The Next Day (Deluxe Edition)
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Absolute Beginners Lyrics
Artist: David Bowie (Buy David Bowie CDs)
I've nothing much to offer
There's nothing much to take
I'm an absolute beginner
And I'm absolutely sane
As long as we're together
The rest can go to hell
I absolutely love you
But we're absolute beginners
With eyes completely open
But nervous all the same
If our love song
Could fly over mountains
Could laugh at the ocean
Just like the films
There's no reason
To feel all the hard times
To lay down the hard lines
It's absolutely true
Nothing much could happen
Nothing we can't shake
Oh we're absolute beginners
With nothing much at stake
As long as you're still smiling
There's nothing more I need
I absolutely love you
But we're absolute beginners
But if my love is your love
We're certain to succeed
If our love song
Could fly over mountains
Sail over heartaches
Just like the films
There's no reason
To feel all the hard times
To lay down the hard lines
It's absolutely true
David Bowie Lyrics
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I love you but love itself its not tragicly serious...enjoy love
Fantastic song!
Bowie is fantastic, an excellant song here. Best line in my opinion:
'As long as you're still smiling
There's nothing more I need'.
Realmente es muy buena y llega a calar en los m�s profundo de un tu�tano rom�ntico. Es una canci�n recomendada para quienes gustan de la new wave.
Brilliant song. Brilliant lyrics. Ultimate love song. Bowie's Jump They Say rocks too. Greetings from Poland.
bowie rocks!!!!!!!! Hes so cool. Ive got all of the best of bowies. 1969-1974,1974-1979 and 1980-1987. the songs are so cool.
Absolutely fantastic song!!!!! Bowie is amazing!
Simple as that!!!
its poetry fromthe heart
hated it when i was 10.
Now, at 28, i discover it again and absolutely love it.
i loved this song when i was so little still love it
this is our love song!
Great song and brilliant words absolutely masterpice
This is an absolute tune
honestly david bowie sucks
David Bowie Is the best singer in the universe! I've got all of his albums and singles (original on LP) and NO ONE can sing like him!!
LOVE ALL of his songs!
Liedje van lang geleden. Steeds weer even stilstaan telkens ik het hoor. Het blijft bekoren in alle stadia in je leven, van pure liefde tot echt verdriet. S
� ma soeur valerie !!!!!
the best thing in this song:
''it is absoultly true''!
because the point is to love
in a realistic way not just to be
overwhelmed with ilusions.
that is Bowie's sense of emotion
and it's great!!!!!
This is perhaps my favourite song of all time. It is certainly up there with such songs as "Sweet Child of Mine" and "Buffalo Stance".
I have met David Bowie (back stage pass) and he is the best guy ever, such a gentleman and if meeting him was'nt enough he played this on accustic guitar and sang it for my then girlriend now wife.
fantastic...brutal song!!!!!!!
gotta love david bowie :)
love that song and it is so amazing. like poetry. i could listen to this song a thousand times and it never get old, just more true.
i wish this will be forever like this for u janina and davor
I will absolutely use this song for my wedding :)
beautiful song, I would use it at my wedding but I'm never getting married again.
how awesome is this song???? im a new fan and this song is definately one of his best, i wish my husband was a romantic, bowie seems to be one,lol,, i would use this as a wedding song if i wasnt already married,,, i love u bowie xxxxxx
This and "Loving the Alien" are two of my favorite Bowie tunes. He really demonstrates his extraordinary vocal talent in these two songs.
1986 ! Those were the days. I was 16 then. This song bring back the old good memories to me. Now I am 38 and I still listen to this song sometimes and other 80's music.
it's a perfect love song, thank you Dave, Michele and Vincenzo
Absolutely perfect song!!!
I have re-discovered this song recently... and maybe belief in love, too. An incredible song. I can listen to this on and on. I want to dedicate it to one girl - maybe she will understand.. greetings from Poland
If our love song
Could fly over mountains...
