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Chattanooga Choo Choo Lyrics
Artist: Glenn Miller (Buy Glenn Miller CDs)
Album: Chattanooga Choo Choo
Glenn Miller
- from "Sun Valley Serenade"
- words by Mack Gordon, music by Harry Warren
Pardon me, boy
Is that the Chattanooga choo choo?
Track twenty-nine
Boy, you can gimme a shine
I can afford
To board a Chattanooga choo choo
I've got my fare
And just a trifle to spare
You leave the Pennsylvania Station 'bout a quarter to four
Read a magazine and then you're in Baltimore
Dinner in the diner
Nothing could be finer
Than to have your ham an' eggs in Carolina
When you hear the whistle blowin' eight to the bar
Then you know that Tennessee is not very far
Shovel all the coal in
Gotta keep it rollin'
Woo, woo, Chattanooga there you are
There's gonna be
A certain party at the station
Satin and lace
I used to call "funny face"
She's gonna cry
Until I tell her that I'll never roam
So Chattanooga choo choo
Won't you choo-choo me home?
Chattanooga choo choo
Won't you choo-choo me home?
Glenn Miller Lyrics
Glenn Miller Chattanooga Choo Choo Lyrics
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this is a great song
This is a great song and we are singin it for hills festival.
we is singin dis 4 our leavers play yeah
when i was in fourth grade we had to sing celebrate the states songs i am now going into 7th grade and i still love this song
I sing in 'Track 29' harmonising choir and this is our signature tune!
hi your such a great song writer and i think dat dis is a fabuolos song
blessed be
we did this song when we had chours in elementry school
Caroline seems rather angry about the Chatanooga Choo Choo
My Great-grandparents met on the chatonngga choo choo. And later on got married.
Actually, the song starts
"Hi there Tex, what'd you say?"
"Step aside partner; it's my day.
Bend an ear, and listen to my version."
"Of a really solid Tennessee excursion"
also, it's "Can you afford to board", not "I can afford"
Fugue is correct. It's "Can you afford to board" not "I can afford."
my cousin was singing this song on holiday, and it has really stuck in my mind and it is 'I can afford'
Robby and Holly are both right...it just depended on how the song was presented. Sometimes when Tex Beneke sang with the band a group of people, a woman, or another vocalist would sing parts (the questions for example) and he would sing the other lyrics. Actually I think the Tex Beneke version which included the lyrics Fugue mentions, is the best.
"Can you afford"
To board a Chattanooga choo choo
I've got my fare
And just a trifle to spare
Just a slight correction...
This is an example of the racist songs of that era.
"Pardon me Boy!?"
"Boy, you can gimme a shine!?"
Well, at least the melody was nice.
I love this song! It's so cool, wicked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how does "boy" let you know the race of the person being spoken to--white men still called white boys, "boy."
I'm really feeling Deedubb's comment about the racist mentality of that era exemplified in this song.
I just heard it performed by 2 band members of Kiss on Family Guy...which was hilarious and helped me overlook that sad heritage.
I love this song!!I sang it in 5th grade chorus and I have loved it since. Whoever wrote it is a freaking genius!!
Deedubb is an idiot! If so racist, why say the melody is nice? Don't listen to it then. I like the song! U must be black! LOL!
Great! Great!
The The Sun Valley Serenade and the Song were so popular in the former USSR... My Grams told me :) I love'em too
sandtoy is an ass....I can see the racist overtones (and NO, I'm not black!) However, the song is a statement of the times during that era. Lots of folks then just didn't know any better, I hate to say, especially in the south. It's still an awesome song.
While I can definitely see how the "boy" could actually be a black man, you know there were shoeshine boys who were _white_ too. And the "pardon me boy" part is a very minor part of the song.
I don't think the song is sexist. I did this song in colorguard and some people in my handbell class were in band and we were singing it on the bus today.
i am singing this song for busking in adelaide and isnt it just a great song :) =D
my granny used to sing this to us when we were wee (:
my granny used to sing this to us when we were wee (":
I do not believe this song is racial at all y would anyone even think that! It's a great song and all this raciel crap shouldn't be brought into it.
gotta love a bit of glen.
some stupid twits gotta sing this song at a concert and i wasnt even in with a chance. GRR
I do not believe this song is racial at all y would anyone even think that! It's a great song and all this raciel crap shouldn't be brought into it.
