Greatest Hits Volume 1
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I'm Movin' On Lyrics
Artist: Rascal Flatts (Buy Rascal Flatts CDs)
Album: Rascal Flatts
(Phillip White/Vincent Williams)
I've dealt with my ghosts and faced all my demons
Finally content with a past I regret
Ive found you find strength in your moments of weakness
For once Im at peace with myself
Ive been burdened with blame, trapped in the past for too long
Im movin on
Ive lived in this place and I know all the faces
Each one is different but theyre always the same
They mean no harm but its time that I face it
Theyll never allow me to change
But I never dreamed home would end up where I dont belong
Im movin on
Im movin on
At last I can see life has been patiently waiting for me
And I know theres no guarentees, but Im not alone
There comes a time in everyones life
When all you can see are the years passing by
And I have made up my mind that those days are gone
I sold what I could and packed what I couldnt
Stopped to fill up on my way out of town
Ive loved like I should but lived like
I shouldnt
I had to lose everything to find out
Maybe forgiveness will find me somewhere down this road
Im movin on
Im movin on
Im movin on
Rascal Flatts Lyrics
Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Lyrics
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This song reminds me of my break up getitng through the hard days...
<3 the heartborken
this is a pretty sweet song my and my cousin Katie are singing it soon
this song is like my favorite song now and WOW it has such a BIG effect on me during this time in my life.
Isn't it amazing how true this song is to how so many people are living their own lives? In all the situations that have made us feel so small, we've actually gained so much. If you don't learn to let them go, you'll never be able to change, and move on with your life.
you guys are so right. this is so inspirationtional. like i mean wow, when my monkey ran away from me i didnt know how i was going to make it through the days, but this song truely did it for me, thanks.
oh and when i played this song, my monkey came back from africa and found me. i wouldnt be able to live without this song. thanks so much <3 butchmonkey.
i feel like this song fits my life of addiction. to a t. cept i havent moved on yet.
im dealing with my ghosts and demons.
im almost content with my past.
i dunno.. i feel like this is a song that i will lsiten to in the future and it will remind me of the fact that i listened to this song in the past and it told my future. ha i dunno
Went through a similar experience recently. My girlfriend just couldnt get over the fact that she wasnt the one for me.
In fact the truth is, I am in love with her sister. Didnt mean for it to happen, we just got close one stormy evening and one thing led to another and now we are expecting our first child. Funny how things happen like that.
I love her dearly, and we have even invited her sister to the wedding. She dont seem to want to go though, and it troubles my heart enormously cause I really do care for her so much.
Wish i were content with my demons cause my demons seem to have a demon like hold over me and as long as demons control your life youll always have demon like behaviors to contend with. And that isnt a life you want to have cause Ive been there before and i dont wanna go on with those demons controlling every aspect of my life cause if i do ill always have that to look foward to and i dont think that is healthy or a normal way to eliminate the demons in your life or soul cause i dont think anyone can go on with those demons running a perfectly good future you might have if it werent for having those demons in your past and future.
I think the demons in the songs are the demons of life.
Anyone who has loved and lost and felt the need to relocate just to find eventual peace can relate to these lyrics. I worked harder than i loved and lost the on ething that was most important, my true love. Everything else ended up falling as well. hopefully for those of us who have had this experience can learn from it and realize that live is patiently waiting for us and the we can find forgiveness somewhre down this road...this song is my life 100% for the past 9 months....love harder than you work
It's funny how everything I'm feeling that I can't put into words are right there in those lyrics.
i have found my song. :) these lyrics are amazing. i have been changing so much and learning and growing, and trying to accept and let go of all of the major changes in my life within the last year...this is such a powerful song. i love reading that i am not alone in how i feel right now. <3
this song helped me to forget tha past and moving on . thnks so much (:
i love the lyrics they are so right!
This song is very inspirational to me of a very rough time in life when I was hooked to drugs! Growing up and living in the same town with all my friends who were in the same situation however they never got away and never changed :( ....Ive moved on!! LOVE THIS SONG!
Wow. I remember this song from sixth grade. now this is my second year of college and it fits so well. I have regrets and hurts that have hindered me and my relationships. There are so many people i've loved but i've changed and grown so much... i dont do those things anymore and i have a new life. but theyre right - they dont let you change. I think im finally seeing that ive changed and its time to move on... i think this will be my last Christmas home... i think im gonna have to move out for good. i might stay in California which is definatly where i dont belong - i love the south, im a GRIT. but i need to move on - i have a life to live and i cant let my past hold me down any longer.
This song is my anthem, I moved to Montana from NJ because I felt it was where I belonged and I had out-grown the small town attitude I had while growing up in rural Sussex County, NJ. I love MT, have struggled here, but this truly is where I belong......
