Reign in Blood
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Bloodline Lyrics
Artist: Slayer (Buy Slayer CDs)
Album: God Hates Us All
Eternal the kiss I breath
Siphon your blood to me
Feel my wounds of your god
Forever rape mortality
I smell of death
I reek of hate
I will live forever
Lost child pay the dead
Bleeding screams of silence
In my veins your eternity
I'll kill you and your dreams tonight
Begin new life
Bleed your death upon me
Let your bloodline feed my youth
First breath born come alive learn to kill
Bloodfest awaits to feed your hunger
Dark side has no rival test your faith in blood
Night hides the hunting packs a feeding frenzy
I'll kill you and your dreams tonight
Begin new life
Bleed your death upon me
Let your bloodline feed my youth
I am the first not the last
Condemned by a single kiss
Betrayed eternally I'll rip inside your soul
Contaminating the world
Defying god and son
Black heart that brings your death
Living in infamy
Drink the flesh of life itself
Prepare to reign a thousand years
I'll kill you and your dreams tonight
Begin new life
Bleed your death upon me
Let your bloodline feed my youth
Blame god chosen children
As you die I'm immortal
Faithless no religion
Stalking prey is my confession
Captive blood enslavement
Pain and hunger drives your madness
Drink flesh life itself
Prepare to reign a thousand years
Slayer Lyrics
Slayer God Hates Us All Lyrics
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I u kevi Serbiji te volimo, U ROCK !!!
Tom Araya, Kery King & Dave Lombardo RuleZz
Awsome song!
Fuckin Slayer!!!!
FUCKIN SLAYER!!!!!!!! m/
Slayer is fucking awesome!!
hehe yeah
i love slayer so much, that almost every username i have has slayer in it!!
Great song but I believe that this album is a bit crappy
hard to the fucking core! i love slayer!
fuckin rouls m/
King oF The RocK
Nishtyak vashe!
yeahhh slayer soy de Vzla me encanta sta banda y pues no hablo english solo spanish ... Bye
slayers songs are the best
Pefect!!!!!!!! *_*
omg slayer
i love you slayer will you sign my prostetic titties that i bought from walmarT?
loves...pmela slutterson =D
Slayer !
n al da mother fucker players r fuckin awsum ...
love slayer .. :)
Slayer is not better than SLIPKNOT!
Ok, slayer have a better text, but he can't sing, lol!
The guitar of slayer is just a piece of s*it and ... how, i mean how you all can headbang to that music? Slayer is good but not best!
Slayer is so much better than Slipknot, they have only two good songs, the rest sucks ass. And Aray is getting old, but i bet he can sing better than Corey will when he gets old.
u bunch of pusses!!!!
slipknot can go suck a cock.
prepare to reign a thousand years !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Slipknot wishes they were half the band Slayer is. Slayer writer CLASSICS, Slipknot writes songs for pussies that shop at Hot Topic and listen to metal so they can rebel against their Christian parents.
Song about vampires?
hahaha....y would anyone want to compare any bands here???
you are here because you searched for "bloodline" lyrics and u like slayer !!
SLAYER = POINEER of THRASH METAL, very senior , respected band
SLIPKNOT = NU METAL, new, coming up gaining fans and little respect.
we're all metalheads... pl donot insult music or musicians, if you dont like it, let it be ignored !!
You realy cant compare them ... i agree with thrash metal !
...and still slipknot shit
i fucking love slayer
Badass fuckin song!
Slayer for president!
Slayer!!!!!!!!!!! m/
hey slipknot and slayer both kickass bands and i bought both their shirts at hot topic and slipknot is not 4 pussies and neither is lamb of god
Slipknot are faggots in masks end of story, long live thrash fuck Nu-metal shit
THis is soo Fucking cool...slayer rocks!
Excelente tema
god you people have to stop comparing slayer and slipknot, slipknot is a crappy br00tal wannabes while slayer eats pussies like clicknot alive.
fuck yeah ;D
I dont care wtf u guys are saying. Slipknot is my favourite band, yet i also cant get enough of slayer! Holy fuckn shit this is a brutal song! Bloodline for the win!
AND THE PROJECT RULED i failed because my class dusent like metal for some reason BUT IT STILL OWNED
1....is Tom Araya on of the best Metalvocal performers....your Gay Corey Taylor sings just too good for Metal(Good in Classic Ways)
2.The Guitar of Slayer is Shit?...Fortunately they dont have to play a droptuning cause theyre to stupid to form a powerchord as the slipknotfaggots...and they can play....
