of awesome songs like this. Now the fuckers ruined everything with all the fucking unawesome dubstep.
I love this song! <3
The verse is "I guess they FRONT" not Fuck.
raised by the state... Money on ma mind... So so so hot and so inspiring ...
They say I gotta learn
But nobody's gonna teach me
this sentence says it all
Voted one of the best rap songs of all time!
But I ain't never crossed a man that didn't deserve it
what is the meaning of that?
He means that he ain't killed someone that didn't deserve it
A monkey could piss blind in snow and produce better lyrics.