Jesus Christ Superstar (Original London Concept Recording)
Jesus Christ Superstar (Original London Concept Recording)

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Pilate And Christ Lyrics

Artist: Jesus Christ Superstar (Buy Jesus Christ Superstar CDs)
Album: Jesus Christ Superstar Soundtrack

Who is this broken man?
Cluttering up my hallway?
Who is this un-for-tu-nate?

Someone Christ, King of the Jews

Oh so this is Jesus Christ
I am really quite surprised
You look so small
Not a king at all
We all know that you are news
But are you king?
King of the Jews?

That's what you say

What do you mean by that?
That is not an answer
You're deep in trouble friend
Someone Christ, King of the Jews
How can someone in your state
Be so cool about your fate?
An amazing thing
This silent king
Since you come from Galilee
So you need not come to me
You're Herod's race
You're Herod's case

Hosanna, hey sanna, sanna sanna ho
Sanna hey, sanna ho, sanna
Hey JC, JC, please explain to me
You had everything, where is it now?


by MadScientist on 6/24/2008 4:29pm
As a Catholic, I love this musical so much. It provides a more down-to-earth view of what Jesus spoke of and what he went through. I wouldn't doubt that God has guided the verbal and musical abilities of Andrew Llyod Weber.
by Other on 7/9/2008 7:28am
MadScientist, this musical, while good, is also slightly wrong. For example, it shows Judas as betraying Jesus. Unfortunately, the Bible does not actually make it clear whether or not Judas actually betrayed Jesus.
by rk:] on 7/12/2008 8:11pm
"Other", just in case ya didn't know,
MadScientist person said NOTHING about Judas betraying Jesus :)
AND, have you ever even read the Bible? I mean seriously, I don't think the whole world would just make that up, it says in the Bible that Judas betrayed Jesus, it's not just some story people made up.
by TATA on 7/16/2008 2:38pm
hhhmmm... i agree with madscientist it shows the more human side of jesus and also provides us with more of an explanation as to why judas turned him in. he was betraying him, but maybe for reasons that made sense to him. it shows judas as being a weak, troubled and confused man, not just some betrayer backstabber.
by j64o3e on 7/19/2008 11:44pm
by Jeff on 10/12/2008 1:24pm

Read Luke 22:3-6 and 22:47-48. I think that it makes it pretty clear that Judas did betray Jesus to the chief priests and temple police.

That does not change the fact that we are left with the difficulty of trying to understand why one of Jesus's closest followers would betray him.
by trolinghome on 11/3/2008 3:46pm
you silly fools.. tim rice wrote all the lyrics here.. i am afraid of you stupid lost souls.. you probably will vote for obama..betrayal again at the heart of the church.. pray for me you fools..
by guest on 11/7/2008 4:53pm
For people of religion, you make me weep with your hateful attitudes toward each other.
by aperson on 12/13/2010 7:58pm
for people of non-religion, you make me weep that you think that about us. That's the exact opposite of what Christianity is about. Love your enemy.
by Debra on 3/3/2011 7:28pm
Hey Jeff, the answer is someone had to betray Jesus to fulfill the prophecy. Judas was chosen because he was the strongest and bravest one.
by guy on 3/25/2011 7:20pm
Pilate is my favorite! His parts are awsome
by Robin on 4/24/2011 10:37am
This is all a story for our entertainment and perhaps a lesson how to treat (or not treat) each other. Like Aesop's fables.
by Gail on 4/26/2011 1:31pm
The entire musical is incredible! I agree with Debra. Someone had to betray him to fulfill prophecy. And no doubt, that person was forgiven. My daughter asked me what was the over all theme to this musical. Well, I told her other than obviously it being a musical about Jesus 70's style. the song Jesus Christ Superstar sums it all up. Why didnt Jesus make His appearance now instead of then. He would have been known throughout the world because of mass communication, but then the result of His life ending, unfortunately, would have been the same. I truly wish someone as talented as Mr.Weber would do the entire Bible as a musical; well at least the major stories. I personally would pay whatever the asking price would be especially if it is a wonderful as this musical.

Jesus Christ Superstar Lyrics
Jesus Christ Superstar Jesus Christ Superstar Soundtrack Lyrics

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