3...why is hannemann not god?
hes a much better player than kerry, wrote the best slayersongs and lyrics...hes just as present in the media as kerry
666% Maggot is such a gay name, hard man for having random number in name. you a maggot coz you look like one.
slipknot can be stabbed with a pencil
hail slayer
cant wait for new album
Slipknot is ok, some of their songs r completely fucked up and make NO sense but Slayer has SUCH better guitar than Slipknot and all drop tuning does is make it easier and sound better. personally Slayer for FUCKIN LIFE but slipknot have bullshit lyrics and i hate their fucking masks but still this song is fucking brutal... this is the first time ive looked at the lyrics for it and i never realised how gruesome it sounds, which makes it fucking awesome
Quote: ''by sic maGGot on 8/18/2008 2:35am
Slayer is not better than SLIPKNOT!
Ok, slayer have a better text, but he can't sing, lol!
The guitar of slayer is just a piece of s*it and ... how, i mean how you all can headbang to that music? Slayer is good but not best!
1.Slayer will own Slipknot any day.
2.Guitar of slayer sounds better than you look on your best fucking day.
3.JUMP DA FUCK UP is a Soulfly song.
For all you Slayer fans:
The truth is out there.
Bloodfeasting since 1981. m/
Ok i dont get how you fucking retards call yourself maggots, if you were a true maggot you would know slipknot would be NOTHING without slayer, why ? because if you knew shit about slipknot you would know that slayer was one of their biggest influences to get into that music
Also without Slayer Metal would now be what it is today, Slayer is and forever will be the biggest Metal influence
bloodline is amazing and kerry owns haha
Slayer is so fucking awesome I seen them in concert with my Dad, they're fucking brutal as hell, and Slipknot can suck on a thousand black mens cocks. Also, Nu Metal is shit, KoRn, Slipknot = Shit. Anyone who listens to Slipknot should stop, and kill themselves. Slayer is the all time best band on Earth, and Metallica Sucks, I love your name. SLIPKNOT = GAY SLIPKNOT = GAY SLIPKNOT = GAY
Miażdży cyce!!
slayer are spastics
death metal is shit
all metal is shit
slayer is so fucking awesome i was in a concert with my fucking girlfriend she naked to everybody that was so good
now thos are lyricz
Slayer rulez!
Slayer is the best thrash metal band ever
kerry king u r a fcukin animal...m/ m/
HeLL yEah!!!
Whoever the fuck has the guts to compare Slayer with a totally ******** band like slipknot should think of getting their heads checked by a physchiatrist........
i got a slayer tatoo on my ass
Slipknot, slayer, metallica are all gey bands. Most of slipknot's songs sound so shitty I wonder why anyone listens to them at all. Metallica's gey cuz of length of songs(it's kinda hard to listen to one for 8 minutes), and, finally, slayer... I only listen to bloodline cuz it sounds great, everything else, not so much. The reason is lyrics. you guys should hate less :(
es una buena cancion para los ke se puedan identificarse con la letra, para los ke nacieron en una familia sin ciondiciones economicas,rezando a dios desde niño todo los dias y la vida de los misios no cambia y es ke al fin se da cuenta uno de ke la solucion es uno mismo y no perder el tiempo rezando sino mas bien hacer algo productivo como trabajar o estudiar....
Fucking Brutal
Yo you bunch of b*tchez Slayer and Metallica would wipe the floor with SlipCock the onnly good part of them is Mick Thompson the rest of em are pussyies and bullsh*t,, Slayer is f*ckin insane Kerry King is a Guitar God,, And Metallica make intense sh*t Too , F*ckin awesome riffs and who ever cant listen to that sweet sound of metal for 8 mins is A B*tch A Coward you cant even say you like metal if you cant listen to an Kick Ass song for that long,, any way this is bullSh*t all you guys are Pussies ,, Long Live SLAYER AND METALLICA and DAMAGECELL fuck ya EET FUK AND METAL UP YOUR ASS!!!!
this band sucks i mean i liston to hard rock and alrter. but i listen to other music
check this song
White and nerdy
Yo Who Ever Wrote This ^^ Is a F*ckin RETARD!! I repeat F*CKIN RETARD!!! nobody listens to weird al anymore bud you are a JOKE
i love that song
slayer fans tear up all others especially those shitty core bands and slipknot who don't understand the proper workings of a mosh pit
Thrash all the way
prepare to reign a thousand years in blood
I came.
Jesse forgot Jeff Hanneman, who did more solos than Kerry, and was the better guitar player. If you took Kerrys' tremolo bar away, he'd be lost. But Slayer rules
e viva la figa XD
SLAYER F*CKIN RULES!!!! anybody hatin on slayer can go choke on a f*ckin d*ck
Both slipknot and slayer are freakin amazing bands slayer is a pioneer in the metal today and they do kick more ass on guitar but corey has a better voice and they can trow down just as hard i admire both bands and what they do
Slayer la mejor banda del maldito mundo
slayer the best band in the fucking world
jebeno dobro :))))
The fucking best song off God Hates Us All. Fucking Slayer fucking rules.
kur�evo dobr | f*ckin awesome!
m/ Slayer Rulz!!!!
hail slayer!
