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Montana Lyrics

Artist: Frank Zappa (Buy Frank Zappa CDs)
Album: Overnite Sensation

I might be movin' to Montana soon
Just to raise me up a crop of Dental Floss Raisin' it up
Waxen it down
In a little white box
I can sell uptown
By myself I wouldn't
Have no boss,
But I'd be raisin' my lonely Dental Floss
Raisin' my lonely Dental Floss
Well I just might grow me some bees
But I'd leave the sweet stuff
For somebody else...
but then, on the other hand
I'd Keep the wax N' melt it down
Pluck some Floss N' swish it aroun'
I'd have me a crop
An' it'd be on top

(that's why I'M movin' to Montana)

Movin' to Montana soon
Gonna be a Dental Floss tycoon
(yes I am)
Movin' to Montana soon
Gonna be a mennil-toss flykune
I'm pluckin' the ol' Dennil Floss
That's growin' on the prairie
Pluckin' the floss!
I plucked all day an' all nite an' all Afternoon...
I'm ridin' a small tiny hoss
(His name is MIGHTY LITTLE)
He's a good hoss
Even though He's a bit dinky to strap a big saddle or
Blanket on anyway
He's a bit dinky to strap a big saddle or
Blanket on anyway
Any way I'm pluckin' the ol' Dennil Floss
Even if you think it is a little silly, folks
I don't care if you think it's silly, folks
I don't care if you think it's silly, folks
I'm gonna find me a horse
Just about this big
An' ride him all along the border line
With a Pair of heavy-duty
Zircon-encrusted tweezers in my hand
Every other wrangler would say
I was mighty grand
By myself I wouldn't
Have no boss
But I'd be raisin' my lonely Dental Floss
Raisin' my lonely Dental Floss
Raisin' my lonely Dental Floss
Well I might Ride along the border
With my tweezers gleamin'
In the moon-lighty night
And then I'd Get a cuppa cawfee
N' give my foot a push...
Just me 'n the pymgy pony
Over the Dennil Floss Bush
N' then I might just Jumb back on
An' ride Like a cowboy
Into the dawn to Montana
Movin' to Montana soon


Movin' to Montana soon


by David Poland on 6/3/2008 10:32pm
I want the sheet music to Montana! Can anyone help here? dpoland@comcast.net
by David Poland on 6/4/2008 12:26am
I want the sheet music to Montana! Can anyone help here? dpoland@comcast.net
If you ever see the "U-Tube" video, check out Jean Luc Ponty playing violin with the band on this song, wonderful arrangements!
by one bad tundra on 7/1/2008 1:41am
is this david p. from salinas longs, that knew judy c my sis?
david c
by wagner on 11/29/2008 5:13pm
good !!! go ahead , boys !
by Big Jim in Georgia on 2/3/2009 8:57am
You really have to hear the studio recording of this number to fully appreciate it. The Youtube recordings are too scratchy or something to get the full effect. Aslo, I think Steve Vai was on guitar in the studio version.
by fvz on 2/6/2009 5:36am
no steve vai on the record..that's zappa playing!!!
by Hater on 2/10/2009 11:10pm
Big Jim~ The studio version was released in 1974. Steve Vai was a 14 year old at the time. Anyway Vai didn't start playing with Zappa until 1980.
by Andrew in Michigan on 3/10/2009 3:17am
YES.. from Sweden 73' ..JLP is awesome, seen him 4 times here in MI. ..Zappa plays Zappa too.. great stuff.
by alejandro on 6/13/2010 10:34pm
I'm ridin' a small tiny hoss
(His name is MIGHTY LITTLE)
He's a good hoss
Even though He's a bit dinky to strap a big saddle or
Blanket on anyway
He's a bit dinky to strap a big saddle or
Blanket on anyway

by Danny B milwaukee on 7/16/2010 8:52pm
Its amazing, as I read these lyrics, I can hear every note. From the original o course. I think I have a mix board in my head! I know it sounds corny but "soundtrack for my life,mannnn!"
by Pete A Devon on 7/31/2010 11:46am
These are by far the funniest lyrics I have ever heard. I was playing this in my ol�pick-up today and I had tears a�rollin� down my cheeks...."Well I might Ride along the border
With my tweezers gleamin'
In the moon-lighty night
And then I'd Get a cuppa cawfee
N' give my foot a push...
Just me 'n the pygmy pony
Over the Dennil Floss Bush"
by randy on 8/16/2010 3:22pm
I own the pigmy pony on the cover.
by uygar onur on 8/18/2010 2:43pm
zappa is so profound that his music kicks away everything else out of my mind. that is the way i have some peace of mind. hats off to zappa.
by g_money on 9/11/2010 6:40pm
one of my favorite songs in life. i am not a "lyrics" person,but this story is Hilarious and beautiful at the same time
by g_money on 9/14/2010 5:19am
i think if zappa were alive,he would say that george duke on keyboards,is the greatest musical element of this song
by Uturn on 11/27/2010 8:42pm
I've always love the zap man. This song is both funny and yet serious. Me and few of my friends formed a band in the early 70's in Detroit. This is one of the song we use to listen to after we practiced and had smoked a couple joints. The guitar solo would blow us away. Didn't know who Jean luponte or George Dukes were at that time but grew up to be big fans of both.
by dumass on 1/10/2011 3:31pm
ilike pie
by durka durr on 3/15/2011 1:57pm
durka durr
by cow on 6/3/2011 12:41am
Yes, but purple monkey dishwasher
by peewee ponysucker on 7/31/2011 11:08am
one of the greatest larics frank z ever wrote
by majoreyeswater on 2/18/2012 12:34am
The backing vocals were done by Tina Turner and the Ikettes - it was recorded at Ike's studio.
Aparrently it took them three days to nail the bridge.
Pure gold.
by stephen b on 11/27/2012 3:06pm
awesome that other people are interested in this artist. I didn't know that of tina turner being on the tune
by Rockhead on 6/8/2013 6:31pm
Always wondered what the bridge lyrics are.

There's a good 1-hour documentary on Zappa on Netflix. Lots of in-studio commentary from Dweezil and others.
by Lasse McLasse on 11/20/2014 12:15am
gurka.se, vad �r det?

Frank Zappa Lyrics
Frank Zappa Overnite Sensation Lyrics

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