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Losing My Way Lyrics
Artist: Justin Timberlake (Buy Justin Timberlake CDs)
Album: FutureSex/LoveSounds
Hey excuse me
Hi my name is Bob and I work at my job
I make forty-some dollars a day
I used to be the man in my hometown
'til I started to lose my way
It all goes back to when I dropped out at school
Having fun, I was living the life
But now I got a problem with that little white rock
See I can put down the pipe
And it's breaking me down
Watching the world spin round
While my dreams fall down
Is anybody out there?
It is breaking me down
No more friend around...
And my dreams fall down...
Is anybody out there?
Can anybody out there hear me?
'Cause I can't seem to hear myself
Can anybody out there see me?
'Cause I can't seem to see myself...
There's gotta be a heaven somewhere
Can you save me from this hell?
Can anybody out there feel me?
'Cause I can't seem to feel myself
Losing my way
Keep losing my way...
Keep losing my way...
Can you help me find my way?
Losing my way
Keep losing my way
Keep losing my way...
Can you help me find my way?
Now you gotta understand I was a family man
I would have gave anything for my own
But I couldn't get a grip on my new found itch
So I ended up all alone
I remember where I was when I got my first buzz
See I thought I was living the life
And the craziest thing is I'll probably never know the color of my daughter's
And it is breaking me down
Watching the world spin round
While me dreams fall down
Is anybody out there?
It is breaking me down
No more friend around...
And my dreams fall down...
Is anybody out there?
Can anybody out there hear me?
'Cause I can't seem to hear myself
Can anybody out there see me?
'Cause I can't seem to see myself
There's gotta be a heaven somewhere
Can you save me from this hell?
Can anybody out there feel me?
'Cause I can't seem to feel myself.
Losing my way
Keep losing my way
Keep losing my way
Can you help find my way?
Losing my way
Keep losing my way
Keep losing my way
Can you help me find my way?
Oh my god please forgive me (father hear my pray)
'Cause I know I've done some wrong in this life
If I could do it all again
Have just one more chance
To take all those wrongs and make them right
Can anybody out there hear me?
'Cause I can't seem to hear myself
Can anybody out there see me?
'Cause I can't seem to see myself
There's gotta be a heaven somewhere
Can you save me from this hell
Can anybody out there feel me?
'Cause I can't seem to feel myself.
Can anybody out there hear me?
'Cause I can't seem to hear myself
Can anybody out there see me?
'Cause I can't seem to see myself
There's gotta be a heaven somewhere
Can you save me from this hell
Can anybody out there feel me?
'Cause I can't seem to feel myself
Losing my way
Keep losing my way
Keep losing my way
Can you help me find my way?
Losing my way
Keep losing my way
Keep losing my way
Justin Timberlake Lyrics
Justin Timberlake FutureSex/LoveSounds Lyrics
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Hey Tyrisha. couldnt have said it better.
this song kills it...<3
this song kills it....<3...luv it!!
this song is the best i`ve ever heard.go.......
Amazing song lovee it
apla gamato:)
some of the words are wrong in these lyrics
whos the man in this song like at the end?
Its sad when u c yrself loosin yr way. I love this song tho.
the best song he ever wrote
this song could for so many situations not just drugs.. like alcohol problems or anything that might cause you to lose your way.
i pray for those who have lost thier way and hope God lights their path.
i thank JT for singing a song that touched me.
I love this song <3
i have lived this song.... i was bob. 4 years clean
losing my way best track of all time, best in my collection
me acaban de dedicar esta canci�n y tengo dos alternativas... o me destruye o me engrandece... habr� que pensar...
I was just dedicated this song and I have two alternatives... it may destroy me or it may increase me... I have to think about it...
omg this song is so beautiful (:
i loe itt its extremely sad though; too...
This songs so sad ! ! ! :(
this song just tells it all!
loving ittt ! :D
God, this song really touches the heart...I've had the CD for the longest but never once tried this song....it's beautiful. >.<
Bravo, bravaa... proste skvela praca skveleho cloveka... it�s amazing song.. I really love it... thnx Justin :-* V�aka Justin skvel� pr�ca!
the BEST!
the best song i've ever heard!!!
Najbola pjesma...obozavam ju.......i naravno,Justina........Ni jedna njegova pjesma nije losa...OBOZAVAM GAA!!!
this song is soooo cool i love it!!!it rockS and so does justin timberlake!!!!!!
nas is talking at the end
This song rocks,a round of aplause 4 JT.Therez a heaven out thre dnt give up til u find.God bless.
Awww...! I love this song ! <3
JT, this song is... i don�t have words to xplain that.......keep doing that. love u.........
Elsker den sang <3
this song is the best I have evr heard
I LuV YA JUStINN! 4 All! & NoThInG This Song Is NOT TOO! GOOD...But You're !! So I Like It!
