Dean Martin - All-Time Greatest Hits
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Return To Me Lyrics

Artist: Dean Martin (Buy Dean Martin CDs)
Album: Return To Me

Return To Me
Dean Martin

Return to me
Oh my dear I'm so lonely
Hurry back, hurry back
Oh my love hurry back I'm yours

Return to me
For my heart wants you only
Hurry home, hurry home
Won't you please hurry home to my heart

My darling, if I hurt you I'm sorry
Forgive me and please say you are mine

Return to me
Please come back bella mia
Hurry back, hurry home to my arms
To my lips and my heart

Retorna me
Cara mia ti amo
Solo tu, solo tu, solo tu, solo tu
Mio cuore


by Marie on 7/14/2008 7:39pm
Learned this song from the movie of the same title starring david Duchovny (X-Files) and Minnie Driver...good movie.....very good song....
by Dino Fan on 9/7/2008 5:41pm
It's a really old song. I remember my parents playing the record when I was a little kid. I'm 54.
by bye toni from costa ricay on 11/8/2008 2:07pm
it is a precious song. i enjoyed it many yeras ago. . it s a really super ultra chiva old song. chiva means in costarican idiom , very good and nice.
by Ira on 11/27/2008 10:15pm
I have heard this song so many times before but today it really made me think of how precious love really is, watched the movie with Minnie Driver and David Duchovny and fell in love with it all over again...Love the words!!!!!!!
by Sheesha on 12/5/2008 8:27pm
Oh i love this song...i too watched the movie Return to Me and i thought it was awesome
by Sharon on 3/11/2009 5:37pm
This song is SMOOTH! What a lovely melody.
by Donna on 6/28/2009 4:50pm
I remember the Dean Martin album my mom played all of the time with this song. What a wonderful voice Dean had.
by Olivia on 9/7/2009 10:35pm
Reminds me of my italia
by Dana on 6/7/2010 10:42pm

Dean songs make me very enjoy when I listen always remind me what was happened 10 years ago my dreams come true sorry for the old days never come back

by mal on 13/10/2010 on 7/14/2010 4:06am
deano the don named my son after him the sweetest smooth voice of his time.
god bless deano
by matthew on 10/4/2010 9:24am
music for flute of this song ? pls
by alex on 10/6/2010 12:23am
Im 21.nfound this song on accident n i absolutely love it n pretty much anything from his time n later. Dean martin was the king. At least next to elvis n fred astaire.
by Joe on 10/9/2010 7:32pm
Sing this song at karaoke everybody alway's get a cheer. God bless you Dino, you are truly missed.
by Dino Valenti on 11/4/2010 6:19pm
I live in Tulsa,Okla., and was born abd raised on Long Island,N.Y.'51. I'm named after Dean Martin , so he has always been real ultra chiva for me. It does'nt hurt that I'm full-blooded italian either! This song was also the closing song in the movie : Pushing Tin with actor/actresses Billy-Bob Thornton,John Cusiak,Angelina Jolie,andCate Blanchett !!Timeless romantics abound all around this music whenever it is introduced to one's surroundings. Candlelight,low lighting wine and two people in love are the necessary ingredients to make a total impression succeed ! PEACE !
by Frank Napoli on 12/27/2010 6:09pm
Great voice, only singer I know that can sing with a smile
by classic on 3/27/2011 2:52pm
funny bit in mafia II :)
by mythm on 4/21/2011 1:15pm
nic song
by tony on 6/23/2011 4:27pm
I got introduced to this song when I was playing Mafia II..very "real" skit played out in the game when the boys where heading home...I fell in love with the song immediately. Thanks Dean, your golden voice will always be remembered.
by Eddie on 4/13/2012 12:52pm
When I 1st heard this song I was about 15 & waited to hear it on the radio.
by Joe on 5/25/2012 1:08pm
Dino was the Man...plain and simple
by Mafia II Fan on 6/23/2012 1:58am
Mafia 2 Send me here ^^ If u play Mafia 2 Chapter 9 or 10 : In Loving Memory of Francesca Potenza In the End You drive Joe and the other dude back home they sing this song on the way hone. And I love this song
by Nick on 11/24/2012 7:22am
Dean will be missed, his talent level will never be achieved by another ;'(
by ^_^!! on 1/7/2013 6:16am
by Joe Barbaro on 2/14/2013 9:26pm
Eh Vito, do not change the station!
by john o'shea nathalia australia on 2/15/2013 11:26am
just about dino's best, loved the
backing and choir, nobody else can
ever steal this one
by unice on 10/28/2013 5:56pm

I want to use this opportunity to thank Dr. Olokum for helping me get my lover back after he left me few months ago. I have sent friends and my brothers to beg him for me but he refused that it is all over between both of us but when I met this Dr. Olokum he told me to relaxed that every thing will be fine and really after just a week I got my man back. so thank you so much Olokum. here is the email and phone number of Dr. Olokum

Dean Martin Lyrics
Dean Martin Return To Me Lyrics

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