The Next Day (Deluxe Edition)
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Heroes Lyrics
Artist: David Bowie (Buy David Bowie CDs)
David Bowie
Changes Bowie
I will be king
And you
You will be queen
Though nothing will
Drive them away
We can beat them
Just for one day
We can be Heroes
Just for one day
And you
You can be mean
And I
I'll drink all the time
'Cause we're lovers
And that is a fact
Yes we're lovers
And that is that
Though nothing
Will keep us together
We could steal time
Just for one day
We can be Heroes
For ever and ever
What d'you say
I wish you could swim
Like the dolphins
Like dolphins can swim
Though nothing
Will keep us together
We can beat them
For ever and ever
Oh we can be Heroes
Just for one day
I will be king
And you
You will be queen
Though nothing
Will drive them away
We can be Heroes
Just for one day
We can be us
Just for one day
I can remember
By the wall
And the guns
Shot above our heads
And we kissed
As though nothing could fall
And the shame
Was on the other side
Oh we can beat them
For ever and ever
Then we can be Heroes
Just for one day
We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
Just for one day
We can be Heroes
We're nothing
And nothing will help us
Maybe we're lying
Then you better not stay
But we could be safer
Just for one day
David Bowie Lyrics
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:) iloveit
You are a hero if you could proudly stand
And make the one you love to take her hand
And make her your partner in your life
And not be afraid to make her your lawful wife
You are a hero if you break the chainns of a life
Of a life that you found a unending pain
You are a hero if you have no secret life
And be a misery to others and cause them strife
A hero is man with honor and self dignity
Who does not break anothers life
with his animosity
mi favorita
What a great song. This song means so much to me... I don't want to know where I'd be today if this wasn't around.
Precious song, unbelievably profound and hopeful. Makes me wonder what it is to really be in love, to be so much dazed as to want and be inspired to write such a song. Thanks David.
Sencillamente brutal.Increible
Semplicemente immensa.
Bowie sucks. He's the perfect shit-eater. His mother sucks long dicks and yours too.
...just for one day...
I love Him <3
I like the way hes Lyrics moves me ! <3
We can be Heroes
To 7/8/2008 poster: It takes one to know one. Anyway, this is my favorite Bowie song.
Beautiful song
Super song!!!:)
I will be king
And you
You will be queen
Though nothing will
Drive them away
We can beat them
Just for one day
We can be Heroes
Just for one day
something to do with the demise of the Berlin wall?
he who does not loveth david bowie has no soul
PESma jebe kevuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!
bowie, enos muse or visa versa, thank you either. way-what d'you say
bowie, enos muse or visa versa, thank you either way. -what d'you say
lovely song...makes me want to cry and be in love all at once
great david!!!you're surely a heroo
que canci�n tan increible...es tanto...gracias david
Words can't say how David can make me dream. "That is a fact".. "Yes, we're lovers . . .. and that is that."
So in love
fantastic song! Thx for the Lyrics! :-*
I love this beautiful song ;-* thx
only for romantic lovers
Omg if you wanna listen to the most kick ass version of this song check out Ramstein and Apocalyptica's "Helden"!!!
sukkiatemi il pisello
i'm afraid i made a terrible mistake...
good song!!
david bowie's my hero :)
Wuff mau see christiane f.
I love this by David Bowie, but the Script cover is AMAZING.
the scripts cover of this song is the olympics 2012 theme tune :D
I will be king
And you
You will be queen
Though nothing
Will drive them away
We can be Heroes
Just for one day
We can be us
Just for one day
top quality song
Just for those who care to know why Bowie wrote this.
Bowie used to frequent a cafe bar atop a high rise building in West Berlin that overlooked the Berlin wall. He noticed every day at a set time, a man would come and stand on the viewing tower (a flight of wooden stairs to a public platform that overlooked the wall, across no mans land, to the wall on the East side). He would stand there motionless and gaze across to the East, where a woman would come at the same time, and stand atop the tower, staring back at the man. They would make no sign, no waving, nothing but looking. Then they would go, returning again the next day.
