The Marshall Mathers LP2 (Deluxe EX)
The Marshall Mathers LP2 (Deluxe EX)

Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Big Weenie by Eminem. Please check back for more Eminem lyrics.

Big Weenie Lyrics

Artist: Eminem (Buy Eminem CDs)
Album: Encore

I don't understand..
Why are you bein so mean!?
You're a MEAN, MEAN MAN!

You're just jealous of me
Cause you, you just can't do what I do
So instead of just admitting it
You walk around and say
All kinds of really mean things about me
Cause you're a meany, a meany
But it's only cause you're really jealous of me
Cause I'm what you wanna be
So you just look like a idiot
When you say these mean things
Cause it's too easy to see
You're really just a big weenie, big weenie

[Verse 1]
Alright listen, I need you to focus
I need you to go dig deep in your mind, this is important
We are going to perform an experiment of a sort
I'm going to have to ask you to bare with me for a moment
Now I need you to open your mind, your eyes - close em'
You are now about to be placed under my hypnosis
For the next 4 and a half minutes
We are going to explore into your mind
To find out why you're so fuckin jealous
Now why do they make you who
Syke, I'm kidding I just wanted to see if you're still listening
Ok now I need your un-divided attention
Sir I have a question
Why do I always sense this,
Undeniable tension from the moment I enter into the room?
It gets all quiet and whispers
Whenever there's conversations why am I always mentioned?
I been dying to ask, it's been itching at me
Is it just because...

You're just jealous of me
Cause you, you just can't do what I do
So instead of just admitting it
You walk around and say
All kinds of really mean things about me
Cause you're a meany, a meany
But it's only cause you're really jealous of me
Cause I'm what you wanna be
So you just look like a idiot
When you say these mean things
Cause it's too easy to see
You're really just a big weenie, big weenie

[Verse 2]
Alright now I, I just flubbed(?) a line
I was going to say something extremly important
But I forgot who or what it was
I fucked up,
Syke, I'm kidding again you idiot, no I didin't
That's just what you wanted to hear from me
Is that I FUCKED up ain't it?
That I could bust one take
Without lookin at no paper
It doesn't take a bunch of takes
Or me to stand here in this booth all day
For me to say the truth ok
You're drooling, you have tooth decay
You're mouth is open,
You're disgusting
What the fuck you eat for lunch,
A bunch of sweets or somethin
What you munch a bunch of crunch-a-munch?
You're tooth is rottin through the gum
Your breath stinks,
Want to chew some gum?
[Yes I do sir what am I on?]
You sir are on ??
[Marshall I'm so jealous of you
Please say you won't tell nobody
I'd be so embarassed
I'm just absolutely terrified
That someone's gonna find out
Why I'm saying all these terrible, evil, and awful
Mean things, is my own insecurities!!]

You're just jealous of me
Cause you, you just can't do what I do
So instead of just admitting it
You walk around and say
All kinds of really mean things about me
Cause you're a meany, a meany
But it's only cause you're just really jealous of me
Cause I'm what you wanna be
So you just look like a idiot
When you say these mean things
Cause it's too easy to see
You're really just a big weenie, big weenie

[Verse 3]
Alright now we, we're going to conduct
That experiment that we were talking about earlier
Just to see what a frog looks like
When he takes 2 hits of exctasy
Cause that's exactly what your eyes look like
Wanna check to see? Here's a mirror
Notice the resemblance here?
Wait let me put these sun glasses on
Now look in this mirror, how bout' now
What do you have in common?
You're both green with envy and look like idiots with sunglasses on em'
You look like I sound like, singing about weenies
Now take my weenie out of your mouth
This is between me and you
I know you're not happy,
I know you'd much rather see my lying
In the corner of a room somewhere crying
Curled up in a ball, tweaked out of my mind dying
There's no denying
That my weenie is much bigger than yours is
Mine is like stickin a banana in between 2 oranges
Why are you even doin this to yourself?
It's pointless,
Why do we have to keep on going through this?
This is torturous
My point is this, that if you say mean things,
You're weenie will shrink
Now I forgot what the chorus is..

