Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Do It Again by Steely Dan. Please check back for more Steely Dan lyrics.
Do It Again Lyrics
Artist: Steely Dan (Buy Steely Dan CDs)
Album: Do It Again
In the mornin' you go gunnin' for the man who stole your water
And you fire till he is done in but they catch you at the border
And the mourners are all singin' as they drag you by your feet
But the hangman isn't hangin' so they put you on the street
You go back, Jack, do it again, wheels turinin' 'round and 'round
You go back, Jack, do it again
When you know she's no high climber then you find your only friend
In a room with your two timer, but you're sure you're near the end
Then you love a little wild one, and she brings you only sorrow
All the time you know she's smilin', you'll be on your knees tomorrow
Guitar Solo
Keyboard Solo
Now you swear and kick and beg us that yopu're not a gamblin' man;
Then you find you're back in Vegas with a handle in your hand
Your black cards can bring you money so you hide them when you're able
In the land of milk and honey you must put them on the table
Steely Dan Lyrics
Steely Dan Do It Again Lyrics
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In the long tradition of sad western "story" songs, this one talks about people who can't seem to leave the very thing alone that will eventually do them in. You're probably already doing the thing that's gonna take you out, too. Think about it.
Great song!
Correct you if your wrong...
Second verse - first line - I think that it's..."When you know she's no high-climber, then you find your OLD-BEST friend"...
Third verse - second line I hear it this way ..."Then you find your BLUSH in Vegas..."
Maybe I should've read the liner-notes? Steely Dan has always had my respect for lyrics, 'cause they're always "slick".
Been playing this song for many years and couldn't remember one line. Thanx
man, this song has made me think of all the good times as well as bad times with girls money and wine
steely dan is the shit.
Walon Jennings...
Right on, these lyrics are short but right on the money. Truly represents addiction in my opinion.
It's about a killer who keeps killing
Its all about addiction!
i just love this song so much i got xtended version i just in love
It's about the bands lsd dealer who keeps getting send back to prison
What a song just keeps on keeping on