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Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Cats In The Cradle by Ugly Kid Joe. Please check back for more Ugly Kid Joe lyrics.
Cats In The Cradle Lyrics
Artist: Ugly Kid Joe (Buy Ugly Kid Joe CDs)
Album: Cats In The Cradle
My child arrived just the other day;
Came to the world in the usually way
But there were planes to catch and bills to pay.
He learned to walk while I was away.
He was talkin' 'fore I knew it.
And as he grew he said,
"I'm gonna be like you, Dad.
You know I'm gonna be like you."
Chorus :
And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little boy blue and the man on the moon.
"When you comin' home ?"
"Son, I don't know when.
We'll get together then.
You know we'll have a good time then."
Well, my son turned ten just the other day.
He said , "Thanks for the ball, Dad. Come on, let's play.
Could you teach me to throw ?" I said, "Not today.
I got a lot to do." He said, "That's okay."
And he walked away and he smiled and he said,
"You know,
I'm gonna be like him, yeah.
You know I'm gonna be like him."
Well, he came from college just the other day,
So much like a man I just had to say,
"I'm proud of you. Could you sit for a while ?"
He shook his head and he said with a smile,
"What I'd really like, Dad, is to borrow the car keys.
See you later. Can I have them please ?"
Chorus :
And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little boy blue and the man on the moon.
"When you comin home, Son ?"
"I don't know when.
We'll get together then.
You know we'll have a good time then."
I've long since retired, my son's moved away.
I called him up just the other day.
"I'd like to see you, if you dont mind."
He said, "I'd love to, Dad, if I could find the time.
You see my new job's a hassle and the kids have the flu,
But it's sure nice talkin' to you, Dad.
It's been sure nice talkin' to you."
And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me,
He'd grown up just like me.
My boy was just like me.
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Ugly Kid Joe Lyrics
Ugly Kid Joe Cats In The Cradle Lyrics
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gr8 song just loved it
me 2
this song was just on sirius hair nations top 100
I love the song
I was like the Dad in the song, I didnt have much time with my daughter. I was busy looking for money to provide her nice things that this world has. But I guess I am lucky because I made my realization before it is too late. I hope that a lot of people get to have a copy of the song so they too can have their own realization.
how sad
Such a depressing song...
Common people why r u listening to this depressing shit listen to some Wu Tang Clan they are gods of music
wow, i've known this song since it came out... I LOVE IT!!!!!!
jesus knows jack shit
it's not "man on the moon"
it's "man IN the moon"
my dad and i
Good history song...
you guys are so efing emo get over it Jesus! GROW SOME BALLS PUSSYS!!!!!!
this song is fantastic any of you remember seeing them live!!!
It's one of my favorite songs!!!
My dad me my daughter wot else 2 say its 1 ov those songs that make u think aint it ppl
Dont like it cos 1 ov most real song eva made
I plan on playing this at my dad's funeral. Thank god, I am there for my kids even if I loose my job.
EMO my arse, It is just a great fucking song....
i just had a son. hope i wont be like tht.. n he wont be like that..
Everybody should listen to this song from time to time...
time or money? :)
i love this song to no end. its great, and makes you really have some emotion towards the lyrics
i think its aawesome song and every father should listen to it
Depressing, yes, because it's fucking true and it reminds us that we do this shit each and every day. I just listen to it over and over again coz I don't wanna do this to my kids.
I have herd this song so many times by each artist that has played it since I was a child.But this week when I was listing to it I realised not only was I like the father in this song I was also the child in the song at one time.. I also have a friend who just had a child he works 3 jobs to make ends meet I hope and pray that he does not become the father in this song.. the song is great the meaning behind the words are very sad but powerfull...
wow i like so much the song it felt of what i am since the start of what i'v observe the it is until now...its really amuse me..it inspire me so much...bravo/..
the song has a hidden message
the boy turned out just like his father an asshole
and its man on the moon dummie
ha ha
love this song, my Dad split when I was 16, Hes back in our state now 30 years later living at the V.A. His second family dumped him when he developed health problems. His original family My six brothers and sisters and My mother dont visit him. He is a lonely man!
i cant belive how insensitive some of you are. this is a piece of history. its a bloody awesome song and many ppl can relate to it. good on the orginal person for makin the song, every generation will kno it.