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I sing this song every day at my breakfast!
I grew up listening to this sound as my parents were WWII era and played it on weekends all the time. Great song, great tune. In all those times I never got any racial overtone from it. I am sure "boy" refers to just that, a boy -- and not a black man. Miller worked with many black artists of the time and I don't think he would have written or used lyrics that were racial.
I went on a trip on the Empire Builder train from Chicago to Seattle last week & this was one of the songs I brought along on my I-Pod. It fit the spirit of long-distance train travel. I also brought along Choo Choo Ch'Boogie, City of New Orleans, Take The A-Train & Chicago by Frank Sinatra. The classics are wonderful.
My parents said I sang this song just before the WW11. I was about 2 1/2. I only knew the first two lines but I was told I used to sing them and dance on the table. My dad and uncle [killed in the war] taught me it. I still remember although they are dead now. Great song.
O.M.G we are doing this song for our leavers song!!! It is sooo funny and cheesy!!! Haha !!! Chattanooga choo choo wont you choo choo me home !!! Lol !!!
I'm old enough to remember "I Got a Gal in Kalamazoo"? During WW11, the band went all over the USA to small and middlesized towns. Not like nowadays where LA, NYC and Vegas are the places to be.
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This is an absolutely fab song! May parents are also WWII era and I learned all these GM songs from them. Miller was the best of his era. This song is not racial--back then, no one thought anything about it. That was just the innocence of the period. Boys were boys and girls were girls and no insult or put down was intednded or even thought of in this context. From our prospective 60 years later, some choose to see it as racial. Get over it!
Zach, that "group of people" who backed up soloist Tex Beneke were, generally, the Modernaires. Sometimes they did have guest singers to sing with the band. Your explanation of the two versions is exactly right. I also prefer the version with Tex and the Modernaires.
My grandmother used to sing this and play it on the piano along with other ragtime music. She would really get to rolling with these fun songs. Her siblings would stand around the piano, laughing singing and say "play, Ella, play"
I really liked this song because when I was in 3rd grade we sang this in the choras. That song is the only memory of it.
Of course young white males were called "boy" too and shined shoes, but the likelihood of this referring to them in a 1940s railroad service environment is essentially nil, so this is certainly about black male shoeshine "boys." It's a terrific piece of music that I hum all the time, but it's a product of a different era when shining shoes and being called "boy" were part of the culture and the music.
Oh, and least my last message be unclear about it, yes it was racist in the sense that the whole culture was based on racism. Not that every white person wanted to lynch blacks, nor that they weren't actually sympathetic to the racial problems in America on some level, but the overall American culture was racist in the sense the deck was stacked heavily and systematically against getting ahead solely on the color of one's skin.
Isn't it ironic that we've come full circle in the sense that now through affirmative action skin color is still systematically contingent on "getting ahead".
My mom Becky sang all these oldies she danced and winked her eye at me on this one . She also did Sentimental Journey by Doris Day. Mom's in Heaven now my sister and I sing at Nursing Homes
Great song for playing with model trains and the grandson
for some reason this song has been playing in my head for many years- then i found out it was number 1 on the day i was born
I love Glenn Miller...i love tex beneke's voice even more. I like the version where the Modernaires ask: Hi there tex, what'd you say?? AS for "boy" i never in my life thought of it as a black person. I guess because the first time i heard any reference to this song was in the movie "young Frankenstein". Gene Wilder asks a kid if this is the right train and the kid was just that, a young boy. oh, and i've only heard "Can you afford to board" not "I can afford".
this is my skool concert song!!!
one of my Glen Miller favourites. Being a shoe shine boy was a job for many races. not just the afro american. So let us not get silly and listen to Glen Millers Band at its best. Right about the start though
@Bill: '...but the likelihood of this referring to them in a 1940s railroad service environment is essentially nil,...'This is more a statement of the times than a show of racial overtones. The fact that the 'boy' is more likely to refer to a black shoe-shine boy is irrelevant. I don't think it is intended derogatory. In fact, I think the line is more intended to show class distinction - the young lackeys cleaning shoes were so far below someone who could afford to take the train. The fact that in all probability the shoe-shiner was black does not make the comment racist - if anything, your interpretation that the line is racist because chances are the worker was black is racist in itself.
