...Like Clockwork
...Like Clockwork

Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Flash (Flash's Theme) by Queen. Please check back for more Queen lyrics.

Flash (Flash's Theme) Lyrics

Artist: Queen (Buy Queen CDs)
Album: Flash Gordon

Words and music by Brian May

Flash - Ah - Saviour of the universe
Flash - Ah - He'll save ev'ry one of us
Seemingly there is no reason for these
Extraordinary intergalactical upsets (ha ha ha)
What's happening Flash?
Only Dr Hans Zarkov formerly at N A S A
Has provided any explanation
Flash - Ah - He's a miracle
This mornings unprecedented solar eclipse
Is no cause for alarm
Flash - Ah - King of the impossible
He's for ev'ry one of us
Stand for ev'ry one of us
He'll save with a mighty hand
Ev'ry man ev'ry woman ev'ry child
With a mighty Flash
General Kaka Flash Gordon approaching
What do you mean Flash Gordon approaching?
Open fire all weapons
Dispatch war rocket Ajax to bring back his body

Flash - Ah
Gordon's alive
Flash - Ah - He'll save ev'ry one of us
Just a man with a man's courage
He knows nothing but a man
But he can never fail
No one but the pure in heart
May find the golden grail oh oh oh oh
Flash Flash I love you
But we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth



by Kelsey on 5/22/2008 2:57pm
I love this song..just the beginning though..
my dad got me into Queen songs n i love them now!! =]
by boog on 10/18/2008 1:13pm
i love flash hes very beatiful and an exprodinary person. I love u flash marry me.
by Kuchcik on 1/26/2009 7:02pm
A great hero was the Flash. In reality we can find only smaller heros. Small hero need more help to win the evil. We should clinig togather, to live.
by thisisscary on 1/28/2011 9:39am
i take it at least two of you are now mass murderers?
by Rawr on 8/30/2013 11:14am
Well i sure am
by lolcats&dogs on 2/15/2016 8:33pm
this was good#dont care about the old flashhh#new flash is hotter and is better

Queen Lyrics
Queen Flash Gordon Lyrics

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