Here Comes Science
Here Comes Science

Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Fibber Island by They Might Be Giants. Please check back for more They Might Be Giants lyrics.

Fibber Island Lyrics

Artist: They Might Be Giants (Buy They Might Be Giants CDs)
Album: No!

Here on Fibber Island...
We strum rubber guitars.
Our friends live on mars.
And we sew buttons on our cars.

Here on Fibber Island
Our house is made of pie,
Our dog is 2 miles wide
And all he talks about is pie.

Here on Fibber Island...
We swim on the ground.
Wheels are square not round.
We eat chocolate by the pound.

Here on Fibber Island...
No one sings alone,
We just ride giraffes
And wear bicycles for hats

To get to Fibber Island...
You just close your eyes
Start fibbing in your mind
And see what you can find.

Here on Fibber Island
We hide mittens in our hair,
You might need to stare
To see the mittens in our hair

Come to Fibber Island...
And strum rubber guitars
Meet our friends from mars
And sew buttons on our cars...


by matthew ray keever on 1/20/2009 2:10pm
my little sister, Rachel, loves that song.
by Emily on 4/1/2010 6:15am
It's "no-one sings along" not "alone". I know because I've got the interactive cd and the lyrics come up on screen.
by LOLA on 4/8/2010 11:33pm
by John on 10/14/2010 9:50pm
Emily's right about "no one sings along." It's right as the background singing starts up, making it an obvious fib.
by max on 9/6/2014 7:31am
omg love this song.

They Might Be Giants Lyrics
They Might Be Giants No! Lyrics

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