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The Shot (Intro) Lyrics

Artist: Ice Cube (Buy Ice Cube CDs)
Album: Lethal Injection

[phones ringing, babies crying]
[white guy:] Hi how ya doin' ?
[nurse:] Doctor's office, could you hold please? Yes sir can I help you?
[white guy:] Yes I have a four o'clock appointment, I'm here to get my shot.
[nurse:] Okay, come right with me.
[white guy:] This isn't gonna take too long is it?
[nurse:] Here we are, here have a seat right here.
[white guy:] Oh great, thanks, thanks.
[nurse:] The doctor will be right with you, and can I get you anything?
[white guy:] Uhh maybe a glass of water would be great.
[nurse:] Okay great.
[door shuts]
[white guy:] Damn, what is taking so long?
[door creaks open, funky music in the background]
[doctor Ice Cube:] Yo wussup?
[white guy:] Hi how ya doin' ?
[doctor Ice Cube:] Alright, let's see what we got here uhh, Mr. White huh?
[white guy:] Yes sir that's me.
[doctor Ice Cube:] heh, I heard you don't like shots do ya?
[white guy:] No I sure don't.
[doctor Ice Cube:] Aww you're a big boy uhh this won't hurt a bit,
jus' uhh turn your head...
[white guy:] Let's get this over with.
[doctor Ice Cube:] yeah uhh, rub a little alcohol on there, right here,
for you, and uhh brace yourself!



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Ice Cube Lyrics
Ice Cube Lethal Injection Lyrics

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