Flashdance: Original Soundtrack from the Motion Picture
Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Fame by Irene Cara. Please check back for more Irene Cara lyrics.
Fame Lyrics
Artist: Irene Cara (Buy Irene Cara CDs)
Album: Fame
Baby you look at me
And tell me what you see
You ain't seen the best of me yet
Give me time I'll make you forget the rest
I got more then you
And you can set it free
I can catch the moon in my hand
Don't you know who I am
Remember my name
I'm gonna live for ever
I'm gonna learn how to fly
I feel it coming together
People will see me and cry
I'm gonna make it to heaven
Light up the sky like a flame
I'm gonna live forever
Baby remember my name
Baby you hold me tight
Cause you can make it right
You can shoot me stright to the top
Give me love and take all I got
Baby I'll return
To much is not enough
I can ride your heart till it breaks
Oh I got what it takes
I'm gonna live for ever
I'm gonna learn how to fly
I feel it coming together
People will see me and cry
I'm gonna make it to heaven
Light up the sky like a flame
I'm gonna live forever
Baby remember my name
I'm gonna make it to heaven
Light up the sky like a flame
I'm gonna live forever
Baby remember my name
I'm gonna live for ever
I'm gonna learn how to fly
I feel it coming together
People will see me and cry
I'm gonna make it to heaven
Light up the sky like a flame
I'm gonna live forever
Baby remember my name
(fade out)
Irene Cara Lyrics
Irene Cara Fame Lyrics
More Irene Cara Music Lyrics:
Irene Cara - Breakdance Lyrics
Irene Cara - Flashdance What A Feeling Lyrics
Irene Cara - Out Here On My Own Lyrics
Irene Cara - The Dream (hold On To Your Dream) Lyrics
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i hope i win with the song i am going to be singing for a concert wihch is fame bii write back on hotbeacth_@hotmail.co.uk
these lirics r gud but at the end i got confused cos i wos playing da song on youtube and the words were difrent at da end.
i love this song :)
It sounds like they're singing "cream of puff"...What are they singing?
I love diszz songg andd it painnnss mee 2 knoo theyy stoopeedd theee showww,awwww.
The lyrics in not the same.
im dancing to this song in my school musical my school is mps
this song rox!
i really love this song and i'm planning to sing this in our company's christmas party
its so nice to hear ur songs................tankszszszszscan i meet someday
i lloveeee this songg im sooooooooo happy the madee this songg!!
this song rocks doing play with this in it ;)
i llove this song
I luv the movie I'm so obsesed!!!! Well with the new one with Asher brooks in it yeah I LUV FAMEEEEEEEEE