30 #1 Hits
Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to The Wonder Of You by Elvis Presley. Please check back for more Elvis Presley lyrics.
The Wonder Of You Lyrics
Artist: Elvis Presley (Buy Elvis Presley CDs)
When no-one else can understand me
When everything I do is wrong
You give me hope and consolation
You give me strength to carry on
And you're always there to lend a hand
In everything I do
That's the wonder
The wonder of you
And when you smile the world is brighter
You touch my hand and I'm a king
Your kiss to me is worth a fortune
Your love for me is everything
I'll guess I'll never know the reason why
You love me like you do
That's the wonder
The wonder of you
Elvis Presley Lyrics
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3rd line should be: You give me LOVE and consolation, not hope.
4th line should be: You give me HOPE to carry on, not strength.
11th line should be: Your LOVE to me is worth a fortune, not kiss.
This is how it's sung on Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
my class & me sang this song at our leaving assembley :(
@Michael Addy - You're talking about an early edition of Elvis 30 #1 hits, where they used an alternate take. It was put right on later editions of the cd.
to day i was not very happy because i miss my one true love that is you ian ellingham because i do.
I was fifteen years old when he began to climb up the charts and this song was so sweet... I am now 74 and finally someone I love sent it to me via You Tube. I am so glad to finally have this song sung to me in the manner it was on Sunday Aug 9th. I had to verify my memory of the lyrics Thank you Lyrics Depot!!!! Your site is a joy to a addict of Music! Its my drug of choice!!!!!!!