Rage Against the Machine
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Freedom Lyrics
Artist: Rage Against The Machine (Buy Rage Against The Machine CDs)
Album: Freedom
Pull, pull
Wuh! (Sung sorta like Michael Jackson)
Come on!
Solo, I'm a soloist on a solo list
All live, never on a floppy disk
Inka, inka, bottle of ink
Paintings of rebellion
Drawn up by the thoughts I think
Come on!
The militant poet in once again, check it
It's set up like a deck of cards
They're sending us to early graves
For all the diamonds
They'll use a pair of clubs to beat the spades
With poetry I paint the pictures that hit
More like the murals that fit
Don't turn away
Get in front of it
Brotha, did ya forget ya name?
Did ya lose it on the wall
Playin' tic-tac-toe?
Yo, check the diagonal
Three brothers gone
Come on
Doesn't that make it three in a row?
Spoken quietly: "Anger is a gift"
Come on!
(Guitar solo)
Check that!
Come on
Brotha, did ya forget ya name?
Did ya lose it on the wall
Playin' tic-tac-toe?
Yo, check the diagonal
Three million gone
Come on
'Cause they're counting backwards to zero
The environment exceeding on the level
Of our unconciousness
For example
What does the billboard say
Come and play, come and play
Forget about the movement
Spoken quietly: "Anger is a gift"
Awww, bring that shit in!
Freedom...yea right...
Yea right!
Rage Against The Machine Lyrics
Rage Against The Machine Freedom Lyrics
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its people like you, "you are a fruit" that should go die and make this world a better place.
What do these lyrics even mean to you?
poetry for freedom, freedom!
love raaaage
This song is about how were fucking killed for no reason, and how the government feeds us propoganda to try to get us to forget what we stand for (freedom)
FREEEEEDOM!!!! fuck Bush, btw... :P
this song rocks but have u guys heard bulls on parade?
everybody wants freedom but you cant have it when your dead.
thats why they made this song and why its lyrics dont really rhyme
ratm sucks balls its like my dog doing a shit i fucking hate this band
Hey, this is to the guy above me: fuck you, you donkey ball licking gorilla shit eating douche bag, ratm is awesome.
Ok guys... I think that's enough!!! Just try to show some sublimeness and not to reply to people who just don't want even to try to get the point of those lyrics. This song (as I have made out) was based on the story of Leonard Peltier, who is an American - Indian activist, who is now in prison, in my opinion that's so sad.
Watch the video at youtube: "rage against the machine - freedom"
P.S. Sorry about my English...
this is about that guy who was locked for nothing from the Sioux Reservation
If sung with meaning it might come from an unrighteous dictator seeking power and dominion over a righteous group of believers that defend their land, liberty, peace, wives, and children. Great song for a guy name Amalakiah...google it. Nufced
RATM in my opinon is one of the greatest bands of all time, because of this one song and video Bill Clinton nearly pardoned Loenard in the 90's but pressure from the Fed's and ther families and others stopped it. Rage thank u for coming back this land of Freedom really needs your voice again!
freedom.. for mumia
ratm owns is a mofo i hate it thats right IT any way i dont actually hate ratm im actually the person who goes by tom and ratm rock
Freedom doesnt exist, we're still governed by rules, laws, and fuck off are we aloud freedom of speech?
is bullshit.
Rage, live on :)
fuck everyone who hates a band, with an actual purpose.
awwwwwww yeaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RATM Btchzz!
While i do agree that people should be free, the level of freedom people seem to expect is a little extreme. You shouldnt be allowed to do whatever you want, rule and regulations are their to stop people from getting raped, murdered ect. While our system isnt perfect and never will be, i can guarantee that an anarchy would be ten times worse than a govered society.
The fact of the matter is that people want to hurt each other. We need to be coerced not too.
If we were all aware of our true self and how much more there is to reveal about the make up of the whole universe(which is not that hard to learn about....its really how far down the rabbit hole do you wana go), all the awakened would use their energy for good use for all the souls of the world and therefore evolve into a more positive environment for all.Dont agree?Just google david icke or Dr Michael Sharp. Awaken&Empower!
True Freedom is when you can do whatever you want as long as you don't affect someone else's freedom ie kill them, rape them, ect
Also I thought for this line:
Brotha, did ya forget ya name?
Did ya lose it on the wall
Playin' tic-tac-toe?
the "on the wall" sounds like during the war to me, anyone else hear that?
For the record Rage does not only promote hatred yet they could as this country is sooo full of stupidity, racisim, and very little peace it seems. By the way if you liked this song check other Rage songs most notably: Killing in the name, and Bulls on parade which is a Powerful song. If you like bands that speak of political issues you may also enjoy SYSTEM OF A DOWN. BTW fuck bush!!!
i think that song was good but i don't get it when she/he says its set up like a deck of cards to send us to are early graves. it sounds like freedom is to sort.
When, HE ZACH DE LA ROCHA says "Its set up like a deck of cards, They're sendin us to early graves" it means we are all as faceless and as randomly fucked over like a deck of cards. Whether a king, queen, ace of spades or a two of hearts, greed filled people dont care they just want to get to their goal by any means
Rage against the machine is amazing and if u liked this check the video for sleep now in the fire. They played on wallstreet and got arrested for it. Freedom of speech? Where'd it go? Haha any way good song an it shows how far these guys will go for what they believe in and what I think is a pretty good idea
Guys, vote for Leonard Peltier to get free! I don't know if you can do it using the net, but I hope the new president of America is gonna hear our voices! Leonard's illegaly in prison since the late 70's... He's long paying for a crime never commited!
freedom is a state of mind!!! and rage against the machine..they are really good band with an original sound and style...its just a poetry to a state of mind.
fuck yh!!!!!!!!!!
*headbangs then become intellectually stimulated*
Ahh, I love you RATM XD
freedom isn't free, unfortunately...
in response to true freedom yes i also think i heard 'on the war but i heard planes as well '
'did ya lose it on the warplanes playin tic tac toe' ?
This dude tries soooooo hard to be angry. I can never get past how silly he sounds.
Freedom cost a buck o five
yeahhhh, RATM Rocks......guess we all should clame for freedom as they do on this song.....and damn right...anger is a gift....
Best fucking band in the world. ALL RAGE HATERS CAN SUCK A CHODE!
Freedom was bought and sold by the Repugs in 2000. We started the millenium without it. The Occupy movement is the beginning of reclamation unless the fascists who run the country start busting heads. If we don't fight back IN A RAGE.......they will win and freedom will never return.Keep raging ....maybe the people WILL win.
Brotha, did ya forget ya name?
Did ya lose it on the wall
Playin' tic-tac-toe?
this is a reference to dying in war, when you die your name is put on a memorial/wall and "tic-tac-toe" is the noise a gun makes
upon facing death you loose freedom