Bowie reasoned these were two lovers, separated by the closing of the iron curtain, whose love endured, despite the deadening oppression of their separation. One day at a time, their love continued to silently shine across the gulf that separated them in sight of one another. They were indeed hero's, just for one day. Every day.
Who wouldn't want to be?
Heroe,just for one day.
I'm a hero
'David Bowie on 7/8/2008 2:41pm
Bowie sucks. He's the perfect shit-eater. His mother sucks long dicks and yours too.'
I've got a sneaking suspicion you're not really David Bowie, are you?
What a masterpiece!! am simply speechless !!
'David Bowie on 7/8/2008 2:41pm
Bowie sucks. He's the perfect shit-eater. His mother sucks long dicks and yours too.'
interesting. judging by your comments i assume you listen only to what whoever arbitrates the top forty dreck mainlines into your ears. you realise that this is the equivalent of how people involved in human trafficking shoot their slaves up with heroin every day so that they get hooked and don't want to run away any more, right? only you're holding your arm out voluntarily, and offering to help hold the belt tight.
also, i find it fascinating that you were taking the time to look at david bowie lyrics when you supposedly hate the man that much.
@Frankie R! Thanks a lot for the explanation.
Can't say too many good things about Bowie. He was my only Icon as a child, back in the days of Ziggy and as I grow older I keep rediscovering his genius. As long as I live I hope to learn more about his art, and more and more and more. On closer inspection he never fails to leave me in a state of wonder and awe. He's a super freaky cosmic angel sent to shake us up. Long live Bowie!! Nobby Nutkins, you need to get a grip mate, life's too short.
We can be heroes
just for one day
oh yes
what this actor sings.
david bowie's work is pure genius....cant live w/o this man
has anyone seen Gia? I fell in love with this song when Gia tells Linda I will be king and youll be my king.
Just knowing that I'm listeing to something Gia once listened to..
Gives me this really speacial feeling
bowie was and still is the best artist,from the 70s 80s
Wonderful song, and Frankie R, thanks for the explanation
thanks david!
Always in my mind....
About the Frankie R. story:
I believe Bowie told that story, but I don't believe that is really what the song's about. It is more like a metaphor for what the song is about.
All I can say is this is one of the songs I want played at my funeral. The song is inspirational.
A while ago I found that my dad had the best of bowie cd. At first i just listened to the most popular that i heard on the radio, like changes but now i love all these songs and heroes is my favorite.
we can be heroes just for one day. (L)
it is the song that Christiane F's best. I love it so much
Wow! This is interesting stuff
Yeah... we can be heroes!!!
plain'n'simple: Fantastic!
the best bowie song ever !
what a great song!
Our friend just told us he thought the lyrics read 'dolphins can sing'. ha ha ha he he ah!
Frankie R> Thank you so much for the background! The song just became more awesome!!
Any one of us can be heroes just for one day. The emergency workers on 9/11 we're heroes just for one day. Now some people rescuing others alive in Haiti are also heroes.
I just heard the Peter Gabriel version and I have to say its a good rendition of the song. It grows on you, especially with the pictures of Haiti tragedy shown in the background as seen on Larry King tonight.
Yeah, Gabriels version is a good one. Very different...like we live in different times now. Bowies wall (in Berlin) is long gone...without schooting. Awesome, isn't it? Maybe we will never witness as such a unbloody revolution again, not to think of beeing a part of one.
By the way: most of FrankieR's wall-story isn't true. For sure there where no lovers seperated by the wall involved.
i think the song is about HEROin.. read the lyrics again and think he's singin about the drugs,, quite fits in..
No, he's not. He lived at Berlin at the time and he talks about two lovers (he thought they were) who would exchange stares from the opposite sides of the Wall every day.
David Bowie is the greatest artist ever!
bowie was in a studio in berlin, and needed one more song for the album, when, of a sudden, he looked out the window and saw a young man, and a young woman, holding hands, speaking to each other on opposite sides of the berlin wall. the image haunted him. need i say more?
I enjoyed working on Ashes to Ashes and this was the best song to end it with
the couple bowie was writing about was his producer tony visconti and his mistress (at the time visconti was married). bowie made up the story about the couple outside the window.