So the bottom line is, Slayer is infinitely superior to SLIPKNOT in all forms. LMFAO@SLIPKNOT. Slipknot is one of the all time GAYEST FUCKING BANDS IN THE HISTORY OF HISTORY.They're even worse than linkin park and that's saying A FUCKING LOT. but etc. Slayer will never die, atleast not for a thousand years. FUCK COCKKNOT.
True ... how the fuck can you compare slayer with shitknot ? it's enough to say that dave lombardo is better than the three drummesrs those retards have altogether . since when the fuck do you need 9 people to run a band? and since when do you have to wear masks to seem monsters ? they wouldn't scare ten year olds .
Slayer fans , see you south of heaven m/
im not one for satanic shit but these motherfuckers are talented give respect where its due
is slayer satanic? if they are then there gay
Arya fucking kicks asses. There will never be such a fucking good singer again. His voice is fucking epick!
all these bands have skill they put more efort than any of you so stop insulting each other if these bands met they'd have a good time togetha + the music would be epic so who cares wich band is better its like comparing rap to scremo its a matter of opinion
Slayer is sucks Slayer is not better than Metallica,Judas Priest,especially KISS... Slayer not singing They're just shit guitar they haven't good lyrics and melodies Slayer is not Legend... Real Legend KISS !!! PAUL STANLEYYY !!!
wroooar! Gr8! :D
All those motherfuckers who commented on this stream are posers, not real heavy metal fans. You don't know what true heavy metal is, do you? Slayer and Slipknot are 2 of the world's best heavy metal bands. END OF STORY!!!
Paul stanley.. youre kidding RIGHT?
Slayer is God!!!
god didn't send Slayer... because Slayer is GOD! Doh!
win win win!!!
good heil
Ya I love this song I listen to it when I was freekin 8 slayer can always win a battle of the bands even aginsted ts! SLAYER ROCKS AND I AINT PLAYIN'
I still have cassettes by slayer. You young pups have yet to experience the flow and sway of time. Slayer has stood the test of time to continue writing bad ass metal for over 20 fuckin years. most of you arent even that old. I bet most of you still masterbate when your cat goes in heat.
fuck off faggot i have the cds suck a dick okay?!
Slayer isnt satanic cumdump...... fkin lead singers a catholic.....
do some research rather then be a dullard for the rest of your life. that being said S L A Y E R forever!
Onur ,why the hell are you on a site for slayer's lyrics if you don't like them? do you spent all of your time insulting bands on webistes like this instead of trying to find a job/girlfriend? seriously, get a life
Go to a Slayer concert, with other great bands on the line up, wacth the crowd change into a monster, No band can do that accept White/Rob Zombie, get your facts kids
Ogien w dupie! m/
lolololololol u guiz
SLAYER FTW! one of the best songs.
Fuck you everyone!!!!!!
slayer is a placer
good band dudes..
i kill myself for slayer. thrash the world .... slayer..........
Love Slayer they will be the eternal metal gods!!! Rock on motherfuckers!!!!
slayer is religious slayer is god
Najjaci su ! m/
they suck live as they do on albums.
All you guys are fags. Mudvayne is where its at.
Learned this song on guitar, quite easy, yet still hardcore. It can help kick some ass quite fast. SLAYER
Zajebiste m/
slayer may be the best metal band out there today. Never went main stream.allways stayed true to what they were put here to do and that my friends is be true to the slayer yeah keep it up king never die
slayer are not bad and the text is so brutal... but METALICA ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!
slayer are not bad but... METALICA IS THE BEST!!!
O.K O.K Epic song but I still like Slipknot but that dosent mean I dont like Slayer, Actually Slayer should be Flattered by Sipknot knowing that they have influence on new coming and big time bands, other wise what im saying is, Slayer is the inventor of satanic metal. m/ nuff said
This song rocks!
Not a huge Slayer fan but love this one and South of Heaven. As far as the slipknot argument, there really isn't one. Slayer wins that one hands down. I personally don't like the whole numetal scene, but that has nothing to do with it. Slayer has stayed true to their roots and have only gotten better. Anyway, at no point was I ever afraid to listen to a slipknot song. Slayer fuckin scared me as a kid in the 80s.
Everyone, Metallica and Slayer are great band. Never listened to Slipknot, but I know it is good too. Every single one of these bands is good in one way or another. You can't compare these 3 bands together.
This music is death to anyone that listens to it and loves it. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Satan exists in the world, and this song merely proves it. I have had direct satanic and heavenly events in my life so I ought to know. Choose your path carefull the end of the world is in 2013. God bless and peace to you all.
Oh I love this song realy...Have to listen to it once more...10 hours later...okay only once again
Slayer is my best band , & this song is fucking my head.
Assholes they're all metal band. and they fucking kicks ass. why despise one of our own and not condemn the fucking K-pop shit and gay beiber
Slayer used to write QAnon-like lyrics decades before QAnon. They were drenched with conspiracy theories. That makes of them the most fucked up band ever.