Here Comes Science
Here Comes Science

Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Why Does the Sun Shine by They Might Be Giants. Please check back for more They Might Be Giants lyrics.

Why Does the Sun Shine Lyrics

Artist: They Might Be Giants (Buy They Might Be Giants CDs)
Album: Severe Tire Damage - Greatest Hits

The sun is a mass of incandescent gas
A gigantic nuclear furnace
Where hydrogen is built into helium
At a temperature of millions of degrees

Yo ho, it's hot, the sun is not
A place where we could live
But here on Earth there'd be no life
Without the light it gives

We need its light
We need its heat
We need its energy
Without the sun, without a doubt
There'd be no you and me

The sun is a mass of incandescent gas
A gigantic nuclear furnace
Where hydrogen is built into helium
At a temperature of millions of degrees

The sun is hot

It is so hot that everything on it is a gas: iron, copper, aluminum, and many others.

The sun is large

If the sun were hollow, a million Earths could fit inside. And yet, the sun is only a middle-sized star.

The sun is far away

About 93 million miles away, and that's why it looks so small.

And even when it's out of sight
The sun shines night and day

The sun gives heat
The sun gives light
The sunlight that we see
The sunlight comes from our own sun's
Atomic energy

Scientists have found that the sun is a huge atom-smashing machine. The heat and light of the sun come from the nuclear reactions of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and helium.*

The sun is a mass of incandescent gas
A gigantic nuclear furnace
Where hydrogen is built into helium
At a temperature of millions of degrees


*Live versions of this song are improvised extensively. Some variants on this section:

Scientists have found that the sun is a huge atom-smashing machine. The heat and light of the sun are caused by the nuclear reaction between hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, and helium.

Scientists have found that the sun is a huge atom-smashing machine. The heat and light from the sun come from the nuclear reaction between oxygen, hydrogen, helium, and hydrogen.

You know, Frank, scientists have found that the sun is a huge atom-smashing machine. The heat and light from the sun are caused by the nuclear reaction between hydrogen and you, Frank O'Toole.

Scientists have found that the sun is a huge atom-smashing machine. The heat and light from the sun come from the nuclear reaction between hydrogen, nitrogen, helium, carbon, boron, chloron, fluoron, moron, and estrogen.


by sunny on 5/12/2008 9:43pm
this song rocks!!!!!
by Jo BabeSs ...Xx on 6/5/2008 3:21pm
thiis song iihs amaziin !!! lol xox (usiin iiht for ma project) lol ...Xx
by Chrosiron Kentava on 6/10/2008 5:33pm
by hkp on 11/5/2008 7:46am
just handed this song in for extra credit in my 6th grade science class...thanks TMBG! I love your songs!
by light on 11/17/2008 9:03pm
great lyrics n awsome
by Astronomy Student on 11/20/2008 8:32pm
This song is helpful.
It actually gave my friend and I some correct answers for our astronomy homework in college.

Long Live TMBG.
by Allah Sulu on 12/7/2008 2:22am
I just saw them in concert and they sang a new song which addresses the factual errors in this one. It's called "The Sun is a Miasma of Incandescent Plasma."
by asdas on 12/7/2008 6:01pm
by gayguy(; on 1/15/2009 4:01pm
by Kelly on 1/5/2010 9:38am
I just hope our teacher told you that the sun isn't really made out of gas. The new song is really cool and is on the CD Time of Science. The whole new album is amazingly catchy
by Here Comes Science on 7/21/2010 3:15am
and not a moment too soon!
by little azza on 9/3/2010 10:33pm
this song sucks...):
by The orange on thta table over there on 3/6/2011 12:56pm
I think this song is cool.
by Yo ho. on 6/1/2011 10:58am
Yo ohohohohohohohohohoho
by shelby on 9/21/2011 6:19pm
omg i <3 this song hahaha
by Billy Rudin on 3/15/2012 6:51am
I heard this song in Primary School in the early 1960's and it always stuck in my head.
by diane on 4/11/2012 6:05pm
i just need a song for school
by lana on 7/22/2012 8:25pm
love this song !!!!
by ellie my own space song on 10/11/2012 5:29pm
space is a very big place and no one can chase ,the sun because it is far away,

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They Might Be Giants Severe Tire Damage - Greatest Hits Lyrics

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