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O.P.P. Lyrics
Artist: Naughty By Nature (Buy Naughty By Nature CDs)
Album: Naughty By Nature
Army with harmony
Dave drop a load on 'em
OPP, how can I explain it
I'll take you frame by frame it
To have y'all jumpin' shall we singin' it
O is for Other, P is for People scratchin' temple
The last P...well...that's not that simple
It's sorta like another way to call a cat a kitten
It's five little letters that are missin' here
You get on occassion at the other party
As a game 'n it seems I gotta start to explainin'
Bust it
You ever had a girl and met her on a nice hello
You get her name and number and then you feelin' real mellow
You get home, wait a day, she's what you wanna know about
Then you call up and it's her girlfriend or her cousin's house
It's not a front, F to the R to the O to the N to the T
It's just her boyfriend's at her house (Boy, that's what is scary)
It's OPP, time other people's what you get it
There's no room for relationship there's just room to hit it
How many brothers out there know just what I'm gettin' at
Who thinks it's wrong 'cos I'm splittin' and co-hittin' at
Well if you do, that's OPP and you're not down with it
But if you don't, here's your membership
You down with OPP (Yeah you know me) 3X
Who's down with OPP (Every last homie)
You down with OPP (Yeah you know me) 3X
Who's down with OPP (All the homies)
As for the ladies, OPP means something gifted
The first two letters are the same but the last is something
It's the longest, loveliest, lean-- I call it the leanest
It's another five letter word rhymin' with cleanest and meanest
I won't get into that, I'll do it...ah...sorta properly
I say the last P...hmmm...stands for property
Now lady here comes a kiss, blow a kiss back to me, now tell me
Have you ever known a brother who have another like ah girl or wife
And you just had to stop and just 'cos he look just as nice
You looked at him, he looked at you and you knew right away
That he had someone but he was gonna be yours anyway
You couldn't be seen with him and honestly you didn't care
'Cos in a room behind a door no one but y'all are there
When y'all are finish, y'all can leave and only y'all would know
And then y'all could throw the skeleton bones right in the closet do'
Now don't be shocked 'cos if you're down I want your hands up high
Say OPP (OPP) I like to say with pride
Now when you do it, do it well and make sure that it counts
You're now down with a discount
You down with OPP (Yeah you know me) 3X
Who's down with OPP (Every last lady)
You down with OPP (Yeah you know me) 3X
Who's down with OPP (All the ladies)
This girl ah tried to OPP me
I had a girl and she knew that matter-of-fact my girl was partner's
Had a fall out, disagreement, yeah an argument
She tried to do me so we did it in my apartment, bust it
That wasn't the thing it must have been the way she hit the ceiling
'Cos after that she kept on coming back and catchin' feelings
I said, "Let's go my girl is coming so you gotta leave"
She said, "Oh no, I love you Treach" I said, "Now child please"
You gots to leave, come grab your coat, right now you gotta go
I said now look you to the stairs and to the stairwindow
This was a thing, a little thing, you shouldn't have put your heart
'Cos you know I was OPP, hell from the very start
Come on, come on, now let me tell you what it's all about
When you get down, you can't go 'round runnin' off at the mouth
That's rule number one in this OPP establishment
You keep your mouth shut and it won't get back to her or him
Exciting isn't it, a special kinda business
Many of you will catch the same sorta OPP is you with
Him or her for sure is going to admit it
When OPP comes, damn-- skippy I'm with it
You down with OPP (Yeah you know me) 3X
Who's down with OPP (This whole party)
You down with OPP (Yeah you know me) 3X
Who's down with OPP (This whole party)
Break it down!
Naughty By Nature Lyrics
Naughty By Nature Naughty By Nature Lyrics
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yeah it's a real shit
the bigbang of the RAP
get OPP yeah
like this shit:D
this is tha shit my man...
