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Sam Hall Lyrics

Artist: Johnny Cash
Album: American IV: The Man Comes Around

Well, my name it is Sam Hall, Sam Hall.
Yes, my name it is Sam Hall; it is Sam Hall.
My name it is Sam Hall an' I hate you, one and all.
An' I hate you, one and all:
Damn your eyes.

I killed a man, they said; so they said.
I killed a man, they said; so they said.
I killed a man, they said an' I smashed in his head.
An' I left him layin' dead,
Damn his eyes.

But a-swingin', I must go; I must go.
A-swingin', I must go; I must go.
A-swingin', I must go while you critters down below,
Yell up: "Sam, I told you so."
Well, damn your eyes!

Instrumental break.

I saw Molly in the crowd; in the crowd.
I saw Molly in the crowd; in the crowd.
I saw Molly in the crowd an' I hollered, right out loud:
" Hey there Molly, ain't you proud?
" Damn your eyes."

Then the Sherriff, he came to; he came to.
Ah, yeah, the Sherriff, he came to; he came to.
The Sherriff, he come to an he said: "Sam, how are you?"
An I said: "Well, Sherriff, how are you,
" Damn your eyes."

My name is Samuel, Samuel.
My name is Samuel, Samuel.
My name is Samuel, an' I'll see you all in hell.
An' I'll see you all in hell,
Damn your eyes.


by mimi on 6/18/2012 1:21am
hahahahahahahahahha....just watched blackthorn!!!!!!!
by Roy on 7/3/2012 4:33pm
Me too, ha ha
by lorale on 9/20/2012 12:37am
I just watched Blackhorn as well, but the song sparked a memory of my father singing that song when I was a kid.

Johnny Cash Lyrics
Johnny Cash American IV: The Man Comes Around Lyrics

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