Philip you are entirely right. It was the perfect way to end Ashes and is perfect for Gene and Alex... I cried like a baby... Thanks for all the hard work it was amazing!
My favourite song ever. So beautiful.
one of my lifetime favourites
I'm the greatest Peter Gabriel's fan, but I have to admit that Peter's symphonic version of "Heroes" is very far from the perfect beauty of the original...
a rreeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaalllllllll HEROOOO
The version by The Wallflowers is a lot better, take a listen to it.
The Godfather of Punk!
el mejor artista de todos los tiempos y la mejor cancion en la hitoria BOWIE: YOU'RE MY HERO
great song. i like when apocalyptica and til linden do this song in german. Helden, it's awesome.
Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo :(
life sux so lets prais litle moments we have. When we can all be heroes in eachother arms atleast for one day.
fantastic song for all heros ....well done guys.
Oasis cover totally kicks david's ass!!!! OASIS MAKE THIS SONG ONE OF THE BEST IN HISTORY!!!
i like your son neroes thank you for puting it on my computer
We need songwriters like this nowadays. They would destroy shits like Justin Bieber and the others.
Viva la vera musica.
Italiathinker, Shit? Probably it's you who is a shit
Wow, I happen to be the 1 Millionth visitor this week !
I 'v been advised to contact the Prize Departmemnt immediately.
Anyway... this song (Heroes) goes definitetly deeper than just being a description of 2 lovers.That woudbe an insult. It's a surreal painting, merely depicting 2 lovers.
Personally, I'd say it's about heroin. Fit's in , as Suus said once
Yes. Heroin does fit. And he was smacked up to his eyeballs during the period this was written. Especially the final line of each verse "Just for one day."
Bowie got through an era that many of his contemporaries didn't survive.
wait: i think i prefer to belive he wrote it for a couple who would meet everyday through the berlin wall than to know it was written for the mistress of visconti :S. i don't know if any of you will agree, but that's just the way i see it
A song of profound loneliness, about a fantasy, about what can never be. About Loss and opression, the cry of a lonely person with no recourse and no possible remedy, except in his imagination.
so good
i like very much tose songs and music. i agree with everyone with love from gisela baert brussels = belgium.
This song always makes me cry. I listened to it 20 minutes ago and at the end of it I could barely breathe and there was snot running down my neck. He sings it with such powerful emotion that it just gets too much for me to handle without exploding!! This is a masterpiece.
such a beautiful song I agree with emily MASERPIECE well done mister david bowie
Loved this song on Moulin Rouge!
i've heard better songs down the toilet
Your lyrics are in the wrong order
They played this song at the end of the documentary "The Cove"... perfect. Made me love the song even more.
dear everyone who says this song and David Bowie suck:
YOU ARE A SAD, LOST, PATHETIC SOUL. I would like to read you a poem I wrote:
Bowie sang heroes,
now you zeroes,
say this song is bad.
Well for you,
I have some news,
it seems that you've been had.
It is very deep thinking song , that's why i love this song.
The basic resolve of music and melody
is simplistic at heart.
Trying to read too deep only causes
confusion and miss understanding.
We could be heros just for one day.
We (all of us)
could be heros (do things to help others)
Just for one day.
(Uniting as one for a common cause).
We could be heros just for one day!
to be honest i can,t stand bowie but the older i,m gettin the more i begin to understand his music and this perticular song is genius
The lyrics work on many levels and that's the beauty of it. It's about Visconti and his lover. It's about any two lovers. It's about the triumph of love over oppression. And, by the way, the King and Queen are not necessarily male and female.
I like the acoustic live version dedicated to the boys and girls club. The electric guitar comes in later and is so sweet... awesome sustained notes!
How lucky we are to know David Bowie.
We are certainly not that few he quit while selling out concerts all over the world and he left us with timeless classics.
Thank you Ziggy Stardust, Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence, Ground Control to Major Tong, We CAN be heroes.
I was at the U2 concert in Anaheim California when U2 put the Space Station live on the screen and Cmdr Mark Kelly did an intro for U2's Beautiful Day... Then he ended with "Tell my wife I love her very much... She knows" for Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
As a Bowie fan for over 35 years it was awesome to see Bowie recognized by the highest fan, Major Tong himself.