You're just jealous of me
Cause you, you just can't do what I do
So instead of just admitting it
You walk around and say
All kinds of really mean things about me
Cause you're a meany, a meany
But it's only cause you're just really jealous of me
Cause I'm what you wanna be
So you just look like a idiot
When you say these mean things
Cause it's too easy to see
You're really just a big weenie, big weenie

Fuck off my dick


by amanda rivera on 5/14/2008 8:27am
i love eminem and this song is sooooooo fuckin funny
by Matthew on 5/15/2008 5:42pm
Yerrrp. The word for the first question mark (?)is "shit". This is said in the background in between the words "I" and "I", Where it says, "Now I, (shit) I just flubbed a line". The words for the second and third question marks are "Truth Serum".... it makes you tell the truth, which is why the guy starts admitting that he's jealous of Eminem. And yea, this song is hilarious, especiallly the part about "what the fuck'd you eat for lunch?" LMAO =]
by Kyd on 6/11/2008 9:19am
Eminem takes rap 2 a new level of dissing! Ppl think he is stealing rap from blacks but really he is raising the bar!
by Somebody who LOVES Eminem on 6/11/2008 10:18am
oh jeez,
i LOVE this song,
by kasyeraa, im obsessed though on 6/18/2008 1:00pm
what am i on?
you sir are on truth serum
by Maxie on 7/1/2008 1:49am
I love all his songs he is the best white rapper ever not that their is slot of them but if their was he would be the most entertaning out of all of the others his songs make sense in a stupid yet entertaning way one if my favorites is puke just loose it my name is and this one their are others like evil deeds but those are the only names I remember oh and without me ........... Enjoy his brillance
by brittany on 7/1/2008 2:15pm
i love eminem!! he is the best rapper ever
by ya mum on 7/8/2008 5:03am
eminem is the funniest and best rapper behind 2pac, he needs to come back to rap and help it before it dies basically
by Pluszak on 7/20/2008 5:45am
'mine is like stickin a banana in between 2 oranges' yeah yeah..;d
it's awful, what doing jelaous people
by Laura on 7/30/2008 3:37am
Omg Why Do yhoo Say The Best White Rapper? It's Coz u Fink Pakis Are Better Yhoo Nobs
by sizzackle fulopleriun on 7/31/2008 10:27pm
i love this guy. he's a genius. best rapper ever.
by ashley on 8/28/2008 7:11am
wow, eminem's big weenie is kinky.
love the song & his big weenie (:
by emine is legend. on 8/31/2008 3:13pm
He the rapper. it dont matter if he white, he is sikkkk. i love him mann. his lyrics are the best like. peace peace peace slim. everyone peace to slim.
by angelo on 9/4/2008 1:47pm
Eminem rocks and it will always stay that way!
by maxine on 9/26/2008 5:59am
Eminem is hot and fucking awesome i cant wait for his new album
by charlene b on 9/28/2008 9:38am
Eminem iz soo da best eva luv him n his lyrics so wish i wo lyk him im so jelouse lol e iz da bestest rapper eva eres a rap of my own wish he cud see it
i see yuu
but wat yuu gunna do
i take a look at yuu to see wat ure gunna do
ure starin back at me just tellin me
wat yuu think bowt me just bein me
i sit on yuu i spit in yuu
i turn every lil thing yuu eva luved against yuu
i h8 yuu n i despise yuu
ill make yuu suffer lyk yuu always made me do

