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All I Have To Do Is Dream Lyrics
Artist: The Everly Brothers (Buy The Everly Brothers CDs)
Album: All I Have To Do Is Dream
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
When I want you in my arms
When I want you and all your charms
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
When I feel blue in the night
And I need you to hold me tight
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is
I can make you mine, taste your lips of wine
Anytime night or day
Only trouble is, gee whiz
I'm dreamin' my life away
I need you so that I could die
I love you so and that is why
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
I can make you mine, taste your lips of wine
Anytime night or day
Only trouble is, gee whiz
I'm dreamin' my life away
I need you so that I could die
I love you so and that is why
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
The Everly Brothers Lyrics
The Everly Brothers All I Have To Do Is Dream Lyrics
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Although I've just turned to 12, but this song is really great for me! I love it so much
god bless you for that brothers, thank you!
I love this song!
I used to harmanize this song with my mother when I was a teenager.
this is a good song.artists like the beatles,the zombies,elvis presley,the everly brothers,and more have brought this world great music.
Oldies like these are da bomb!!!
this song is good for my beloved friend
R.E.M. did a great cover of this
i missed my dear friend alot when i listen to this song..
what does the "gee whiz" mean??
Please answer me i repeat question what " gee whiz " mean
Gee whiz is a somewhat outdated expression. It is generally used when one is exasperated. "Gee whiz, I didn't realize he'd get so mad" etc.
Im only 15 but i grew up with music from the 1890's and up only kind of music i can't stand is screamo otherwise ill listen to : rap, rock, hip hop, classic, opera anything Ect.
nationality: french mexican american
i am a karoke singer, so i am practiceing on this song. wish i can met the persons who sang this song so they can help me.
I thnik we should revive the phrase "Gee Whiz"!
Not only was it used to express exasperation, it also was used to express excitement, as Gee Whiz!, this is the most fun I've had since . . ."
Cho� stara ale nadal zar�bista!!This is great song forever.
dream, dream, dream
This song is awesome, though it's old, it's way better than all of the crappy rap out there.
It's sad they don't make any good songs like these anymore. D;
Vivienne your name is beautiful
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i used to hear this song when i was young and liked it, the other day while watching Cold case they played it at the end and told myself i got to own it...
live in sheffield sing it world wide on karoke i get standing
I love this song
i like this song
This song rocks!its the greatest love song ever
This is one of the greatest songs
ever sung by the greatest harmony
duo of all time. I wish they would tour again.
Let's face it: Artists these days lack the depth and drive of the oldies. I'm only 26, but I thank God my parents were kind enough to raise me on these classics. From the heart, through time, these will last forever..
i absolutly love this song. oldies r the best. songs like these takes my breath away and am onli 19
good song
i just love this song..and i agree with rosie oldies r the best and am 19 too lol ..love it
i play this solo on classical guitar and absolutely love it
Am 20 bt i love everlybrothers somuch.I love dream
i remember listening to this song on the t.v show in the 90s with s club 7
sclub7 go back to the fifties
and this song was on when they go arrested in the t.v show. :)
Chyba najlepszy utwór jaki kiedykolwiek poznałem Bije wszystko...poprostu piękne
actually these are not classics, as in the mozart classics. these are still pop music, however, it is of a older era compared to the present what determines it to be classic is when it will last for centuries. Anyway, the everly brothers, dream, is the song I sang for by first love cuz she's high class and im not. hehe the song is basically a romanticism of a love that not really boun to happen. However, it is only circumsatance that determines the likelihood of praxis to occur
this is the best! �a me fait revenir bcp d choses just 2months ago!
i'll keep dreaming coz i love him
Brings back memories of the good times.
omg! i love this song it make so much sense! and im 18...lol
i like this song
best song ever
this song always bring me to the dream land. i love this song it is so relaxing when i hear this song
i like tis song..Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam
OMG!!! I finally found THIS song!!! When I was little my parents used to listen to it when we travelled by car... now, I'm 24 but I've always remembered this lovely song, and although I didn't know the name neither the singer I could sing the chorus... :)
What a great collection!, thank you Everly borthers, you're just amazing.
I like sungs like this, but I like Air Supply more.
I am listening to this song over and over again now... I love this song! I first got to know this song in search of the song rainbow connection by kermit the frog lol! Blieve it onot? kermit the frog sang this song too! And the song explains my feeling now... Oh! do visit my blog k? www.toiletscent.blogspot.com
This is a sort of everlanting song. It's incredible that more than fifty years later, it seems like a brand-new song. I love Everly Brothers and its everlasting "Dream".
i love this song :]]
I love this song .... :)
One of the songs Ive ever listen to.
I don't think i loved a song as much I loved this song
it's just awesome!!!
i love this song,it makes me cry and remembering my gf that i lost
:(,completly explaining me,and lyrics has a really true meaning
I love this song and I love you Sue...my sweet Baby.....
i LOvE iT! GoD BlEsS ThE BrOtHeRs.i XiLl kEeP ON DrEaMiNg...
