The Phantom of the Opera (Original 1986 London Cast)
The Phantom of the Opera (Original 1986 London Cast)

Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to T¨² by Sarah Brightman. Please check back for more Sarah Brightman lyrics.

T¨² Lyrics

Artist: Sarah Brightman (Buy Sarah Brightman CDs)
Album: Eden

T, sin ms porqu,
T que bsame,
T me tienes de furriel,
De un roto de tu piel.

T, como la cal,
Que hmeda es mortal,
T, blanqueas mi razn,
Calando hasta el colchn.

T, t, t, t.
T, t, t, t.

T, t, t, montada en m,
Yo, motura hostil,
T, me abrazas con los pies,
Y yo lamo el arns.

T, y sin ti yo no.
T, y sin ti ya no.
T, me has hecho dimitir,
Y hoy yo se dice asi:

T, t, t, t.
T, t, t, t.
T, t, t.

T, t, t, t.
T, t, t, t.
T, t, t, t.
T, t, t.


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Sarah Brightman Lyrics
Sarah Brightman Eden Lyrics

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