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Freestyle- Smackdown 2003-05-23 Lyrics

Artist: Wrestling Lyrics (Buy Wrestling Lyrics CDs)
Album: World Wrestling Entertainment

Yo, Yo, Yo, hey you Spanky,
You€™re just a copycat of me.
I€™ve been watching your progression,
The kid€™s got an obsession with trying to steal my Ruthless Agression.
In his first match with Kurt Angle, he took him to the limit,
In the next minute, he€™s wearin velour and claiming that€™s his gimmick,
Dude, he€™s exactly like me. No.. I€™m ten times bigger,
You want to be me so bad you swallowed my action figure.
But you€™ll never be untouchable. I don€™t care how hard you try to,
I€™ll serve you quicker than a Burger King drive thru.
And with a name like Spanky the dude never gets a date,
He€™s always arguing in groups because all he does is masturbate.
So I€™m past you ya little rascal, you and your kiddie tricks,
You want to spank something? Dude, go home and spank your D***!


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