I hear this song and it brings tears to me because it reminds me of everything that I have gone through in the past 6 months or so. Two very hard break ups, one of whom I was deeply in love with and got cheated on, the other was so mentally and verbally abusive. Then sinking into something that I am so ashamed of but the lyrics -
I had to lose everything to find out
Maybe forgiveness will find me somewhere down this road
Couldnt be more true to right now. This song is my theme. I love it.
This song touches my heart deeply. I have had a hard life and I'm finally moving past all that hurt. I know ASL and I'm thinking of signing this song for friends.
This song is extremely inspirational, and it's helping me right now. I am finally trying to let go of my past relationship that i've had for three years. I messed up alot, and he took me back. But now it's just over.. There's nothing more either of us can do. This song is an inspiration to let me know that I can get through it.
This song really helps me to realize that everyone can move on and even though its hard you can get through it. You have to realize that even though that one person that you loved so much hurt you, theres someone much better waiting down the road for you that will treat you so well.
When something hard happens in your life it helps you grow up and realize that there are many bumps and moutains in life and it takes all your might and strength to get through it. "I never said it would be easy i only said it would be worth it."
omg i love this song!!!!
Im singing it at my schools arts festival!!!!
Anyone who really can listen to this song and be able to relate have all been in the same shoes at one time or another , so i guess you'll understand what i mean when i say ; there are some things in life that seem impossible to stop regretting , guilt pushes on like a storm . Its songs like this one that can truly touch your heart , inspire it to beat on and heal . Im so thankful for lyrics like these that make so much sense and contain meaning . I will always love this song , it has helped so much. <3 Thank you .
count me in, ilove this song..
I had to lose everything to find out
Maybe forgiveness will find me somewhere down this road...
i hope ill find forgiveness........
ive been on my own for 2 years had my heartbroken 3 and i feel like ive gone nowhere. ive loved like i should but lived like i shouldnt. its time to move on
I've been diagonosed with bipolar disorder and a possible mood swing disorder and I've been struggling my whole life depressed and angry...this song descibes some of the pain of felt and how I'm now working to get treatment so I can be happy for once.
Doug, I also have bipolar disorder, I understand anger and mood swings. I also have been in treatment. wanted to encourage you that you can find more peace and contentment which will bring happiness. Sending you a prayer..
This song does express my struggles and hopes
I agree with you Beth, this song reminds me a lot of my addiction to drugs as well & my road of getting clean. I've been clean now for 9 months but I listened to this song a lot while I was in treatment and still get a little teary eyed listening to it now.
hahahahahahhahaahha the monkey comment made me LOL ;DD
I've always loved this song, even though I don't care for country music, I love Rascal Flatts. Now it has such a deeper meaning for me...my marriage was a mess the last 2 years we were together, burdens put on each other, and for the first 4 months he tried getting me back and then for the last 7-8 months I tried with him...he has kept putting me off saying "We'll work on it" all the while refusing to even see me. Yesterday I heard this song again and I finally realized...it's my time to move on. I've been in touch with my first true love and have decided I know on my heart we have always belonged together. So here's good-bye to my fast and here's to looking straight into my future...wherever that may lead me, I know I deserve to mean something to someone again.
Wow I love this song and have sang it 4 years but it just hit me that for the 1st time 2nite when I listen 2 it - it was my life ! I had the love of my life and let him go and did him so wrong and now I'm faced with the demons and the past and burrdoned with the blame for 3 years that he has not been in my life and I have 2 forgive myself cause he is the one that has moved on now and he has 4givin me and now its time 2 forgive myself and move on ! I have lost everything to find out that I never dreamed home would end up where I dont belong but I have 2 forgive myself and move on ! Even tho he did wait on me for 3 years ! I love this man dearly but I'm movin' on ! I will always love you babe !
You could have been a lifetime contender but you took a fall because that was easier and safe...Now I am moving on!
ive made alot of mistakes in the past but........im moving on with my life and right now this next year of school...im not going to worry about the same nerdy guy i spent the hole last year crushing over and geting terribly bad grades and writing notes to him again
..describes my life in a nutshell.
I recently got out of a 6 year relationship. It was not a happy one for the past 3 years. Physicall,emotional and mental abuse drove me away.
I have regrets- but the lyrics in this song make me realize that the decision I made was the right one, and yes I may feel alone right now....but im not.
"At last I can see life has been patiently waiting for me
And I know theres no guarentees, but Im not alone"
I have been working through childhood abuse issues for 59 years. Now, I can see that my family cannot give me the peace I want and deserve...I have to give it to myself. It's time I moved on.
good lyrics, but i don't like the melodies
wow..it really helps me alot of my life now..thanks for this song
The mother of my child left me about 5 months ago. I worked two jobs plus side jobs to support her for over two years. She said I didn't take care of her or give her what she needed because I didn't teach her to drive or buy her a car. It tore my heart out. But I agree with this song. I cannot live in the past. I am moving on.