I need some cross color jeans and a pair of britishknights to truly enjoy this song :)
Hey i still dont know wat opp means!! Wat is it someone Email the meaning to me at footbalmiles567@aim.com
There's a lot of little differences in the song and these lyrics, it's enough to make me say g'damn if you're going to put lyrics make them 'zactly how the song goes. Whatevs, the song is/has been/always will be bangin'
If u can't figure it, don't think u deserve to kno ... lol
haha my aim is dedicated to this song
cause im down with opp
Shiznit is right...
If you didn't understand what the song is about after reading the lyrics
your a definitely not down with O.P.P.
I'm down with O.P.P.
sure =DDD
After reading these posts, I can only come to one conclustion...YOU'RE ALL GAY.
the song is tight cos OPP is the other of the day now.
Naughty by nature ownsss
O.P.P. means other people property.
listen to the lyrics and youll see what i mean
hit of my childhood, and still alive and kickin' :)
Other People's Penises
alright, if OPP means "Other People's Penises" for dude, what about the ladies? does it mean "Other People's Panties" or what? Email me at Inuyashaluvskagome2006@yahoo.com
it does mean other peoples penises
it doesnt matter if your a guy or a girl
thats just what it means
Cmon.. yall cant think of another 5 letter word that starts with a P for girls (hint: not panties.) Read the lyrics again- im sure you'll figure it out!!
Other People's P _ _ _ y
for tha homies
Other People's P _ _ _ s
for the ladies
Property for the whole party
I got fuuull membership with that shittt
good song hah
i'm not w/ teh oop...what the hell does this all mean?!
looked this up from lyrics in a book (a long way gone,memories of a boy soldier)...wouldn't've otherwise.
Glad to see that someone was finally able to get it. Seems like hopefly was the only one to get that shit fully correct.
yall r dumd its Other People's Property
property can mean pu$$y 4 da homies and 4 da ladies its Penises
down now and forever wit OPP
Omg u ppl r slow! Hopefly explained it- now get it
The song should actually be called STD because that is what you're gonna get with OPP. All of you who think OPP is cool probably have it and your "property" is probably dirty as hell.
Other People's Poop! I'm down wid it! Yo...er somethin'.
OPP is a drug, look it up.
its down for otgher peoples propertyyyyyy listen to the song wellll...durrrrrrrr
so the song is about adding two bay leafs to the stock right? It's worked wonders for my stew...I'm down with OPP for life!
Come on man, it sorta like another way to call a cat a kitten, get with it.
but it's five little letters that your missing ;)
I'm sure all those people acting like they don't know what it means and want the answer sent to their email are spammers. They get it, but now they're tryin' to get YOU. =P ...don't send them sh!t.
Other Peoples Property( or Pussie )
oh shit : these guys are real good they rap so fast :they rap like me **************** but tupac is greater
dr dre
that shit is bangin!
Da Bomb
if u dont know what OPP means, u REALLY dont deserve to know :)
Oh, now I get it!!!
Ha ha i get it now. :D i may be dumb but i'm not ugly thats for sure ha ha notss. :D
Can't be down with OPP if you're a Christian.
These guys were real heavy weights.......ahead of their time
I cant believe am just understanding the rap. almost 20yrs after. cool sh*t. lol
No wonder we're all in trouble. Now I get it. Is this the way all blacks talk?
Things that make you go hmmmm??????? Other people's property...people are not material possessions... nobody "owns" anybody...just sayin'
This song rocks!
da shit!!
i'm down wit OPP. As long as she don't say shit, then it's all good.
New Zealand playaz booee!
im down wit other peoples property but shit yall r nasty
now comes a kiss, blow a kiss back 2 me tell exactly...lol
yeah u know me!!!
Cos u knew i down with opp up from the very start.lol
You people who don't get it are d**c**s I'm 13 and I get it
It's crazy. This song is relevant. happy to go it.
fuckin brilliant
Every body on here are shit heads
Ya know i like just about every kind of music. But I never like being lied to. What goes around comes around. If you you like being lied to, used, stolen from, and wronged in every area of your life. Just buy into this load of crap. Its coming.
who cares?! just think wat u think! have an opinion. idc wat it is cuz no matter wat o.p.p. stands for its still a great song:)
Not down with O.P.P.
