Winter Morning Walks
Winter Morning Walks

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Steel Killer Lyrics

Artist: Saint (Buy Saint CDs)
Album: Collection: 1984-1999

He's got the eyes of certain death
Blows out his plague with just one breath
He knows your moves and where you go
He's got you tricked and you don't know.

Killer steel killer
He stalks his prey
Killer steel killer
Wants you to throw your life away

Pleasure and pain there's lots in store
Take all that you want there's plenty more
Death in the air, devils delight
You play his game you lose your life.

Is there protection from this evil being
One to stand and fight
There is provision from the one who brings
Truth so full of might.
Death is due destruction evils last fight
End of all darkness when morning meets the night.

There is a moral to this tale
Escape the trap of his death spell
Forever lies this wicked doom
Leave than crying in his tome


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Saint Lyrics
Saint Collection: 1984-1999 Lyrics

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