50 Number Ones
50 Number Ones

Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Does Fort Worth Ever Cross Your Mind by George Strait. Please check back for more George Strait lyrics.

Does Fort Worth Ever Cross Your Mind Lyrics

Artist: George Strait (Buy George Strait CDs)
Album: 50 Number Ones

Cold Fort Worth beer
just ain't no good for jealous
I've tried it night after night
You're in someone else's arms in Dallas
Does Fort Worth ever cross your mind

Darlin' while you're busy burnin' bridges
Burn one for me if you get time
Cause good memories don't fade so easy
Does Fort Worth ever cross your mind

You left me here to be with him in Dallas
And I know it hurt you at the time
Well I wonder now if it makes a difference
Does Fort Worth ever cross your mind

You left me here to be with him in Dallas
And I know it hurt you at the time
Well I wonder now if it makes a difference
Does Fort Worth ever cross your mind
Does Fort Worth ever, does Fort Worth ever


by melv1836 on 2/5/2009 9:25pm
Does Fort Worth Ever Cross Your Mind
reminds me of the following Line George Strait always says in his song
Don't make me come over here and slap you
also in I am Sorry its to late Now
he orders her to find somebody new
oh please I told Daphane Coleman the same thing because I hated her because she was a slut and pig and oinker

George Strait Lyrics
George Strait 50 Number Ones Lyrics

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