luff u Eminem ure da best eva
by eggs on 10/28/2008 3:13pm
You're lyrics are wack
by prominent on 11/4/2008 12:43pm
Charlene, you're awful
by KarmaTiger on 11/11/2008 5:03pm
the word 'syke' is properly spelled psyche. As in to psyche someone out, getting into their mind.
by wambam on 11/12/2008 10:17pm
eggs you spelt "your" wrong
by werd on 11/25/2008 5:25pm
Who is em dissin in this song? Is it benzino???? O and yes I fuckin love this song too!!
by boomchikawahwah on 11/26/2008 6:19pm
ok, who GIVES a shit about spelling anyway lol? don't get all honor student on me!! this is about a RAP song, not language arts!
by deividas on 12/4/2008 2:15pm
A bunch of sweets or somethin
What you munch a bunch of crunch-a-munch?

~~~ i love tht line

by dfs on 12/17/2008 10:18am
damn this white nigga is the best motherfucka on the scene
by clowner on 12/21/2008 3:21pm
the missing part is truth serum.
by Court on 1/17/2009 8:16pm
Matthew i'm with you on that lunch part!
I love this song!! ����Eminem
by The Best on 1/19/2009 11:59am
I love this song it's so true.
Jessica and jasmin can burn in hell!!!! They've been talknig behind my back for over a year and a half. And they're still not tired. I fuckn' hate them!!!! they're just jealous because i'm waaaaaaay better then them!! hahahaha
by Gabi :) on 1/28/2009 5:25pm
I lov eminem so much!!! he's like the best rapper EVER!! i can't catch up with him JEEZE! He makes absoulutly no sense in that song but it's hilarious!! <3
by james on 3/18/2009 2:22pm
?? = truth serum
by EMINEM FAN on 3/19/2009 1:50pm
he's just the best rapper i ever listened to ;)
by xxlizterxx on 3/21/2009 10:05pm
you r really just a big weenie!! xD
by Lauren on 3/31/2009 9:11pm
It's Psych, not Syke!!!
by Emmanu3l on 4/2/2009 7:22pm
what a grat artist!!!... i think he's amazing!!!... his songs are so grat that i translate 'em all. I'm from Argentina. This is my e-mail
by Janelle on 4/10/2009 11:01pm
this got me and my best friend through the time that all these people were talking shit about us! I LOVE EMINEM<3 my inspiration! hahah Stan is the best song tho!
by chris on 4/15/2009 6:48pm
anybody else rapping this would sound stupid but eminem is such a genius that he ties it all together
by DaemonReborn on 5/18/2009 1:16pm
Toward the bottom of Verse 2, when the 'mean man' says 'what am I on?' Eminem says 'you sir, on on truth serum'. Just thought you'd like to know :D

Awesome song, love it, always have XD
by FaTbOy8OnE...... on 7/10/2009 11:36am
You're drooling, you have tooth decay
You're mouth is open,
You're disgusting
What the fuck you eat for lunch,
A bunch of sweets or somethin
What you munch a bunch of crunch-a-munch?
You're tooth is rottin through the gum
Your breath stinks,
Want to chew some gum?..........funny shyt..lmao!!
by chrissy on 9/3/2009 11:14am
You are now about to be placed under my hypnosis
For the next 4 and a half minutes
We are going to explore into your mind To find out why you're so fuckin jealous
Now why do they make you who
Syke, I'm kidding I just wanted to see if you're still listening...i dunno which is my favourite, rainman or this, big weenie XD
by Ashboo(: on 10/19/2009 9:48pm
This song is MADD funnnyy!!! I love eminem he's my hubby(:
by Rudolph on 11/10/2009 1:44pm
Dope bit! keep it up m0'fucker u so the best!!!
by Smartbadboy on 12/4/2009 3:31pm
he's just the best
by Mandaa (: <3 on 1/23/2010 6:33pm
I am liike, so in love with himm <3 <3
by shady777 on 3/26/2010 5:05am
EMINƎM the best rapper alive this song is one of my best songs he si AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
by Rob on 4/15/2010 1:20am
eminem #1 rapper all time, tupac and big don't compare.
by antoine on 5/23/2010 1:31am
eminem is a great rapper but like 50 cent better
by A poop on 6/1/2010 12:10pm
OMG !!! I love this song soo much !! XD ahahaha its so hilirious !! I love his sense of hunour though ! :)
i agree with chris :D
by Paul on 6/9/2010 4:09am
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by sexy boobies(: on 6/16/2010 2:13pm