This was the number one song in the nation on December 7, 1941.
I also grew up listening to this song from my parents, in Cuba.. Now I�m 51, and, still living in Cuba, I carry all the way these inmortal GM that provide unlimited pleasure to me!.
Hilger Higher Learning Choir just sang this song standing right across the sidewalk from the Chattanooga Choo Choo - Track 29. It gave me chills to watch it all - I too grew up in Washington state hearing this song and knowing the words to it, never suspecting that one day I would be living here and have a daughter singing the song at the Choo Choo in Chattanooga. It is a world wide familiar song to many.
What does eight to the bar mean?
Eight eighth notes to a bar of music was the standard beat of pop music in that area. To really jump and jive, you need many (eight) fast notes(eighths)in a short time to provide the tempo. Go back and listen again and count out the beats with your fingers and you'll hear it. Dut-dut-duh-dah, dut-dut-duh-dah. In contrast, a waltz is written in "three quarter time" (three quarter notes per bar) to provide the tempo for a slower dance: ONE two three, ONE two three!
Chattanooga Choo Choo is such an awesome song that I sing it in the shower!
we are singing this song for all the 1st years coming to our school :P
the song was playing on our dab raido
on a station we never tune into
and now the radio has lights on but noone home Broken... why
Thank you America for giving us all your culture and everything else!
World should be poorest without you!
God bless you!
Io amo l'America!!!
Great song forever
I used to sing this when I was an evacuee in the New Forest from Portsmouth, UK, during the Blitz in 1942 and I can still remember the words!
Daughters & I just visited Chatanooga & the Choo Choo. Could not stop singing the song even though we did not know all the lyrics. Thanks for helping us!
Just took a ride on the famous "Skunk Train" from Ft. Bragg CA. Through the redwood forest, a wonderful singer of train tunes entertained us with songs, including Chatanooga Choo Choo. I sang along as I knew all of the lyrics. What a wonderful time/song/experience. Try it if you can!
born and reared in Chattanooga, and use to help dad make deliveries to both train stations during 40s and 50s. Had a cousin (white boy) who shined shoes at the old Union Station. So much for only colored shoe shine boys!
I'm a native Chattanoogan. The veryfirst time this song was performed on radio by Glenn Miller's band with Tex Beneke on vocal - the Modernaires were the group singing to Tex, hence, 'Can you afford' at the beginning of the song.
Well, I bet this is a ONE OF A KIND. I was listening with my foster parents in their bedroom when Glenn announced the introduction of his new single record. I now own a copy of that original recording on 78rpm.
two friends and I are going to sing 'choochoo' for my sister's 80th birthday party. We wanted a song that would say 'the forties' and this was it...we are not the greatest singers but, this song will let folks think we are.....thanks , dear Glenn.
A true classic that will never die!!!!
Init Dis Song Is Good Man !
Roy Rogers and Dale Evans were camping and Roy awoke to a mountain lion mauling his new cowboy boots outside the tent. The lion ran off and Roy vowed to get him and after hunting for several days returned to camp with the dead lion strapped to his saddle. When Dale saw this she started singing "Pardon me Roy, is that the cat that chewed your new shoes"...........
What a gay song. Go and die you bastards
This is a great song. I know that when it was written the word "boy" (refering to a Black Shoe Shine person I presume?) was considered ok. But in this day and age it cannot be used. If it were rewritten the word "sir" or "friend" would be used.
This is from my mother's era and I remember how much she enjoyed it. I do too.
Although "boy" sometimes was used to refer to a black man, this is just a reference to the young men, white and black, working in the station.
some of u people are weirdo's coz hardly any of you can spell
great song though
this is a song that i have heard a chorus sing love it and it sounds so AMAZING as a duet :) you really shouldve heard the 5th graders and 6th graders sing were actually suprisingly good :0
I am 70. I live in Chisinau (the capital of Moldova - the former Soviet republic). First saw a masterpiece of Glenn Miller' "Sun Valley Serenade" in 1960. Now I watch and listen to the songs "Chattanooga Choo Choo" and "I know why" every week.
