Jesus Christ Superstar (Original London Concept Recording)
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Heaven On Their Minds Lyrics
Artist: Jesus Christ Superstar (Buy Jesus Christ Superstar CDs)
Album: Jesus Christ Superstar Soundtrack
My mind is clearer now
At last
All too well
I can see
Where we all
Soon will be
If you strip away
The myth
From the man
You will see
Where we all
Soon will be
You've started to believe
The things they say of you
You really do believe
This talk of God is true
And all the good you've done
Will soon be swept away
You've begun to matter more
Than the things you say
Listen Jesus
I don't like what I see
All I ask is that you listen to me
And remember
I've been your right hand man all along
You have set them all on fire
They think they've found the new Messiah
And they'll hurt you when they find they're wrong
I remember when this whole thing began
No talk of God then, we called you a man
And believe me
My admiration for you hasn't died
But every word you say today
Gets twisted 'round some other way
And they'll hurt you if they think you've lied
Nazareth's most famous son
Should have stayed a great unknown
Like his father carving wood
He'd have made good
Tables, chairs and oaken chests
Would have suited Jesus best
He'd have caused nobody harm
No one alarm
Listen Jesus, do you care for your race?
Don't you see we must keep in our place?
We are occupied
Have you forgotten how put down we are?
I am frightened by the crowd
For we are getting much too loud
And they'll crush us if we go too far
If we go too far
Listen Jesus to the warning I give
Please remember that I want us to live
But it's sad to see our chances weakening with ev'ry hour
All your followers are blind
Too much heaven on their minds
It was beautiful, but now it's sour
Yes it's all gone sour
Ah --- ah ah ah --- ah
God Jesus, it's all gone sour
Listen Jesus to the warning I give
Please remember that I want us to live
So come on, come on, listen to me.
Ah --- ah
Come on, listen, listen to me.
Come on and listen to me.
Ah --- ah
Jesus Christ Superstar Lyrics
Jesus Christ Superstar Jesus Christ Superstar Soundtrack Lyrics
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aaaaaaaaaaah so coooooool aaahhhahahhhahhhhaaaaaaaahha
AAaaaaaaah che bomba!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this guy has an amazing voice.
This is a really good song!! And Shane will be really great at it!! Go Shane!!!!(:
amazing piano part n love the the 7/8 rhythm in it, so cool!
i'm hearing another version of the song, so the text doesent fit
i love this song
carl has(had) a great voice
We are doing this play in school and i am playing judas! it is soooocool:D
In which school, Engla?
I live in Sweden so i don't suppose you�d know wich school it is..
briljant song really beautifull
This song... I love it. So fucking accurate!
this is 1 of my favorite songs in the whole movie
this is my favourite song, and for yuou who live in sweden or denmark i say , GO SE THE SWEDISHVERSION in Malm�!!
awsome!! Ola salo plays the role of jesus, and the two guys who plays Judas are outstanding!
and Engla, which school?
I love Jesus!
who is the name of the singer?
OMG!! i ATTEND GOVERNOR SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS IN Norfolk Virginia.......in Musical Theater department.. and for our individable lessons, our vocal teacher picks songs for us that we had to choose from that we like to sing..and at first i thought that it was wack...BUT OMG MANN!!!! I LOVE THIS SONG...I REALLY FEEL IT AND IT'S VERY ENERGETIC..WHEN I'M SINGING IT, I BE SOOO INTO IT...IT'S AMAZING.....
What a fabulous voice this guy has.It was great to read the lyrics again. I have the original album and am one of the fortunates who has seen the original theatreversion in London. Just fabulous.all of it!
I saw the last performance he and the original Pilate gave in Dallas years ago definitely something I'll never forget.The singers name is Murray Head.
Carl Anderson!
correct me if I'm wrong, but i'm fairly sure the bit labelled "Jesus" is actually still sung by judas, in the film version judas is alone on top of a cliff is he not?
I love being pedantic
-- Trilby
i love this song soo much y'all it is so fantastic i listen to it back in salt lake city utah and I LOVE IT. the whole church joins in the music, and the atmosphere (yall) is brilliyall!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE JESUS WILL YOU BE MY VALENTINE?
Any other salt lake city ya'lls out there?
This song is our song... in fact everybody want to sing this song...
this song is sooo coool! i love it!!!!! but the text is a bit different in the older version
Great song and musical! Whoever wrote the lyrics added one too many lines at the end of the 8th verse. And some words are missing....
la mejor canci�n de jesucristo superestarr!!
Trilby, the part that says 'Jesus' is Judas singing the word 'Jesus'....not a part for Jesus to sing.
Brilliant! I love this show
Will soon be swept away should be will son GET swept away
I shivered when I first saw the movie! And "Judas" singing this song is just incredible, I loved his voice!
This song is the best! When I fist listened this song, I shivered! It was something that I can't explain, and this actor/singer is just INCREDIBLE, I fell in love with his voice! It is a nice movie!!
A great singer no doubt. What got to me the most was the message. Very powerful and poignant. It always get me thinking about Judas role in this whole saga. He was the only one thinking straight!!
