The Very Best of... Sting & the Police
The Very Best of... Sting & the Police

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Demolition Man Lyrics

Artist: Sting & Police (Buy Sting & Police CDs)
Album: Bring On The Night

Oh! Demolition, demolition
Demolition, demolition
Tied to the tracks and the train's fast coming
Strapped to the wing with the engine running
You say that this wasn't in your plan
And don't mess around with the demolition man

Tied to a chair, and the bomb is ticking
This situation was not of your picking
You say that this wasn't in your plan
And don't mess around with the demolition man

I'm a walking nightmare, an arsenal of doom
I kill conversation as I walk into the room
I'm a three line whip, I'm the sort of thing they ban
I'm a walking disaster, I'm a demolition man
Demolition, demolition
Demolition, demolition

You come to me like a moth to the flame
It's love you need but I don't play that game
'Cause you could be my greatest fan
But I'm nobody's friend, I'm a demolition man

I'm a walking nightmare, an arsenal of doom
I kill conversation as I walk into the room
I'm a three line whip, I'm the sort of thing they ban
I'm a walking disaster, I'm a demolition man
Demolition, demolition
Demolition, demolition
Tied to the tracks and the train's fast coming
Strapped to the wing with the engine running
You say that this wasn't in your plan
And don't mess around with the demolition man
Tied to a chair, and the bomb is ticking
This situation was not of your picking
You say that this wasn't in your plan
And don't mess around with the demolition man


by Julian Rydoggy on 11/10/2008 2:06pm
This song is poor.
by Mgunk on 11/26/2008 4:50pm
I actually like this song
by libby lou on 12/3/2008 7:15pm
shut up
by massimo on 1/9/2009 3:41pm
julian, go listen to Leona Lewis !
by Rich on 1/15/2009 12:14pm
POOR?! Are you friggin' kidding me?
by on 1/27/2009 5:43pm
I love this song
by I could be your greatest fan! on 2/3/2009 11:35am
A classic song from Sting. Excellent just excellent!
by Tim on 2/9/2009 10:56pm
Pure Brilliance the song is, as usual from Sting. Its my Battlefield 2142 soldiers name!
by daniel on 3/21/2009 6:21pm
the original was good, but the remake is poor
by yee on 4/3/2009 11:27pm
poor like your bank account.
by CD4(bass and guitar player) on 8/21/2009 10:25pm
this song is one of the greatest of hole music history
by Geoff on 8/23/2009 10:20am
Grace Jones' version is scary good!
by Jack on 9/21/2009 11:50am
julian your a twat you are, this song is one of the best, and a fine piece of work, but i guess you wouldnt know that as you have no talent :), personally i think your just jealous. Oh, and did i mention your an ignorant twat?
by Reece (bassist) on 10/6/2009 8:58am
a great song i love the 2006 version he did iv been looking for the tab but i cant find it i can only find the tab for 1984 can anyone tell me if they know the bass tab for the 2006 version
by black power on 1/8/2010 3:25pm
yhis song is gay nd he dont say dat
by Stephen on 2/5/2010 6:01pm
I really dig the version by Grace Jones.
by Connor on 12/13/2010 3:27am
This song is the BEST!!!!! I listen to it 5 times today i love it on ghwt and i love playing it on bass!!! Look the tabs up on Bass master if u wan em
by sting fan on 12/21/2010 2:12pm
grace jone's vesion sucks ass
by Grackfire on 5/20/2011 9:08am
Manfred Mann has a good cover oof this.
by Fireman Andrew on 10/14/2012 2:24am

Sting & Police Lyrics
Sting & Police Bring On The Night Lyrics

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