If it's possible, I'd like to edd some words. "Son Valley Serenade" is unmatched. It is happiness and delight. What a tragedy that Glenn Miller died in his 40 years! But his magnificent melodies will always be with us.
This is a great song!!!
politically correct version uses "you're gonna make it on time" for "Boy, you can gimme a shine"...either way, a great song
hey nigger give me a shine
This song is fantastic! Im a 1940's entertainer and people love this song. Sadly on the racist issue it was a sign of the times but i don't think people see it that way now. Well not the true music fans!x
Plenty of comment on the political correctness or incorrectness of "boy," but no one has mentioned the glaring geographical incorrectness. No train out of Pennsylvania Station bound for Chattanooga ever passed through any Carolina. The route after Baltimore was Washington, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Bristol Va.-Tenn., Knoxville, and Chattanooga.
It was a song of the era, why so much analysis. What was then, is not now.....get over it or you'll never get past it. If you don't like the song, don't listen. And who cares what the route was....IT'S A SONG.
The point of outlining the route is that the lyricist went out of his way to bring in a reference to the older standard, "Nothing Could Be Finer Than To Be in Carolina." It's charming! If you don't like analysis, maybe you should stay away from blogs and stick by your audio equipment.
This is what my class sings, we changed most of the words! Anyway.. just ENJOY!!
Pardon me boy. Is that the periodic table?
With all the elements fine, each on their own special line!
Didn't you know, that everything is made of matter?
Those atoms attract, and bond together in fact!
We have a chemical reaction when some elements meet
Atoms bonds are broken, they're no longer complete.
Solid, Liquid, Gases, takes up space with masses
And when there's a catalyst that's when there's crosses.
There's more but I can't remember.. Sorry but I'll find out soon!!
Hope this help!!!!!!!
I heard a "joke" about this song.
It would take me awhile to type out the whole thing so I'll just give you the gist of it.
Instead of "Pardon me Roy, is that the Chattanooga Choo Choo? It's
"Pardon me Roy, is that the cat that chewed your new shoes?" LOL
this song is the best ya di you konw that im learning about this
One of the best songs in music history and one of my favourites
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i am on this we are getting avacuted to somwere but prowtend
Ok, enough of the comments, now LET'S ALL SING!
Speaking of geographical train route errors, Judy Garland could not have traveled all the way from Philadelphia on the Atchison, Topeka, and the Santa Fe. It rhymes.
It's called "poetic license."
my mum loves that song and she annoys me by singing it lol :)
Omg, were singing this in my choir at school!! It is a catchy song, im in seventh grade btw... Yeah were singing the longer version with the chattinooga train and the atchisontopeka and the santa fe!! :) it awesomee
To PROUD WHITE MAN. Hang yourself with your sheet, you ignorant, uneducated, pathetic imbecile!
im in choir and we have to sing dis song and it is pretty awsome i cant complain bout dis song being stupid and bill no offense u speak to nerdy lol(; who gives a dam bout history lol (: not mee ahahahaha bobina marly dont try to be bob marly becuz ur not ever going to be his wife ok get tht straight and if ur mom loves tht song leVE her alone but i think i like lil wayne and j cole better
i am singing this song in choir and i have got this song stuck in my head!!and i have been singing it all night!!!! :)
Annie Nguyen I love your periodic table version, very interesting.
Nice song, what's your problem, boy?
Mom with dementia can't talk but can sing this!
a sixties pop group the "harpers bizarre" did an excellent verion of this tune.
I for on used to shine shoe in Denver Union station ib thyen early 50's, I was 12 or 13 at the time. By the way I am white. Spent from 41 t0 50 riding the train from KC To Denver and back, knew the conductors by name.
LOL John noone cares dick
The idiom of eight to the bar is actually dotted eighth note-16th note dotted eighth note-16th note dotted eighth note-16th note dotted eighth note-16th note; it is often notated, however as 8 eighth notes. Thus if a symphony orchestra played "In the Mood" it would sound completely different. I was a white bus boy and then a bar waiter in a country club in the 50's. When the clientele wanted something, they would yell "Boy!"