It 's about the expression of true love that cannot be fully shown due to unfortunate circumstances.End of.It makes me feel physically sick with sadness.
Who's the f'ing idiot that put these lyrics up? You're not even close from the get-go, and none of these idiots that have posted comments have even caught on! F'ing morons!!!
David will be hero
and I
I will be his fan...
heard the "Cat people/Putting down fire" sure he is herooooooo
Search for the Peter Gabriel cover from the Scratch My Back album... Add another dimension to this already excellent song.
It's really a masterpiece!
Yesterday ARTE showed parts of Bowie's 2003 Dublin concert, including "Heroes" as a highlight. I would love to see him perform it with the german lyrics, though.
I think the stories about a couple at the Berlin wall are fairy tales. Access to the wall, even taking a glance, was impossible from the eastern side. All buildings there had been destroyed and there was an area of fences, spring guns and mine fields.
Very moving for all those GB athletes being presented with medals to this track. Has it been re-released?
There was a wide strip of land between the East and West sides of the wall, it was kept clear, if I'm not mistaken, so the guards could shoot any trespassers. That couple must have had some pretty long arms if they were able to hold hands over the wall.
Bowie's version will always be the best for me, as much as I enjoy Till Lindemann's vocals.
I Think RAY on 2/3/12, hit it right on the nose! Can't imagine life without BOWIE!
These lyrics are so wrong it's not funny. someones been watching too much moulin rouge me thinks...
that song was the last hope for me to take the girl i would die for , i wanna be hero and tell the story to our kids
musical genius. I always have to laugh tho when I think of how avril lavigne mispronounced his name when she read it at the music awards ceremony. c'mon avril.. really??
I'm feeling Infinite!!!!!
We are all heroes.
The tunnel song.....
This song helped me through a lot :)
i'm not saying that without this song i wasn't here, but it definitely helped me through some days :)
"and in this moment, i swear we are infinite...∞" Tunnel Song (:
Heroes,under the Velvet Underground with John Cale influence.
Moving song. I have to admit I would've never listened to Bowir if it weren't for Perks. I'm glad I did. My generation (now) has no soul in its music. Unless you count Brittany.
Great song, brings me to tears every time i hear it. It is one of my four favourite bowie songs, the others are space oddity, ashes to ashes, and scary monsters and supercreeps.
This song gets through you from the first moment.Listened to it 10 times in a row and it gets better every time. For me it means every thing can happen in your life and that people could show more dignity and show appreciation to little things in life. We are what we are. Nothing special with a valuable life
Belongs to greatest hits like those from Janis Joplin, Tina Turner from the 60ties. etc. This kind of music is hardly made at this very moment.
Gr. Antony
This song show us the future in the past.
when i was younger some of my friends hit me in the head with a stick in the forest and i went to sleep because i wanted them to go away and when i woke up i was in my room and my mom was yelling at me asking why i had stabbed my sister with my dads car keys and i looked in my hand and the keys were there and i jsut closed my eyes and when i opened them i was lying in the forest and it was dark so i walked and walked til i saw a light through the trees it was an amusement park and noone was there and david bowies heroes was playing there and i got onto a floating duck and travelled along a river and at the rivers mouth into the ocean was a city and it was bright and full of shining color and i stepped onto its streets and the fairies there made me king and 40 years later i lay dieing and my mother came to my bed and said im sorry son im sorry that you became the way you did
We can be Heroes�`�`�`�`�`
I loooove this Song, it is like a drug!
Bowie sang "Heros" at the Berlin wall and the
concert started a riot on the DDR side of the wall, a riot that helped bring down the wall not
much later.
The German people are Heros for raising up and
welcoming their eastern brethren with so much generosity when that was what was needed.
His a Shemale
My mom kissed David Bowie in the 70's.
Thank you David Bowie for all the wonderful gifts you gave us! Rest in Peace...
Love this song! but damn this is going to be hard to memorize.
Jeg er godt li tis
This is my favorite Bowie song. Thanks, Bowie.
Add mig blizzard: Granny420