Jesus Christ Superstar (Original London Concept Recording)
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Peter's Denial Lyrics
Artist: Jesus Christ Superstar (Buy Jesus Christ Superstar CDs)
Album: Jesus Christ Superstar Soundtrack
Maid by the Fire
I think I've seen you somewhere
I remember
You were with that man
They took away
I recognize your face
You've got the wrong man, lady
I don't know him
And I wasn't where
He was tonight
Never near the place
That's strange
For I am sure I saw you with him
You were right by his side
And yet you deny it?
I tell you
I was never ever with him
Old Man
But I saw you too
It looked just like you
I don't know him!!!
Mary Magdalene
Peter don't you know what you have said
You've gone and cut him dead
I had to do it
Don't you see?
Or else they'd go for me
Mary Magdalene
It's what he told us you would do
I wonder how he knew?
Jesus Christ Superstar Lyrics
Jesus Christ Superstar Jesus Christ Superstar Soundtrack Lyrics
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seriously, i was never even there, i don't know what these assholes were talking about
Short and sweet. I've always loved this one.
How many people do we all know who deny the truth? Peter represents all the scared people, the weak overachievers who only pay homage to their heroes when it behooves them?
not really what it could be. also, i know peter wasn't there, he was drinking with me in a pub in oz
soem of you need to stop pretending to be judas and peter and stuff its disrespectful
Like you're a real person...
been there....done that....betrayed
Peter is much like everyone I know. Fear causes us to act in a way we wouldn't normally act. Peter later asked for forgiveness and Christ forgave him. Where were all the other disciples at this point? Gone! At least Peter was still there...
Jeeze guys cool it. He's just a fisherman he didn't do no wrong. So yall best cool it.
Seriously! I agree with person, please don't be disrespectful. Some people (that would be me) find it offensive.
Best part in the rock opera
It was so believable
The actor were brillant