This song is great!!!I have no much to say...It's superb and it beats all songs other artists
i love this song so much i dont normally like justin but this song is HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
The best Justin's song! You are amazing Justin:) I love your style:*
Justin, this realy is your best song ! i love it!
amazing words from justin to everybody
relly i love this song.you always have a great song.just go on
it makes me cry... my father could not find his way till the end... Justin expressed my pain in one song
Awesome song... i can�t say no more
I love this song so much! It is all true! I literally cried the first time i heard this song. This song really tells you what life is.
i love this songg it reminds meof my dad
i think this song is the BOMB! i luv alot! i am so glad someone actual wrote a song that has meanings
i love this song...it's very cool that someone wrote a song about something like that...
I can't describe how much i love this song
beeaautiful and deep.....I have already listened it for hundreds of times
i love it !!!
it's awesome dude !
This Song Is Awesome.
I Have his Album And This Is The Best Song On It By A Long Way.
He Is Just The Best !!!
oh my god this song is amazing!!
yeah you re right its a sad story but it helped people who lives like that. maybe they thinking bout her situation and can find their right way. god bless.
this song is so deep end emotional. I like it...:)
I hear this song and it mae me have chicken skin...WOW.....he should make the video for this song...!! i love justin!!
...is great
gr8 song bout live:D
i love this song so much! i have friends who are invovlved in stuff like that and it just makes you realize how much life is really worth. thank you justin for writing such an amazing song.
This song rocks! It has so much feeling in it!
This track is realla, it feels like your watching a movie.......
e monate pina eee(thiz songs rocks)
Iam lost my way already and I can't really find it again...
this song is hot...i love the beat and the message..
� am favor�te mus�c :P los�ng my way :)
ooo!! this is my favorite song it's so hot woooooow and i love the means of the song i love it i love it i love it it's so coooooool and u too justin timberlake i love u so much bb !!kiss
si tu ne peux po lire ma lettre je vais etre troo triste car tu es mon ame mon coeur je px te donn� tt c ke j'ai eu de la vie car tu es my number 1 you'are the best i swearrrrrrr...chui folle de toi justinnnnn
this song is wonderfull i love it so much it rilly broke my haert
I can say anything other than, this is this best song in the world! I cry when i hear it, love this song so much!
best song ever ....
this is the coolest song i've ever listened the lyrics its just awesome and it's full of messages ......not like other songs i've listened
it is a vry sweet and toughing song
can you please send this lyrics losing my way at crystal.young@yahoo.com
Good Song
Some people like us, feel like Bob, but we are alive, but we are like ghosts in this world.
eskuche mucas buenas kanciones y esta es la mejor de justin my love
Very very good song about our real life. JT is the best!
my dad didnt know the color of my eyes till i was 16.
wish he would have found me earlier
it's the deepest song i've ever heared so it kills your soul it's magic
Justin is the man, this is it
I love justin timberlake.i love all his songs and also his looks
the song is very nice, and i hope that the song touch more people like me
ps: don�t loos your way :-)
perfect lyrics... best i ever heard...
i love this song very much
this song is great.i love justin timberlake.he is my love with my first sight
this song is great.i love justin timberlake.he is my love with my first sight
this song is great.i love justin timberlake.he is my love with my first sight.i am your bigger fan 4 real
Song is fantastic. Love it
the best.
I'm losing my way
Prolly one of his best, ay?! Luv it.
so good song i loveeeeeeeeeeeeede it its good for dare
i have listened to this song for like 100 times in 5 hours. it is lovely
great song, love it....so deep message with clear lyric, it cant be done better than this....jah bleez
you like your living his lyrics, not just the drugs but things that give your reason to live like your dreams, love. never 4get when i first heard this tune
Beautiful song. I've listened in many times recently...<3 Just love it... :D
Best song ever x3
it suns and flowers
das ist nicht ganz richtig^^
But now I got a problem with that little white rock, es hei�t with that little white DRUG...
I would have gave anything for my own, es hei�t I wouldn�t done anything for my own... :-P
I love it
Justin,this is the best song . . .it is like u live what u say . . . .keep doing it like this way . . .my best friend -christy is ccrraazzyy for u she loves u . . . . . . . . . .from beautiful Greece for ever . . . . . !
Justin,this is the best song . . .it is like u live what u say . . . .keep doing it like this way . . .my best friend -christy is ccrraazzyy for u she loves u . . . . . . . . . .from beautiful Greece for ever . . . . . !
my goodness! this song is super freaking great. TOUCHING!! bEAUTIFUL SONG. from South Africa!
oah es hei�t nicht "with that little white rock" sondern "with that little white drug" ! "rock" macht doch gar keinen sinn -.-
aber ansonsten geiles lied :D
I Loveee This Songg!! :D
I Love Every Single One Of His Songs That he Sings!
I'm A Biggg Hugeee Fan Of Hissss!! :D
Can't Wait Untill He Has His Next Concert, Well Going To It :D Haha.
He Is Amazinggggg!! (Meaning FITTT :P) Hahaaa
BEST SONG I love it
its about drug problems?
