Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Sleeping In A Jar by Frank Zappa. Please check back for more Frank Zappa lyrics.

Sleeping In A Jar Lyrics

Artist: Frank Zappa
Album: Uncle Meat

Frank Zappa (guitar, vocals, percussion)
Ray Collins (vocals)
Jimmy Carl Black (drums)
Roy Estrada (electric bass)
Don Preston (electric piano)
Billy Mundi (drums)
Bunk Gardner (piccolo, flute, clarinet, bass clarinet, soprano saxophone, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, bassoon)
Ian Underwood (electric organ, piano, harpsichord, celeste, flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, baritone saxophone)
Arthur Tripp (drums, timpani, vibes, marimba, xylophone, wood blocks, bells, small chimes)
Motorhead Sherwood (tenor saxophone, tambourine)
Ruth Komanoff (marimba, vibes)

It's the middle of the night
And your mommy & your daddy are sleeping
It's the middle of the night
And your mommy & your daddy are sleeping
It's the middle of the night
And your mommy & your daddy are sleeping
( the jar is under the bed)


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Frank Zappa Uncle Meat Lyrics

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