Jesus Christ Superstar (Original London Concept Recording)
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This Jesus Must Die Lyrics
Artist: Jesus Christ Superstar (Buy Jesus Christ Superstar CDs)
Album: Jesus Christ Superstar Soundtrack
Good Caiaphas
The council waits for you
The Pharisees and priests
Are here for you
Ah gentlemen, you know why we are here
With not much time, and quite a problem here
Crowd Outside
Hosanna! Superstar!
Listen to that howling mob
Of blockheads in the street
A trick or two with lepers
And the whole town's on its feet
He is dangerous! He is dangerous!
Jesus Christ, Superstar
Tell us that you are who they say you are
He is dangerous, dangerous
That man is in town right now
To whip up some support
A rabble rousing mission
That I think we must abort
He is dangerous
Jesus Christ, Superstar
He is dangerous
Look Caiaphas
They are right outside our yard
Quick Caiaphas
Go call the Roman guard
No wait, we need a more permanent solution to our problem.
What shall we do about Jesus of Nazareth?
Miracle worker, pilgrim or fool
No riots, no Romans, no fighting, no slogans
One thing to say for him, Jesus is cool
We dare not leave him to his own devices
His half-witted fans will get out of control
But how can we stop him, his glamour increases
With every minute, he's top of the pole
I see bad things arising
The crowd crown him King
Which the Romans would ban
I see blood and destruction
Our elimination because of one man
Blood and destruction
Because of one man
What can we do about this Jesusmania?
How can we deal with the carpenter king?
Where do we start with a man who is bigger
Than John was when John did his baptism thing?
Fools! You have no perception
The stakes we are gambling
Are frighteningly high
We must crush him completely
So like John before him
This Jesus must die
For the sake of the nation
This Jesus must die
Must die, must die
This Jesus must die
Jesus Christ Superstar Lyrics
Jesus Christ Superstar Jesus Christ Superstar Soundtrack Lyrics
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OMG, it's INSANE how much I love this song! I sing it during school, church, anywhere, everywhere, anytime!
Awsome song. i was in the play! in N.Y. in sayville. But i love jesus he died for us
...you sing it in church?
Love this song - it is hella crunk.
the first person here is a @$#%^*^in' idiot!!!
I'm pretty sure the line is 'One thing to say for him, Jesus is gold'. At least, that's what I always hear. I could be wrong though. Somehow the word cool doesn't really fit. I love this whole musical, even though I'm Pagan.
I absolutly love this song!! this is my favorite song out of the whole musical!
im playing Caiaphas in an upcoming production of JCSS... i love singing that low
its missing at the end... it vamps jesus must.
it's definately "cool" not "gold".
I love in the movie how they edit from Priests to Crowd, fear to hope,,, Great Musical, will be attending in Riverside on Good Friday!
Cool is correct, but "top of the pole" is not really.:) Instead, it's "top of the poll".
no riots no armies no fighting no slogans
how great is our God... who died because of our sin...
I don't believe in god or anything, but this musical is awesome, especially the original, 1970 version with Ian Gillan as JC.
"Miracle wonder man, hero of fools",
"By leaps every minute, he's top of the poll"
The original Jesus was Ted Neely
JCS was released as an rock opera on vinyl before it was staged as a musical. Ian Gillan (of Deep Purple) performed JC on that album. When it went to stage JC was performed first by Jeff Fenholt and later Ted Neely. Neely was JC in the film version.
I went to the original production in London in the early 70s. What I remember hearing is "One thing I'll say for him; this Jesus is good." - ie ironic - he is "good" at rousing the people, but also, Caiaphas unwittingly proclaims his moral goodness - ths is the sort of line that might have been said many different ways in different productions over the years. I like the ironic way I heard it.
It's not "With not much time" but "We've not much time" ! :)
I love this opera and will continue to love it till the day I ......
I was the opening priest and thought this was great. I don't like how the lyrics said voices instead of priests because I remember how I was the youngest one in the play and I got a pretty good part
I know it's weird to say but when I was Annas in my JCS school performance I was so high I hated it. But the funny part is because the boy playing ciao has is my older brother I got to be like his annoying little sister. I was literally born for that part haha get it.
It's going to be so much fun playing this in the live band in thousand oaks. :)