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Experiments Lyrics

Artist: The American Culture eXperiments
Album: The American Culture eXperiments

I am an experiment
You are an experiment
We are all experiments

Denial of Oppression, Justified Aggression
Imperial Invasion, Nuclear Destruction
Rugged Individualism, Ethnocentrism
Blatant Consumerism, Blind Nationalism

Corporate Globalization, Juvenile Fornication
Warehouse of Corrections, Irrelevant Religion
Rhetoric of Revolution, Economic Concentration
"Make a good impression", Irresponsible reproduction

A voice cries out in the wilderness
In a dry and desolate land
A voice of one is calling
Destruction is at hand
This is a land where no one travels
A land where no one lives
But a light shines in the desert
In the place where Darkness is
She will become the least of nations
A wilderness, a dry land
But the wilderness will rejoice
Strengthen the feeble hands!
Steady the knees that give way
Be strong and do not fear
The voice calling American Culture
Is a voice that all can hear


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The American Culture eXperiments Lyrics
The American Culture eXperiments The American Culture eXperiments Lyrics

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