This song is amazing, being a victim of a family that has been addicted to crack; this song makes a differnce, its beautifully written and the beat makes the song even more fantastic!
i love this song so muuuch !
and i love JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE !!!
I like the song ^^
its a soo nyc song ..i luv it
I love this song so . . .touched !every time that i'm mess in my mind i hear this song!great song i love it! And i love justine!
I love this song so . . .touched !every time that i'm mess in my mind i hear this song!great song i love it! And i love justine!
i like thiz song so mac its all my story
again am back thiz song inspire me so mac dedicate 2 angela renathe luc simplice and all my class mate at lyce de kicukiro cao
ohhh this song kills me <3 i luv luv luv it ^^
really greattttt every word sound clicking
every word in this song is what every human has felt at some point. It goes back to the beginning of time, we were created to have joy, to be full, but we (including me) continue to run to things in our lives that don't sustain, that don't fulfill. And maybe they do for a moment but once the high, adrenaline rush, night, relationship is over we're left empty and crushed. broken and confused. alone. like this song cires out. there's gotta be more to life! there's something more! I need to be full, my heart longs to have TRUE, MEANINGFUL LIFE! I've tried it all, money, friends, relationships, alcohol, parties, popularity, status. I love it but it never loves me back.
We were created for something more...why am i here?
yessssssssssssssss this song is very very nice ! justin timbarlake is a good artiste
this is th story of my life guys
i just want 2 say thx 2 all my fans all over the world much love from me =)
i love this song it rocks lol i love u justin timberlake keep doing ur thang. lol love u!!!!!!!!
i love J.T and this song is amazing!!!!!!
Glad to see timberlake put his talents into telling other stories than those about picking up a beautiful girl. The world needs to reconnect with what's important in life, and love is a thousand other things than boy meets girl. thumbs up for this one JT
didn't think it was Justin but hey tyt track and all...it helped me find my way back after a long mourning period
That song says alot to the world and how families are being messed up by drugs and the lack to take control of our lives.So I think that Justin Timberlake really touched on the problem with drugs and how kids should not think drugs is cool and that they should follow the wrong crowd and distroy their lives.
One more thing before i go i just wanted to say that Justin Timberlake your wonderful and I admire you in every thing you and the way you always put your family first i respect that in you.KEEP THE FAITH BABY! LUV YOURS TRULY Esther Dennis 13 years of age:D
i love J.T and this song's simply awesome...
Justin Timberlake is much, much better than that kid Justin, Bieber it was?
great song he is the best, icry with this song
this song is an example of the youth today.so in my country (mozambique) this song could be a national hym.keep going
THIS IS MY FAV SONG ilove it!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the best song by timberlake
cool song man.........
every time i hear this song,i feel like i am going to put some tears on the floors,this song don't speak only about drugs problems,but every time we lost our ways in this life ,we felt lonely,sad and helpless,so we need to rely on what is really important in this life,family,friend,and religion.....so thx Mr Timberlake...the best song ever .....
ok firstly this song only is talking about drugs... 1 drug to be exact crystal meth... but you can listen to this song and use it to help urself in ur own life...
dont get me wrong great song fav on the album.
the song is one of the best JT keep it up man
Wel, i thnk JT toks bwt illuminati, how he asks 4 4gvnes n another chance to GOD ...JT says "theres gotta be a heaven somewher, cn u sav m frm this hell"...he asks GOD 2 free hm up 4rm hell...!..wel other than that, i lov the song!
Jt ur rock in this song ....................... Brillant
The most beautiful and meaningful song I've ever heard. And it's not only about drugs, you can relate it to any situation in your life, when you feel that you are losing your way. I'm not drug addicted, but I often feel sad and lonely,I feel like I'm losing myself, and this song helps me to feel better. Thank you Justin, you are my favourite artist!!!
nice song. i feel it
He shoulda eaten corn on the cob,while his name is bob,then lost his job.His best friend is named rob,when he hits him he'll sob.so let him be.Fit it to the T.
Sayin' haa, mah name is bob, aa like to eat corn on the cob,have a friend named rob, made him sob,and thats why i got fired from my job.
love this song
this song is simply the best of justin's T. work. dedicated to all lost souls and our recent WHITNEY HOUSTON R.I.P
I keep losin my taaaaaaaaaaaaasste in muuuuuuuuuuuuuuusic oooooooooooooooooooooh!
Its for people that need some help
can relate tnxs justin pre.
justin u luk lik a perfect british man sud look....luv ya...nd ur song mirrors dats AWESOME
justin u luk lik any perfect british man sud look....luv ya...nd ur song mirrors dats AWESOME
juo have thou have juor self ounfore thuo live and not frome a other of frome mmohabim uchi bible date 14 05 2013
this song is awesomeee....its making me lose my way at work.headphones all day.
I love this song ❤ It sometimes describes my feelings :) And JT is an amazing singer :)
I rily love this song to the max J.T u r ds man.... Lots of luv.