i fucken love eminem he is soooo dammeee hottt! he makes me wet:D
i would fuck the SHIT outta that body. dame hes fine! i bet ur dicks like a bannana between two oranges.Pibbity-cock-a-poo-poo
Syke, I'm kidding I just wanted to see if you're still listening
Ok now I need your un-divided attention.ilove this song. eminem is THE BEST RAPPER ALIVE NIGGAA! not like that 50 CENT MOTHERFUCKIN BASTARD(:

just sayin..
lookem kup

hit me uppp

keep it real G

member children WEED is ALWAYS the answer

by sexy boobies(: on 6/16/2010 2:14pm
i fucken love eminem he is soooo dammeee hottt! he makes me wet:D
i would fuck the SHIT outta that body. dame hes fine! i bet ur dicks like a bannana between two oranges.Pibbity-cock-a-poo-poo
Syke, I'm kidding I just wanted to see if you're still listening
Ok now I need your un-divided attention.ilove this song. eminem is THE BEST RAPPER ALIVE NIGGAA! not like that 50 CENT MOTHERFUCKIN BASTARD(:

just sayin..
look em up

hit me uppp

keep it real G

member children WEED is ALWAYS the answer

by crazy4codym on 6/28/2010 6:41pm
omg.. i love this song.. he is my idol.. geez.. and the best thing about it is.. that.. im friends with his daughter.. haha. I LOVE YOU EMINEM..
by stef xx on 7/19/2010 8:47pm
i love candy
by i luv u xo on 7/19/2010 9:13pm
hahaha fuck these comments are funny! i know aye Eminem is soo hot! ( his body is awesome)!! i love this song!
by XOXO ILY on 7/20/2010 8:06pm
i love eminem he is awesome! but who do you think is betta? 2pac or eminem? lol there both hot and awesome rap dancers but what do you think? any comments?
BULLSHIT CRAZY4CODYM!!!!!! ur not friends with his daughter.. lol i didnt even know that he had a daughter... lol.. that shows how much i pay attention at times..
by kane.pollock on 7/27/2010 11:22pm
mad songs bos
by M n M on 8/25/2010 6:50pm
Fuck you all eminem is high and im also high
by unknown on 9/5/2010 10:44pm
after this "You sir are on ??" vers it is
you sir are on truth syrum.
by Paulombia on 9/6/2010 6:47pm
Eminem rocks,he raps but need rehab.lov u slim pibibity cock-A-Poo-poo.keep it shady
by Paulombia on 9/6/2010 6:49pm
Eminem rocks,he raps but need rehab.lov u slim pibibity cock-A-Poo-poo.keep it shady blaze eater
by TAD on 9/11/2010 8:55am
"Want to chew some gum?
[Yes I do sir what am I on?]
You sir are on ??"

You sir are on TRUE SERUM!
by esther on 10/13/2010 8:30am
What you munch a bunch of crunch-a-munch? sickest sentence ever :D
by PaulaWala on 10/18/2010 6:46am
He says meanings in his song his right people talk about people cause they feel bad about themselves. You sir are a genuis.
by �min3m on 10/20/2010 10:08am
Thnx 2 ol ma fans...!!!
by ponoyi on 11/9/2010 10:20am
#1 rapper,multi-talented,just,crazy in love,fack,mosh....he gud on chorus,outstanding on ryhming.shit u drive me crazy
by bankaifarts on 2/6/2011 12:52pm
by nigstix on 2/14/2011 1:45am
sick nigga
by Absiinthe on 7/22/2011 9:11am
Eminem Best rapper Encore Best Album
by big guy on 7/23/2011 8:52am
my nigga eminem is clever like a motha fuck.......can't no other rapper level up to my nigga
by T.R.X. on 11/10/2011 11:40am
Eminem is the best "It doesn't take a bunch of takes
Or me to stand here in this booth all day
For me to say the truth ok
You're drooling, you have tooth decay
You're mouth is open,
You're disgusting
What the fuck you eat for lunch,
A bunch of sweets or somethin
What you munch a bunch of crunch-a-munch?
You're tooth is rottin through the gum
Your breath stinks,
Want to chew some gum?" is ma fav line dawg keep it real KOSH stand up
by L3mmy on 4/5/2012 2:45am
No ways,this guy's jus tha illest!!toy soldiers been ma favryt,is Dr.Dre his bff??
by Z Breeze on 5/16/2012 8:02pm
Psych; I'm kidding � I just wanted to see if you were still listening.
by m in m on 10/3/2012 12:13am
Good lyrics, but isn't it "an" idiot ?

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Eminem Encore Lyrics

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