This song is one of the most important, if not the most important song in my life. In 1945, when Hungary was liberated from the Nazi occupation, I heard this song for the first time in my life, after so much suffering, I was just born again! Literally! It was like a whole new world, a better world, where hapiness is possible, was opening up before my eyes and soul! It gave me such a happiness and glorious feeling in my heart, that is undescribable. And that without understanding a word in English!! And I feel the exact same thing today, when I hear it. Nothing changed. The authors, and Glenn Miller are all geniuses! That was my liberation, along with other GM hits.
nice and good song!!!
a very nice song
The term boy could mean anyone who worked for the railroad. It was a sign of being a servant. It did not matter what color you were. In my home town the guy who worked at the train depot was white and his job wazs to shine shoes. One day he was sporting around town in a Brand new Red Corvette. He saved his tips.
Look at history. Yes, they used the term "BOY" for African-American males. It was referring to a Black man working at the railway. They were not referring to young men under 18 or white males of any age. Please learn history before you speak on things that you don't know and try to rationalize it. That was an ugly time in our country. This song reflects it.
This is reply to "V"'s post: maybe you could look at history yourself, and not very far either--see Wally Jones' post in this thread. I was a white bus boy and then a bar waiter in a country club in the 50's. When the clientele wanted something, they would yell "Boy!" Get the chip off your shoulder and just enjoy the song, or at let the rest of us.
this is a nice jazz song in my class some people sing it
One of the many songs on piano rolls for our old player piano when I was a youngster. A favorite
currently choo chooing bub to sleep
Hi i love this song
Great to be able to find the lyrics, I won the bet!
I sing this to my two year old grandson while playing with Thomas the Tank Engine. He's the "boy" and he loves it. I love it too. Get past the past and enjoy a cool song.
going to the cho cho to spend thanksgiving and eat with the Christmas elves on track 29. will see aquarium and rock city and sleep in the train car, WOO woo!Won't you chattanooga cho chop me home!
I'm 79 now, but this famos song I heard first in Eastern Berlin shortly after the Second World War by AFN, the broadcasting service for the US-groups in Berln!
Please refer to the movie "Sun Valley Serenade" starring Glenn Miller himself. You can clearly see that John Payne is singing to a young white shoeshine boy at the train station. While the term "boy" was used in this time period to reference men of color, this was not one of those times.
The Lee University Festival choir (from right outside of Chattanooga), sang this yesterday right before President Obama's second inauguration ceremony. I don't think they would have been able to sing it if Pres. Obama, or a staff member, hadn't approved it.
People, I was looking for the text of the song and I could not avoid reading the posts, also 5 years old.
People, some of you are a little sick if a normal song, 60 years old, even naif, written just to laugh abt something, immediately becomes the object of sociopolitical discussion.
Push the default button (it is right behind your right ear), and say to yourselves "what a wondeful world!"
But what has happened to:
"Step aside pardner - it's my day.
Lend an ear and listen to my diversion - of a really solid Tennessee excursion." boop -boop-de bop - - - "pardon me boy - etc.
And I did watch Capt (it was before his promotion) Glenn Miller conduct his orchestra for a BBC recording in my school Great Hall in 1944. Yes they really did manage over 300 gigs in the 14 months in GB. Now - what band could achive that - - ?
we had 2 do this song last year in school. i like it :D
If "Tex" was a racist white talking down to a black man, would he have said "Pardon me" before the "boy"? I kinda doubt it.
my granddaughter's class is singing this song at fall school play. She loves this song. So glad schools are bring back songs from my youth.
singing it in the school choir. didnt like it at the start now that i know it more its easier and more fun to sing
I love it. best song EVER!
In th movie, when two black dancers sing,
" track tenty-nine
It's the tennesee line"
wonder why......
Proud human beeing
I love this song it is ok
Not too bad of a song.
Been around 75 years north south east and west. I have never heard of a shoe shine man or shoe shine girl. Don't care if it's a Rodeo in Texas, an Air Port in California or a pool hall in New Orleans, it's always been shoe shine boy. So get a life revisionist history sucks.