As long as you're still smiling
There's nothing more I need
I absolutely love you...
But if my love is your love
We're certain to succeed...
fenomenal lyrics...
Heard this song when it came out and just love it. Bowie is a talented bisexual.
If our love song
Could fly over mountains
Could laugh at the ocean
Just like the films
There's no reason
To feel all the hard times
To lay down the hard lines
It's absolutely true
what is supossed to mean this
Never bothered with this song when I was younger, thought it was just a soundtrack to a movie. Now for some reason a few weeks ago it just popped into my head & I was chuffed that I found it on my iPod.Now I cant stop listening to it ! I wish I paid attention all those years ago as I would have had it played at my wedding !
Lagu yang sangat mengesankan sekali. Teringat masa remajaku th. 1986.
Perfect lyrics for a classic love song!! Timeless masterpiece!!!
it's absolutely true!!!!!!!!
" if my love is your love, we re certain to succeed". one of the most real and powerful and genuine love lyrics possible. simple, yet so powerful. what it says is that my love is so great that nothing will knock it, nothing, its unconditional. and if u feel that too, if u feel love that strongly like i do, then we cannot fail. powerful powerful stuff.
The very best voice off the world
yay ppl commented
Absolutely adore this song..."I absolutely love you"...fab !!!
.. comming home to the heart
cette chanson laisse esperer de retrouver un nouvel amour
What a great musical . . . perhaps Lady Gaga will do something like this, only, punk!
Thank you for this lines that reminding me of truth forgotten for a long time:
There's no reason
To feel all the hard times
To lay down the hard lines
It's absolutely true
No I'm older I appreciate bowie a lot more.
the chorus yearns. it kills me. like others, ive just rediscovered it again. its forever hopeful.
a unique talent.
but maybe carla bruni's version is even better?
he is simply the best...
me volveria a casar con mi mujer y pondria este tema de entrada.es fucking romantico.inmortal.no envejece jamas.muy bueno.
Absolute fantastic
Reminds me of my BIG Love!
well,he gives,he takes,he s a magical Houdini.have i said to much?!*)
Pensaba que despues de la etapa del Ziggy Stardust, nada de Bowie me gustaria pero definitivamente esta es unas de esas canciones que te hacen pensar en las cosas buenas que tienes y que a veces no aprecia uno...una mas a mi lista de favoritas
for the past must be nearly 20yrs i have loved this song, the more its such a good love song....history
When you are no longer seeking a role, no longer grasping and ambitious in romance, no longer focused on any destination...when you, in short, have grown much older and finally realize what it is to love - this song describes it so well.
Loved this song in 86' when it failed to chart?? I was 14. When i listen to this song now at 40 it means so much more.great songs live forever! Die biebers
This is one of the most well written songs Bowie has done. I still love it and can listen to it forever. I am hooked on The next day - His latest and I can see it should be going to number one but it's not getting air time. The video is great too. Typical dynamic Bowie. If he does a tour for his new album hope he comes to Auckland New Zealand and does all of his best songs. Love you Bowie
Didn't like Bowie that much, some were ok. Just by faith, I needed a song for my wife and this one is on an 80's collection I seldom listen to. Some words caught my attention and then I googled the lyrics. Enough said.
Enjoy YOUR Journey.
Listening to this on a 80's digital radio station in U.K.
Bowie rocks!
Love the comments from others starting in 2008...time flies but these songs are timeless.
Best love song ever... this will be the opening song in the wedding of me and my wife... this is our song...
Great song.
absolute fantastic and great song,which will be never old,it comes to heart and warms it so much,cool
great to see love is still alive ...
Stile fantastic
You offered so much, with so much for us to take. RIP :( A Sad Sad day.
My favorite song that always sticks in my head when I am in quiet, deep moments. A perfect love song stripped of silly, cultural notions. He will remain with us as all brilliant artists do.
sigh....Never felt heartbreaks like this... Thank you x