If you're now down with a discount, I don't have ton of respect for you.
This song is great. It has a cool sample, NO cursing and an important message. One of the best raps songs ever!
This song it mostly bad coz no meaningfully dfnition(opp)
source of happines. You down with OPP (Yeah you know me)
Incredible song, but none of these lyric sites have it right. it's a saying we OGs used to use when we got over; "you're downtown with a discount"
To Dennis,
What you don't know how to read!! It has a meaning. Other peoples property. A catchy way of talking about sneaking around and not getting caught!! Damn you wack!!
Eso no se hace!!!
It means other peoples pussies in the first part for the guys,
And in the second when he blatantly addresses the ladies it means penises.
Yeahhhh you down with o.p.p you have to know me...
Cum Cum Boys and girls.We all should know what o.p.p. is by reading the lyrics.Cause we should all be down with a discount.
and these days artists be writing lyrics that don't tell me anything and i cant relate to that nonsense. get down with o.p.p.
This song is straight fire. Lyrical genius by the Naughty Boys. Props ya'll
In 20 years time i am going to cover this song and make a gwap coz i am down wiv it and it will always be ahead of the time and remain relevant!!
The songs a about having flings and not being caught
ts cul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's discusting!!!!
I like to get jiggy with O.P.P.
nothin like glorifying the shit out of theft!
Can't believe I just got to understand this song 20yrs after....Duh..the shit is hot..
dis is da shiyat!!
Just heard this song yesterday, the meaning is in the lyrics, anybody who can't see it is dumb as shit.
Nigga am down wit OPP. . . . . . . . That's exactly how lyric should be. . . . . . . Halloooooooo
That's when i began to feel a new style in hip hop,and my mind has been on top of hip hop and never stop listening to hip hop or lov hip hop
opp, was the real bomb. Can't get enough of it.
O.P.P is good, but could lead to S.T.I and A.I.D
Who the fuck listed these lyrics here?? You are so fucking far off it is embarassing.
what do you guys not understand
You r some bunch of mf*ing niggers herre!
Ngomong opo bae arek arek iki,aku gak mudeng
Yeahhhh Boiiiiii !
love this, learnt most of the lyrics on tape cassette in the early 90's by playing and rewinding it about a million times i still 60% correct, great to finally find out the full lyrics tyvm
the group got nominated for a grammy bacuse of this song
Wow, I used to love this song. Now that I understand what it is about I am really ashamed. There's nothing good in glorifying this kind of stuff man, straight up.
Love dis song...love NBN...
Ma idol. OPP for lyf. Undisputed!
Opp for life real shit. Real hip hop
Good ol' shit men! Sweeter than these modern noises on our radios. Tight Jam.
The music is really good, I bought the CD single back in '91, but I'm definitely NOT down with O.P.P.!
OPP Is A Political Chant For Opposition Political Parties. It Was Used By Green Libyan Youths In Beng'hanzi.
Arm me with harmony. Not Army with Harmony.
They jacked it up. Oh well.
I'm down.
Always down for OPP
by hopefly on 12/1/2008 6:13pm
Other People's P _ _ _ y
for tha homies
Other People's P _ _ _ s
for the ladies
I heard this song when it first came out, it was fun but I never knew the meaning because I was a 15 yr old virgin.:P I danced to it when the video came on (that's right, MTV had videos after school). Anyway....thanks to the post above I finally get it. I thought it was just "property" for the last 22 yrs!!
OPP= For the ladies Other Peoples P_ _ _ Y another name for a cat. (uss) fill in the blank duh. OPP in other words equals another guys lady. So she is cheating on him and you are taking a chance of gettin yo butt beat or worse. This was my jam in the day. It a player song. To Sum it up= you do not care who, what, where, or when as long as you gettin sum.
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