Great song, quite sad but very touching.
i didnt know my real father until i was 10 years old and to my suprise...he still does nothing with me...i am and will forever be the child in this situation...even my step-father spends no time with me...learning how to be a man by yourself is the hardest thing you can do and i have no choice...
this song reminds me of my father he has no time for us i hope to god i dont turn out like my father or the father in the song even though im planning on acting i hope i will spend the most time with my kids tht i can possibly do
I haven't seen my kids in 8 years because of situations that are out of my hand still i remember when my son would tell me that he wanted to be just like me and i always replied that he would have to be better than me, i only pray that he remembers those words
i just love this song it is awesome i know how it feels to grow up and your dad is always bussy and they ask you to go away. But when you grow up they want to spend more time with you and you are bussy. I think people/ adults don't know that we kid grow up so fast And they think you were bron today or yesterday.
this song is awesome you guys know ow to make music. I JUST LOVE I mean L.O.V.E. IT SO MUCH.
good song thx.
I�ve heard this song long time ago around 10 years ago perhaps, I was so young then I really enjoyed the music but didn't care 'bout the lyrics. Yesterday, I�ve got the chance to read every single word during videoke leisure. I really do stopped singing in the middle of the song and re-play it again so that I can read it solemnly, then suddenly I found myself hoping that it won�t happen to my son and his dad. (My husband works overseas).
I love this song, it has a nice meaning which is very true and it is very touching... makes me wanna listen again and again.. thankz for the lyrics :)
I love your song im whis i could meet you meet you in person i would just scream. i made my friend cry and me and her just love all your songs
Hi I Just Love Your Song It Is Very Tochng And You Rock So Much And My Mom's Friend Cry Cause Not Thats A Bad Song It's That It Happened To Her. Lol you rock awesomely awesome bro:)
this is so nice song and makes guilty...
i am quite a tough guy but this song always makes me cry, I am not the son and aint the dad but for some reason this song smash my heart into pieces each time i am listening to it.
Sad but great song!
your comments, people, are as much heartbreakin' as the lyrics... I have a lot in common with many of you, really.
i should keep this song...
I have this sone already for 10 years om my comp. Just now, I really wanted to read the lyrics (Im dutch), amd omg its so good. It really smashes me. Really really good!!
I heard this song when i was a young man, now iam older. Everytime i hear this song it reminds me of when I was a child and my father wasn't there for me, like his father wasn't there for him. I see my three children are in the cycle as i once was. Iam so trying to change because without yours kids, you have nothing to live for
heartbreaking one ;-)
I like this, coz this like me and may father..
Love it! The English verson is the best, but the Norwegain is okey.
I have to admit that everybody shold listen this song from time to time
that song is a legend. hard to get outta your head. goose pimples everytime.any1 who cant relate to that song, i say theres something wrong!!
this song is great. it sure is an inspiration,and the lyrics should be listened too,cause how many kids and their parents are like this these days.
A truly great song
I've loved this song when it was a hit years ago and sing along while it's played on the radio but i never fully understood the meaning of it, i had a chance of reading it again on a videoke with my wife recently and touched by the song differently. I have a daughter now and i'm very grateful that i quit my former job where i would be away from my family for months, now i know i will never be that man in the song.
I loved that song because it was about growing up and we are doing growing up stuff at school. The bit i didn't really like was when the father didn't have enough time for the son and the son didn't have enough time for the father.
your song is great and a bit sad but that is how to get people to like it.The bit when his dad went to work and he doesen't have time for his son was sad and then his son came home and his son but he just wanted to go hang out with his friends from collage
Hi I think I know what the meaning of the song is . Where at the start of the song the dad dosen't have time for his son.Then at the end of the song the son does not have time for the dad it was a really brillant song I really liked it
i love your song but i didn't get it. now i do. my dad makes time to play with us when he can.
i live in greece and our english teacher wanted us to hear that song so as to help us improve our english... mobody was hearing in the clasroom...neither do i...but when i got home i was curious so i gave it another listen...and i have to say that...it is one of the gratestas songs i have ever heard....just love it<3
Yolanda Sontiago, you're just like my Dad, for that you should be proud
hmmm.i love this song
Refreshing to hear a song with real lyrics. So much pointless songs in the days of the follow ups of Britney. Even if, by accident, they sing real lyrics, it sounds so fake coming from them that you don't hear the words anyway....
