Crystal Visions - The Very Best of Stevie Nicks
Crystal Visions - The Very Best of Stevie Nicks

Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Storms by Stevie Nicks. Please check back for more Stevie Nicks lyrics.

Storms Lyrics

Artist: Stevie Nicks (Buy Stevie Nicks CDs)
Album: Tusk

Every night that goes between
I feel a little less
As you slowly go away from me
This is only another test

Every night you do not come
Your softness fades away
Did I ever really care that much
Is there anything left to say

Every hour of fear I spend
My body tries to cry
Living through each empty night
A deadly call inside

I haven't felt this way I feel
Since many a year ago
But in those years and the lifetimes past
I did not deal with the road

And I did not deal with you I know
Tho the love has always been
So I search to find an answer there
So I can truly win

So I try to say
Goodbye my friend
I'd like to leave you with something warm
But never have I been a blue calm sea
I have always been a storm

We were frail
She said
"Everynight he will break your heart"
I should have known from the first
I'd be the broken hearted
But I loved you from the start
Save us. . .
And not all the prayers in the world--
could save us


by julie on 8/13/2008 2:52am
the best <3
by theresa on 4/2/2010 12:38am
this is me
by geilan on 5/5/2010 10:42am
Stevie Nicks is such a GREAT artist!
by Tina on 9/6/2010 1:15am
I have seen her live since 1979.....this song rocks and rulz my world for REX
by Steven on 9/22/2010 5:28am
One of the greatest songs ever written.
by michelle on 12/9/2010 10:18am
Im the reincarnation of stevie nicks and shes not even dead yet!
by Trevor on 12/15/2010 1:23pm
These lyrics, Stevie's voice and melody left me wasted 22 years ago and they still do!
by curtis on 12/24/2010 9:18pm
Always beautiful, voice that melts my heart and brings peace to my soul. with love
by ellie on 3/17/2011 2:48pm
such incredible talent and beauty here, it blows my mind, she is a true poet with a voice that will never come again.
by Gemma on 9/2/2011 9:35am
love stevie nicks and love this song. she's awesome!
by cathy rea on 10/17/2011 12:40pm
she is why my daughter is named stevie
by lor on 12/11/2011 3:07pm
This song leaves me crying every time i listen to it.
by Cheryl on 6/12/2012 7:50pm
I have always been able to some way... to her songs and lyrics. This song, sadly, is where I am right now. But it comforts me in a way as well.
by Margie on 1/31/2013 9:23pm
I love Stevie. Have been listening to her for over 30 yrs and can relate to so many of her songs, including this one. She's a great singer, songwriter and humanitarian.
by Adam on 3/22/2013 8:56am
Srarted listening to stevie Nicks when i was in college in the USA Park University in the early 80s. She captured by mind with her lyrics and songs and her unque voice, i have now returned to Kenya and continue to listen to her songs.
by Michele on 6/25/2013 2:45pm
Stevie Nicks is one of the few really talented awesome female singers and songwriters of her time. She's a timeless artist in her own right. Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac are real rockers!!!
by Elaine 7/8/13 09.20am on 7/8/2013 1:26am
Beauiful song and sung beauifully by stevie I have been listening to stevie from I was 16 years old and always enjoy her music I am 44 years still enjoying listening to stevie nicks and Fleetwoodmac they don't make bands like that anymore just love it so much thanks to the group xxxxxxxxx.
by Kayleigh on 8/17/2013 2:50pm
This makes me think of so many things... Stevie did great
by Stevie Nicks Memory on 9/2/2014 10:48am
My grandmother and I have always loved Stevie Nicks since we heard of her. Gold Dust Woman was her favorite song. Now with my grandmother passed on before her time I listen to Stevie Nicks with great sadness and memories of happy times. I try to live out her memory by playing those songs and dancing along and singing and she will always be near to me when I hear stevie's voice. She was like a mother to me.
by Degan on 7/27/2016 6:39pm
I have always loved Stevie and her music, but this song touches my soul and makes me cry every time I hear it. Her voice soothes me. To the High Priestess, I say thank you.

Stevie Nicks Lyrics
Stevie Nicks Tusk Lyrics

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