Rage Against the Machine
Rage Against the Machine

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WAKE UP Lyrics

Artist: Rage Against The Machine (Buy Rage Against The Machine CDs)
Album: Rage Against The Machine

Come on!

Come on, although ya try to discredit
Ya still never edit
The needle, I'll thread it
Radically poetic
Standin' with the fury that they had in '66
And like E-Double I'm mad
Still knee-deep in the system's shit
Hoover, he was a body remover
I'll give ya a dose
But it'll never come close
To the rage built up inside of me
Fist in the air, in the land of hypocrisy

Movements come and movements go
Leaders speak, movements cease
When their heads are flown
'Cause all these punks
Got bullets in their heads
Departments of police, the judges, the feds
Networks at work, keepin' people calm
You know they went after King
When he spoke out on Vietnam
He turned the power to the have-nots
And then came the shot

Yeah, back in this...
Wit' poetry, my mind I flex
Flip like Wilson, vocals never lackin' dat finesse
Whadda I got to, whadda I got to do to wake ya up
To shake ya up, to break the structure up
'Cause blood still flows in the gutter
I'm like takin' photos
Mad boy kicks open the shutter
Set the groove
Then stick and move like I was Cassius
Rep the stutter step
Then bomb a left upon the fascists
Yea, the several federal men
Who pulled schemes on the dream
And put it to an end
Ya better beware
Of retribution with mind war
20/20 visions and murals with metaphors
Networks at work, keepin' people calm
Ya know they murdered X
And tried to blame it on Islam
He turned the power to the have-nots
And then came the shot

What was the price on his head?
What was the price on his head!

I think I heard a shot
I think I heard a shot
I think I heard a shot
I think I heard a shot
I think I heard a shot
I think I heard, I think I heard a shot

'He may be a real contender for this position should he
abandon his supposed obediance to white liberal doctrine
of non-violence...and embrace black nationalism'
'Through counter-intelligence it should be possible to
pinpoint potential trouble-makers...And neutralize them,
neutralize them, neutralize them'

Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

How long? Not long, cause what you reap is what you sow


by anonymous on 5/21/2008 10:44pm
GOOD! glad this sight has the full lyrics instead of having you look back in the song all the time!
by tarhamed@yahoo.fr on 6/2/2008 10:50am
I used to listen to RATM a long time ago.i wish they can make it and come to Tunisia for a big gig,they have quite a lot of fan here.
Bravo Rage!!!
by Native Powr96 on 7/22/2008 4:39pm
People watch to much TV when something happens and they are a part of it they are to lazy to do anything about it!!!!
by oscar anaya on 8/4/2008 7:06am
when will the hypocracy of this established order be opossed as it is by rage ... When will any one ever speak to obtain the justice that has not been done ... WHEN !!! People need to open there eyes and realize the brainwashing that higher power causes ... Dont folow ... Lead ... Anger is a gift
by ronaldo on 10/7/2008 5:42am
damn! is this band is an activist?
seems to me that its all about the cruelty of the government to me though..
by Ben on 11/26/2008 8:30pm
Anger leads to hate...hate leads to
the dark side.
by Don on 12/29/2008 6:50pm
It should have read: "They turned the power to the half notch...then came the shot!"
by jerzon on 2/12/2009 9:13am
yeah! RATM rockz..
by no one on 3/21/2009 7:05am
@ ronaldo:
The band IS an activist, but they have one song: "Renegades of Funk", that I believe has no activism involved. If it does, it's still a fun song.
by mark on 4/4/2009 7:26am
'they turned the power to the have-nots'

They, the revolutionaries, wanted to give the power of decision making to the have-nots... the people.

For their efforts, they are 'assassinated' by 'lone-nutters' aka mind-controlled agents of the state.
by mike on 5/7/2009 11:44pm
they killed JFK, they killed King, they killed John Lennon...but they won't kill Obama because they got him elected!
by tim on 1/7/2010 11:17am
@ben hahahaha
by BIGTOCARD on 10/18/2010 2:43pm
yeah ! this band rocks !
they are from far one of the greatest of the century just'cause of their messages and attitude !!!

i was a bit disapointed by their new album (not "new" anymore) "battle of los angeles" :/

it's not the same thing than in
the first and the second :(

but they have what it takes to "break the structure up" (like they said in an other song,i don't remenber wich one ^^')

love r.a.t.m !!!!!
by vin on 11/5/2010 8:52pm
BIGTOCARD....The Battle Of Los Angeles has no messages?? Did you listen to Voices Of The Voiceless... Guerilla Radio.. Sleep Now In The Fire?? Actually the whole CD has meaning..listen carefully!
by nachoz on 12/6/2010 7:24pm
people need to wake up to this shit. i bet there are thousands of rage fans out there who dont even realise the message behind half these songs, the true message.im a hiphop head myself, but i was trying to tell a mate at school about this blatant injustice that governs society, and he actually understood.
he showed me rage and i was surpirsed to find another band from the punk rock genre who are also AWARE
its good to know there are more and more people waking up to the truth each day, and its great to see people actually listening to lyrics these days and finding the true message through their ingenious poetry and sound


and to oscar anaya......... anger is not a gift. it is only that kind of thinking which keeps THEM in power, life is far easier if you aim to please and be happy.

our conscious shapes our reality. positivety protects my mindframe
by morrello:) on 12/12/2010 4:57pm
@"no one"

posted ages ago i know but the album that song comes from is ENTIRELY covers... which is why there is less activism in that album :)

but it still has rage written all over it :D
by crazyradical on 10/17/2011 3:55pm
power to the have nots!
by nachoz on 10/21/2011 11:57pm
oh also i'm a big fuckin retarded idiot because I think that I'm the only person who gets the TRUE MESSAGE and that I'm somehow special or smarter than other people because I get my political views from music
by nutcase on 12/21/2011 9:26pm
It's called elitist controlling the world. Through a network of corporate crooks hoping to someday have a fascist world, bilderburg group, secrets of the media. Obama deception! Wake up is all, or not..
by Ando on 3/7/2012 8:56pm

You claim to really listen to the music, then tell oscar that anger is not a gift.

'Anger is a gift' is a line from RATM
by mannen on 9/19/2012 5:24pm
more and more people waking up every day? you realize this have been out for 20 years right?

Rage Against The Machine Lyrics
Rage Against The Machine Rage Against The Machine Lyrics

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