I Told You So-The Ultimate Hits Of Randy Travis (2 CD)
I Told You So-The Ultimate Hits Of Randy Travis (2 CD)

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Tied To The 90's Lyrics

Artist: Travis (Buy Travis CDs)
Album: Singles

We're tied to the 90's
In the middle
It's terribly frightening
I'm takin' it fast
Takin' it slow
There's thunder & lightning
It's terribly frightening
Lord knows
Where it goes
But I know
That if so
Well I want to tell you
We're tired of the 90's
We're tired of the 90's
But we're tied to the 90's
Tied to the 90's
Remember the 80's
(They were something)
Were worse than the 90's
We're stuck in a path
Where fashion is fast
And nothin' is lasting
It's all ghetto blasting
And Lord knows
Where it goes
But I know
That if so well I want to tell you
We're tired of the 90's
We're tired of the 90's
Tied to the 90's
"Middle 8"
We're tired of the 90's
We're tired of the 90's
We're tired of the 90's
But we're tied to the 90's
Oh, we're tied to the 90's
We're tied of the 90's
We're tired of the nines
Tied to the nines
Tied to the 90's

Song written and composed by F.Healy


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