Beautiful song,never forget...
To those who feel the need to see racism in everything-- including this amazing song-- I'm sorry that your life has been so devoid of happiness, achievement, and personal responsibility that you feel the need to make excuses for your and others failings all the time. Get off your crosses, someone needs the wood.
And go back to your "affirmative action" jobs/education/welfare/etc�or that unionized job you have with the government as a "Footwear Polishing Civil Engineer"
Gosta, you're probably thinking of the Dorothy Dandridge version. Back then, a lot of artists did covers of the same song, with minor changes in the lyrics.
Very entertaining song!
Our family will be singing this song in a hospital presentation SATB. Very challenging. Didn't realize that many have commented about its racial slur. Nevertheless, it's a great old song.
When you grow up 15 miles from Chattanooga, this song can really stir up feelings of home. It really is a great song. Every now and then you get a hankering for swing/big band music.
It was written for Sun Valley Serenade, the movie. It was a white male talking to a white male! I am still LMAO to those who find the fault in it. The Glenn Miller version is sheer genius.
Some people in this country/conversation are really hung up on race. They see everything through the prism of racial overtones.
Hate to tell you guys, but when race is the thing you focus on, then you are a racist.
Try listening to/enjoying this song without obsessing over race and looking to be offended all the time.
We sing this ya choir
"Eight to the bar" often just means "really exciting" (like "kick it up a notch"). This very song is a fair illustration: at the beginning and the end ("in the stations"), it's kinda laid back. But in the middle ("on the rails") it's more vigorous ... kicked up a notch ... eight to the bar. The implication that everything's more exciting in Tennessee probably has more to do with the singer's own feelings and plans, than objective reality ;-)
Performing this for young musian of the year soham
Re the racist comments. I am white, age 92 and was called "Boy" by men in their 30's when I was in my 20's. "Boy" was used because it fit the song. Most shoe shiners were called boy regardless of age, color, religion or previous history.
in france they call waiters garçon ,this translates to boy.the "boy" can be anything from teenager to pensioner.where is the racism in that.Boy I enjoyed saying that.
I was born in 1944, my eldest sister married an English soldier, they left for the U.K. in 1946. She's still alive, her husband died at the age of 90. They had 4 children. We (the other sisters and one brother) knew all the 'war' music of the big bands. Glenn Miller and Dame Vera Lynn still bring tears to my eyes.....and I was only just born !
I have known about this song since I was 12years of age. I'm now 77rs ld Loved it but never learned all the words till today. Still love it
about 70 yars ago I could enjoy the song
while being invited to celebrate a birthday with a G.I. at BFV and so happened last
night awakening with pains my mind gave
me the "chance" thinking about the past
and as you can read the singing man and
Clen Miller touched my brain and smooths a bit my pains
I can like the song and point out the casual racism at the same time. Historically, the Pullman Porter were Blacks. In that era, people summoned them with a raised hand and "Hey Boy". Much like "Excuse me Waiter". Not saying it was hostile or unfriendly but it was what it was (casual racism).
"Boy" was a racist and patronizing term and that's certainly the context in which it was used. Good song but it's a product of a casually racist era. If you want to pretend it isn't that's on you. I still love the song nonetheless.
To Proud White Man you are an embarrassment to the white race. And whoever says it's a racist song get a freaking life why does everything have to be I'm black and that's offensive to blacks. You never here White Castle Burgers offend me cause I'm white or I'm dreaming of a white Christmas whys it gotta be white let's start a riot and have them change the title of that song. If all these things offend you because of the color of ones skin you need help
Such a nice song, runs like a train!
Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaardon me boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy is that the Chattanooga choo choo. BRAYDEN MYNOTT IS A DURRI MUNCHER
Great song and native American lovely things
I love songs Glenn Miller has played and this is one of my favourites
(Especially, " Chattanooga Choo Choo won't you Choo Choo me home")
In Marfa Texas where the train tracks are close to the hotel.
We couldn’t help but start singing this great song.
I grew up listening to Glenn Miller and all of the great Big Bands. Why can't we just listen to the music and enjoy