I luv di5 song cause my thug vato dedicate dat 50ng 2 me even da song is beautiful from 352
Te amo margarita luv u baby 1 year and damn u remember when i dedicated dis song 2 u juntos para siempre
i always dance with my gf to this song i love her when i listen to this i can just die
i dance with my girl to this song (she is also my secretary)
One of the best songs about masturbation ever written.
Es una canciOn HermoSa..!! me encanta!! DISFRUTENLAA..!
This song make me remember of my happy childhood...it so warm and i love it...
really good and i feel like someone is encouraging me if i listen to this song.moreover the lyrics is also pretty good,too.
i love this song (kocham t� piosenk�) and i love ann, she knows
beautiful song
loovee this song
great song!!! very nice tune... perfect song for ppl like me who are 3000 miles away from their lover... everytime i hear this song i miss him more... i love him madly... just waiting to be with him...
This is an awesome song .. great lyrics .. i play this song when i miss ma love
there no translation of the song lirics
I like to think we dream at the same time
I'm 16 and i absloutly love this song and other 'old songs' that have real feelings. beats the mainstream songs that are more about the beat then anything else that clog up the music industry today.
Amazingly Awesome!
The song afore-mentioned has a wonderful message to all of us. Especially for those who are aiming so high in spite of the predicaments in life. There's no harm in trying. This is now the right time to break the silence that is, to dream. To reveal yourself while you're dreaming is the best way in setting yourself free. It's time to unveil and breath the aroma of dreaming.
I love this song specially husband I love you mark
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A nightmare on elm street
this song is dedicate to my husband I love you mark
well i m from india ,i listened this song and its just superb."gee whiz".i dedicate this to manju.yes she is away. dream dream
Everytime i listen to this song, it just makes me want to cry. But i love it.
I jus love this song so much that it brings out the luv in me.that is wat i call music.
I'm only 2 years old but this is the best song ever!
This song will not go out of my head. It reminds me of someone who is very special!
our song
i love this song. I love oldies. this song is 6 years old I love it.
Even though I was born in 1995, I think the oldies are the best songs around!!! :)
All I have to do is DREAM !!!!!
nice one................
I like it very much. It's very useful for those whose lives are not matched with their hearts.
What does it mean "I am dreaming my life away" ? My English is not good and want to know clearly. It means you/we waste our time, our life?
I love it! Every time I listen to it, I remember the time I studied English... Wonderful song!
It means he's waisting his time dreaming n not actually being with her...well Thts wat I think...I love this song..
i totally agree wid Masterpurps
All i have to do is dream~~~~even im in the office now. XD
Amazing song ever!!
i love this song soo much. this makes me happy when i hear this song. i feel relaxed and calm when this song is playing.
Dreaam dream dream dream~
i found this song in the end of "nightmare on elm street" part , and decided to download it . I'm only 15 , and love it^^
I'm 15 :) . I love this song. The lyric tell us that only in his dream he can owned his crush.. And its just related to me ~ (: .. Hmm one of best oldies ever !
great song..
I know and loved this song when I was a kid. My grandma, grandpa and my mom, used to play this in our old cassette. xDD this song is just amazing. and, yeah, this song was heard in the end of "nightmare on elm street" ^_^
I love this song, and my boyfriend loves it too. It has such amazing tune, reminds me of those sweet memories we had together.. <3
I was composing a song about dreamer when i came across this song, i just love the harmony of the song & I'm looking 4 a Partner to do this song with me, and I'm from Nigeria.I Love this SONG!!!
It's not so much that artists no longer have the depth that they once used to, its more that the music industry widely promotes those that don't. One good example of an artist who creates great music today and is well known is Jack Johnson, likely popular because he's was first a stud in the pro-surfing scene. There are many many others that are just unknown and will live their music careers singing to their friend and family, or half filled restaurant crowds.
I love this song so much! Our Beautiful song :D
i love this song mey fav
the dandy warhols have a great cover of this..
I lived wit my dad nd step mum bt visited my mum ova holidays nd she'ld oways hld me in my arms nd sing this song.i filt her presence even miles away cos o i had 2 do is close my eyes nd dream
I lived wit my dad nd step mum bt visited my mum ova holidays nd she'ld oways hld me in ha arms nd sing this song.i filt her presence even miles away cos o i had 2 do is close my eyes nd dream
This is the best song i have ever heard in this year my God i feel like fallen in love again
This song is awesome, simple, but really got into the heart...and everyone can sing it. Different from todays music which has no deep meaning and not everlasting.
This song was made before i was born but i just loved the song so so much
i just well love the everly brother's singing . it's very nice and.......
This music is marvelous, how i wish there are such musicians of the 80's on stage presently.