Yes, this Song is AMAZING. and i love the Judas character. His great! Greatest of them all... !!! <3 =DD
actually it's not labeled Jesus at all...he sings "JESUS!" waaaayyy up high
Actually we play this musical at our school right now... Our Judas has an amazing voice... ^^ Just by the way. ;)
Love this song... My favourite from the whole Musical... Nice Greetz from Germany :)
'All your followers are blind
Too much heaven on their minds'
i saw and Andrew Lloyd Webber song along (all the songs were from different musicals by him) and the guys who were in this song were HOT
Carl Anderson is fucking fantastic! And this song to!! It really get's under your skin.
I LOVE this song! Judas is my ABSOLUTE favorite character!
judas is my dream roll!!
words, melody, voice of judas. Everything's great
Who sings this
He aprendido de memoria todas las canciones de Jesucristo Superstar. He visto el video cientos de veces. �Ser� adicto?. Solo decir que tanto Evita como esta obra me apasionan. Should I have said this in English? I don't think so. You should learn Spanish. It's far more easier.
OK a couple of questions
firstly, who is this Carl Anderson?
cos the one i have got and in fact im watching right now is the one made in 2000 and its the one where all the men are wearing leather jackets! judas is played by Jerome Pradon and he is my favourite actor of all time!!!!!!!
i love carl anderson!
go judas, and jesus.!
tyler noel lance will die in 56 days.
@ Trindy
that wasn't a part...
that was Judas exclaiming JESUS!
carl anderson is judas in the original movie version put out in i think 1976
i love this song. i am in jesus christ superstar in theatre and i love this song
Love this song heaps!
the 1996 version is awesome.
Aaaah classic i'm about to sing this very song at our play ;)
this is my fav in the whole movie i saw it three times in a row yesterday night , today in the morning and now.
viva jesus!
I think this is an amazing voice, i like the singer: Carl Anderson
People always complain about Jerome Pradon`s performance as Judas in the 2000 film . I don`t understand the hate ! I thought BOTH Carl Anderson and Jerome did an AWESOME job as Judas ! They BOTH showed his anger , confusion , desperation and guilt PERFECTLY albeit in different ways ! Don`t you people understand if Jerome tried to sound like Anderson , his performance would`ve TOTALLY failed ? So , he was wise to make it his own !
Hi, I'm playing Judas in the school play we're doing and am performing to over 300 people x I'm in middle school xx x
My favorite song. I have not heard or seen the 2000 version, however Carl Anderson's rendition is nothing short of sheer brilliance. The anguish, the rationale, the sorrow! The voice of Judas Iscariot eternal! (R.I.P.) Carl.
Addendum: This song sets the tone for the entire story from the point of view of Judas. Without the betrayal, there would be no Christianity. He knew what he had to do. And committed suicide. A stunning collaboration by Webber and Rice!
Addendum: (Lyrics)
It's "Nazareth, your famous son ..."
great musical, love it...
its goooooood song. my favorite
We're doing Jesus Christ Super Star, and I'm gonna try out for Judas, with this. Haha.
wonderful song as of those of Jesus christ Superstar,of the rest
I hope I could play in Jesus Christ Superstar as Judas even once. :)
First of all shut up this is a musical that was later made into a movie so all stop with the movie comments. Two, it is not labeled JEsus, judas songs the name Jesus, learn the song
I have to just let you all know that Tim Minchin is THE Judas
So beautiful, my favorite musical
I love this song! So much passion and energy. But don't turn it into a history lesson. The whole play "Jesus Christ Superstar" is not a history lesson. It is quite possible based on the text that Judas stole from their own little treasury (bag of money of which Judas was in charge). He had a political agenda. He didn't understand what the Scriptures he grew up with, were all about (God's redemption of mankind). He betrayed God's son, the second part of the triune God. Judas's story is a sad and tragic.
If you are open minded, I strongly suggest you study the uniqueness of the Judeo-Christian Bible, and run it through the same filter you run all ancient history through.
If you read a comentary by a doubter, then read a comentary by a believer. Contrary to popular culture, there are thousands and thousands of absolutely brilliant men and women with amazing pedigrees and skills who are or have become died in the wool believers. You will be blown away!! But I do love that play.
I never miss listening to the album Jesus Christ Supestar with original cast Ted Neeley and Carl Anderson... and this song is one that I never can help but repeat again and again.. mighty vocals and performance!
I try to translate this song to Dutch but it's harder than i think.
I've got an idea to translate it for a new version of a tv show called the passion because the songs they sing are not related to Jesus but are songs of famous Dutch artists.
Most annoying song on the face of the earth
Hmm, I still like the original version of Murrey Head the most. (The version of 1970). Carl Andersen only came to the show in 1971 I think.
Why would you go to a song just to make fun of it, Aaron??????
It still surprises that folks haven't got the clarity that there are multiple recordings of Jesus Christ Superstar. The first was the Concept Album which was a collect of various performers from the folk and rock industry including vocalists and musicians. The second version was the first recorded Broadway version. Then there was the Movie Soundtrack which had different lyric arrangements and two different songs. Then came a few more Broadway recordings. The original concept album was the first and only time such a thing was done by some one other than a rock band. A feather in the cap of Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. They never did it again. The Who recorded three versions of Tommy, the original concept album 1969, then with the London Symphony Orchestra in 1972 and then finally as a movie soundtrack in 1975. The second and third versions had guest performers. Opinion is irrelevant, it is all a matter of respect for the perspective.