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Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to A-Tisket A-Tasket by Ella Fitzgerald. Please check back for more Ella Fitzgerald lyrics.
A-Tisket A-Tasket Lyrics
Artist: Ella Fitzgerald (Buy Ella Fitzgerald CDs)
A-tisket a-tasket
A green-and-yellow basket
I bought a basket for my mommie
On the way I dropped it
I dropped it, I dropped it
Yes, on the way I dropped it
A little girlie picked it up
And took it to the market
She was truckin' on down the avenue
Without a single thing to do
She was peck, peck, peckin' all around
When she spied it on the ground
A-tisket a-tasket
She took my yellow basket
And if she doesn't bring it back
I think that I shall die
(Was it red?) No, no, no, no
(Was it brown?) No, no, no, no
(Was it blue?) No, no, no, no
Just a little yellow basket
Ella Fitzgerald Lyrics
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these are not the updated version you libertines!
i love this song and i made a remix to it it sounds great
Great! This will certainly help with my piano lessons!
i love this
wow this is retarded..im mad that i just wasted like 5 minutes of my time on this.
that is not how i learnd this song. you chaned it
i hate this song this is not the way i leand it you are telling lies
The only reason i looked this song up is because I found it in a music book at school.
I searched this because when I was in 2nd or third grade, we sang this song.
This sucks
these are not the lyrics to this song!!! i sang this song in chorus and it was totally different!! =[ are there more than more types for this song?!!?!?!?
Mario!! =] <333
oh for pete's sake, stop the fussing!
this song was more or less made up along the way, she changed it nearly every time she sung it! of course there will be different versions!
I love this song so..much it is amazing!!
this is a good and a glorious i wish ican sing that song on stage
i love the song
its good
I learnt it like dis ...
A-tisket a-tasket
A green-and-yellow basket
I wrote a letter to my love and on the way I dropped it.
I dropped it I dropped it
Yes,on the way I dropped it,
A little boy he picked it up and put it in his pocket.
hey this song is so cool... man
The words are:
A-tisket a-tasket
A brown-and-yellow basket
I send a letter to my mommy on the way I dropped it.
I dropped it I dropped it
Yes,on the way I dropped it,
A little girl he picked it up and put it in her pocket.
a little girlie!!! GIRLIE!!
it was a BROWN and yellow basket... she was pick PICK picking all around
you can tell this just by listening to the song, i grew up with this song, the original version and this person just listened to it and wrote what they thought they heard.. obviously no appreciation of music what-so-ever
a tisket a tasket the scarecrow found his casket
go up the stairs and lock the doors
and pray that he passes
I learned it like this:
A tisket a tasket
a green and yellow basket
I wrote a letter to my love
but on the way i dropped it
i dropped it i dropped it
and on the way i dropped it...
dude i love this song the artist has my first name she rocks!!!!!!!!!!!<3<3:P:)
Hey stop complaining...
Sure there are other versions but this one is fine.
LadyG and Hannah have it right. Just look it up on YouTube ... Ella sang it as part of a scene in a movie (Ride Em Cowboy).
Whatever other versions there are out there are just that .. versions.. they are not the original lyrics.
i learned the song like this:a tisket a tasket a green-and-yellow basket i wrote a letter to my love and on the way i dropped it.i dropped it i dropped it yes on my way i dropped it a little boy,picked it up,and put it in his pocket.
i like it! i mean not like it... i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!
the lyrics are way wrong!!!!
i thik this was so funny i could almost be touched!!!!!!!!! lol...yea rite
a tisket a tasket a green and yellow basket i wrote a letter to my friend and on the way i dropped it, i dropped it, and on the way i dropped it a little boy he came along and put it in his pocket!!!! haha i hope i get it back!!! lol yea rite that's how the lyrocs go!!!!!!!
I LYKE DA NEW 1 BETTER :*) (0)(0)
no it`s like this:a tisket a tasket a green and yellow basket
i wrote a letter for my mommie and on the way i drop it i drop it
i drop yes on the way i drop it
a little girl picked it up and i shall die!!! i forget the rest god!!!
this is the version by ella fitzgerald and van alexander. the song sang in the movie is by manhattan transfer, which is what is referred to as being the original version (:
I was walking down the street in Culver City ,Ca . just out of highschool , came there to marry my Highschool Sweetheart who had come from Oklahoma to work as "Rosie the Riviter" my cousins and her were singing the song as we walked down the street.
i hate it
dis is how i learn it:
a Tisket a tasket a green and yellow basket i wrote a letter to my my love and on the way i dropped it, i dropped it, yes on the i dropped it, a little boy picked it and put it in his pocket. amazing was't?!?!?!?!?!?!?
it goes a tisket a tasket a green and yellow basket. I wrote a letter to my friend and on the way i dropped it. I dropped it. I dropped and on the way I dropped it. A little boy came an picked it up and put it in his pocket
That part when she said ill die whow
I thought that part where the girl goes "And if she doesn't bring it back, I think that I shall die." was hystarical. What a melodramatic little girl xD Can't she just write another note? Or find another basket? Lolz.
I just love this song...I never knew about it until I bought this doll for my daughter from toysrus in hongkong... This doll sing this song....I couldnt understand the lyrics so googled it and I found it here.... Thanks for your post
Ella wrote it, she didn't write the first verse though that is why you think it is different, don't go hating on ella or the website. So if you were a smart person you would have done more research on her and her music you dummies ! :D
this song is cool
I can't believe no one mentioned the Abbot and Costello movie Ride Em Cowboy where a young Ella sings this on a bus heading to a dude ranch. The boys (Bud And Lou) are hitching a ride holding on to the back of the bus when the fun begins.
this song is soo cute!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!! :D
a tisket a tasket
a brown and yellow basket
i took a basket to my mommy and on the way i dropped it
i dropped it i droped it
yes on my way i dropped it
a little girlie pickedit up and put it in her pocket
she was trukin on down the avenue
without a sigle thing to do
she peck peck peckin all around
when she spied it on the ground
she took it
she took it
my little yellow basket
and if she doesn't bring it back i think that i will cry
was it red?no no no no
was it blue?no no no no
was it green? no no no no
just a little yellow basket
that's how my music teacher taught it to me in 3rd grade and now i'm in fifth
In elementary school the girls would jump rope while reciting the verses.. This was the late 30's in to the early 40's. It has interested me ever since.
these ARE the lyrics as sung by Ella Fitzgerald...
Some of u people on here saying u know the real lyrics to this song r dumb... I'm really sure that the basket was dropped and that someone came n put it in their pocket... cuz that sounds so logical right! (That said with sooo much sarcasm) STFU
My sister and her friend, Nya, sings this song all the time
A brown and yellow basket!!!! Was it red? No no no no! Was it green? No no no no! Was it serese? NO NONO NO NO NO! A little yellow basket! And you left part of the song out!!!!!
A tisket a tasket a brown and yellow basket. I sent a letter to my momy, on the way I dropped it. I dropped it I dropped it! My little yellow basket! A little girly picket it up and put it in her pocket! She took it, she took it! My little yellow basket. And if she doesn't bring it back, I guess that I will die! She was strolling on Down the avenue with not a single thing to do, she went a peck peck peck all all around! And then she saw it on the ground
My friends sing the song in the pool at the YMCA. we didn't know all the words but we do get such joy at hearing Jerry say nooooo, it was a yellow basket. thanks for all the words...
who is singing a tisket a tasket
i am doing a report on ella fitzgerald
i love it
i looked it up cuz it was on a test I took..i read about her