El Oso
El Oso

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How Many Cans? Lyrics

Artist: Soul Coughing (Buy Soul Coughing CDs)
Album: Irresistible Bliss

Is you am a dog?
Is you got a dog?
Is you am a dog?
Hold closed the jaw.

How many cans must I stack up
To wash you out of my mind,
Out of my consciousness?
How many times must I cash out
To bring you back the check, fat
Off of my slenderness?

She says "Yeah,
But he's not in right now".
You pause.
You like her answer.

You know that but you go on.
You know but that you go on.

How many cans must I stack up
To wash you out of my mind,
Out of my consciousness?
How many times must I cash out
To bring you back the check, fat
Off of my slenderness,





by Miley on 8/20/2008 11:51pm
Seriously...how much weed do you have to smoke to write lyrics like this? haha I wish I knew what he was singing about.
by maybe on 11/4/2008 9:35am
maybe he's talkin' about how we know we are slaves (dogs) to the man. And we don't say anythign and keep doing it anyway. I know this cause I'm high too Miley
by loafing on 1/20/2009 6:36pm
try heroin, thats most likely what influenced these lyrics if any substance.
by T-Bone on 2/3/2009 3:54pm
How about: "How many beer cans do I need to drink and stack up to help me forget you?"

Wash indicates liquid - beer.

Just my $.02.
by Dan on 4/9/2009 3:59am
Agreed, T-Bone.


"How many times must I cash out..." At the end of a night at the bar, one would think.

Killer song. Sick, thick bassline.. Love the haunting toy xylophone around 2:45-3:20.
by JB on 7/3/2009 1:28am
mike doughty was an exstacy fanatic for a while (thus the track rollin), and a hopeless romantic who had terrible luck with women. add em up. crazy lyrics.
by Jensie on 2/13/2010 5:03pm
Why do u people think inspiration can only be drug induced. And, by the way I use not to listen just by ears, the whole body can be tuned..
by Greg on 1/8/2011 7:35pm
Is chicago is not chicago was written about an acid trip he had. Look it up :-D
by time_passes on 7/4/2012 12:36am
How much do i have to fuck myself to forget you?

Doughtly always had an attention to language (you know that but you go on/you know but that you go on)

some of it doesn't make sense.
by BJAlex on 7/20/2014 5:19pm
Everything Doughty sang about is structured al a avant garde; thus you are meant to take from it whatever concept makes the most sense to you in the moment.

When I was a kid this song was just a smooth beat and strange words; heart breaks later and its a question of how much do I have to drink to get over someone?
by chillD on 3/9/2016 7:21pm
It's simplicity brilliant - most sc songs are influenced by substances whether directly at the moment of creative inception or indirectly through altered physiology of the mind. Regardless, the band is on another level - listen to El Oso on good mushrooms or comparable psychedelics and then understand the genius and artistry involved in their work. Mythical genius.

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Soul Coughing Irresistible Bliss Lyrics

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