Oh well, I'm going out Cycling with my boys tomorrow!
A song that in this current climate unfortunately is all too common.
Many Dads focus on staying in work and putting food on the table, with precious little time for the kids.But if any song brings it all home, it`s this one.
A pure classic!
lovely song
love d song..i do hope in the future,,wont happen to me..so miss my only son
YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this song! :3 It's one of the best songs ever..
I love this song, my father told me about this song and I listened to it and as soon as I heard it I knew what he was talking about.������ I love this song
dang i love this song but i also love dreamer by ozzy osbourne man +eye of the tiger!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (whistle)
this is a awsome song
I have to travel for work. There is no work were I'm from. My sun is six. I remember this song from my own childhood, I never knew my own father. I have this song in my head all day every day. It breaks my hart to be away from my famiely. But my options are leave them to work or stay and watch them go hungry. Spend as much time with your kids as you can. They grow up quick. I missed my suns first steps, his first words, and way to much already. I'm the father in this song in every lyric. I hope with all my hart that this isn't still true when I retire. I love and miss you Jonny.
this song reminds me of my father when i was in my younger days.
this song was about a son turn to a father and a father and his son.well things can be happen to all of us what you will show to your children in the future,
wow... really deppressing song.. but its nice and cacthy
well, its a very very nice song. but its totally sad:(
I used to play this song when I was a teenager and I still love it till now. At first I didn't understand the lyric coz I'm Indonesian, but I can feel he rhythm and I know it's the sad song but it's good.
I like it
i just loved it! makes me want to wear stretchy pants
Wonderful Song! so many of us neglect our fathers and what they sacrifice for us...
Fagets, cry me a river :D
what a beautiful song..
Am son and am sure.one day my dad gonna sing this song.Nice one.PRAGMATIC SONG
The deepest song ever... love it or hate it, it just make you think... and pick up the phone to call dad before it too late
one of my fav.....song,and i've
really really like it.
love this song, my dad was like the one in the lyrics, I sent him the song hoping he could spend more time, now I am grown and working, and he passed away just before he could retire.... spend more time with your kids when you can.
.we can't blame our parents if this situati0n happened c0z they too didn't want it..but they have to so they can pr0vide our needs.it's n0t that easy to raise family n0w in this unstable w0rld..we should have broad mind..we should understand them and return love to them.
after the song listen also to UNTITLED from simple plan
I have been the Dad in this song and not realised... It has cost me to loose my 2 daughters...
great song.!!!.......just loved the lyrics.....its expresses real meanings :)
sad buh true. Even though im not a father yet, this song taught me already about wot to do in da future. Great song.!!
Dad, I m nobody's son.
The song has terrible mistake,logic one.
He didn't have time for his son, but his son, later, don't have time for father, but have time for his own children ("the kids have the flu" excuse for refusing meeting with his father. It seems like this song is about revenge, not about that his son become like he.
it strikes deep in my heart, i can relate to every aspects of this song.
another song reminds me of this, THE SADDEST SONG - ATARIS.
i was enlighten about this songs!
Apple doesnt fall far away from the apple tree..
It's hard to be a parents but give and do our best as a parents...
jus cool music and lyrics
A very touching song, with very real lyrics. I have missed much of my elder sons lives due to break ups, and now have a young son that I am missing out on due to work commitments. To make a difference would take a very life changing decision. Life is hard!
This song scares me too. They don't make 'em like they used to.
i fuckin' love this song!!
It's so motherfucker great...!!!
this is the best song in the world!!!
Looking at the spaces between comments you see the time between them increase
Like it or not, even those that come here are like the son in a way, they have less time to come and "visit" each year
I also tried to find an analogue for the dad in the song but I couldn't, sorry
Great song ofc. but that goes without saying
you all know its a cover right???? and they have changed the lyrics slightly, its quite an old song