Im only 11 and i love this song
hey i always love this song and me n my daugther both sing when we have family reunions n they all love it...
check ou the Lauren O'connell cover on youtube. she is a true talent and her version of this song is unbelievable
takes pain away even wen all hopes are lost
It's realy nice song,it pull me back 2 past life when i hear this song... Pleas bros composed more songs like this. GOD BLES U
i love this song a beautifull and powerfull letters. GBU
I use to remember my old friends when i listen to this song. It's really great.
i feel so inlove when i'm listening to this song... everytime I hear this, it really drives my soul... this was my song for the year 2011 and i really wanted to hear it again and again.. I'm a girl and I'm inlove with a girl too. I know we're not meant to be. thanks to this lovely song 'coz I own her when i listen an sing "All I have to do is dream... so inspired and inlove...
Being a geezer, this song brings great memories to mind (like when I realized my seventh grade slow dance partner Rita wore a girdle - well that may not be the greatest memory it brings back). Regardless, the song is timeless.
Michael Armstrong
Bexley, Ohio
I woke up not to long ago from a dream and this was the only song that could describe it. I love this song.
im dreming my life away..:O<33
I plan to sing this song for my girlfriend. Hopefully "gee whiz I'm dreaming my life away" will be the last time I'm feeling like I'm dreaming it away. What a great song!!
here in Russia we also find this song just charming.
so kool.i just wanna sing it to my special girl
My mom who is no longer with me, use to play this song on the piano and we would sing. I loved it and 9 years later I still can hear it in my head. I love this song!
this song has meant so much for years when it first came out i played it non stop and it still means so much
Greatest song ever!
one of the geartest songs ever oldies but goldies
The music therapist from hospice
sang this yesterday for my
father in law. He's just fading
away (62yrs married). My sister
in law, hus, and I were all
crying by the time she finished.
A love song for all ages, all
stages of life.
Whenever i can't sleep i sing this song. Nd i just luv this song
Good song,,,
Luv dis song so much.
still rocks...
i Like this song because it kinda has like that melody on a scary movie like nightmare on elm street. it was weird and stuff and its so cool!i just like the song
My mom passed away 5 months ago. I recently found a bunch of love letters between she and my father when they were in high school in 1958. In one of the notes she said she heard "their song" Dream,Dream,Dream by the Everly Brothers at noontime. Apparently this was their song and now has an even more special meaning to me.
Am in luv wit dis song, it follows my morning prayer every single day
wow! I was soo crasy at the moment i heard this song 4 da first time...This song reminds me 4evr love mino who isnt with me now,so all i have to do is dream,dream abt her..lov u Everly brothers.
i like this song...
Truly like this song EXCEPT when they say "want you" you hear Wanchoo & that totally bugs me :-}
This song is so amazingg. My friend is into these claassic songs and she showed me this song and i imedietly fell inlove with it �� Its 2012 nd the Everly Brothers are still inspiring young kids today (: i hope to share my love for them with anyone i can. Its nothing like the crap in todays society, the lyrics have true sentimental meaniing ��
I can't express how much I love listening to the 50s&60s Oldies music. I'm eighteen. My parents would play the oldies all the time. I grew up with this music in the 90s.! I love this song. You can't beat classic songs like this one.
As i am a goth ,i love the rhythm and the background of this song though i hate romantic stuff...
this song is better than my girl`s ass
Brings back memories..
lovely song...
I love dis song, I sing it everyday gee whiz
I listen to nd sing a lot of love songs that some ppl think I am a badass, some of favourite songs being flying without wings by weslife, foverer nd for always by shania twain & I will always love u by dolly parton, but when I listened to this song, I was blown away, it's classic. We are left to enjoy craps in our own time.
this song has made me envy people living around the time the song was released. I love dis song. I always sing it ...
I like this song very much...
And i love u... P.man
When i remember u...
All i have to do is dream...
I luv tis song,it remind me of the girl i luved yet cud not marry.Our affair was dreamz
I ve dedicated 3 songs to Tammy Kray..Special Angel..turn around look at me..and now this " dream" song to her..she is a special girl.
as i am going loopy over you archie wild i thought that the other day i ex pecting you to be my boy friend thank you once again
i gew up wit dis song from my childhood til now it keep on reminiscing.... in ma memory.... we found love in reality and parted ways like a dream.... dedicated 2d one i love bt neva got 2 marry....
@Brian Leung.. yes you're twelve but you are a great music listener :)
whenever i listen this music.. i feel so lonesome and alone.. i want to go to america... i miss america very much.. this song makes my feeling out from my heart.. sometimes i cry by listen this song bcz i hqve many memories connected with this song...
this song is so sad :'( Dream,dream,dream
I love this song. It is just awesome listening to the classics.
Everly Brothers is <3 Greatest of all time!
ilove this song mkales me thinkof parker myboyfriends
Great song:difficult to have real love on earth; so dream dream away:
I love this song infact i've been listening to this song wayback in the eighty's and i was in primary school then and i still have it at home i even play it every morning
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