Music from the Motion Picture
Music from the Motion Picture "Purple Rain"

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segue (IV) Lyrics

Artist: Prince (Buy Prince CDs)
Album: Exodus

(Fighting broke out overnight between rival factions along the Israeli-Syrian border)
Mmm, ahh, ahh
(Initial reports claim Israeli jet fighters bombed a guerilla base)
(Killing at least 49 soldiers and 13 civilians)
Ahh, please honey, let's just stop 4 a minute
(Damage 2 the base is said 2 be heavy)
Uh, I just can't deal
Ah, oh baby, what's the matter?
(And the Israeli jets are reported 2 have made it back 2 the Israeli border safely)
Hmm, I guess I, I just got a lot on my mind
Damn, why don't U just turn the TV off!?
(A 49-year-old unidentified man went berzerk last night)
Old NBA no ballin' ass mo'fo'
(Opening fire with a 12-gauge shotgun in a crowded downtown restaurant)
Turn the TV off!
Uh, nevermind, I'll turn it off my muthafuckin' self!
(14 people are dead including 3 children, 4 others suffered serious injuries)
{Sonny T. shoots TV}
Dang, what'd U do that 4?
U need a hug or somethin'?
I don't know
Don't worry, it'll be alright
Yeah, I count the days


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Prince Lyrics
Prince Exodus Lyrics

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