The Civil Wars
Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to Why Can't We Be Friends by War. Please check back for more War lyrics.
Why Can't We Be Friends Lyrics
Artist: War (Buy War CDs)
Album: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
I seen you 'round for a long long time
I really 'membered you when you drink my wine
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
I seen you walkin' down in Chinatown
I called you but you could not look around
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
I bring my money to the welfare line
I see you standing in it every time
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
The color of your skin don't matter to me
As long as we can live in harmony
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
I'd kinda like to be the President
so I can show you how your money's spent
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Sometimes I don't speak too bright
but yet I know what I'm talking about
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
I know you're working for the CIA
they wouldn't have you in the Mafia
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
War Lyrics
War Why Can't We Be Friends? Lyrics
More War Music Lyrics:
War - I Am Elite Lyrics
War - Reapers Of Satan Lyrics
War - Satan Lyrics
War - So Lyrics
War - Summer Lyrics
War - The Sons Of War Lyrics
War - Total War Lyrics
War - World Is A Ghetto Lyrics
We can't be friends 'cause I don't know you. LOL
the 2nd verse is "i see u walkin down in Chinatown u see me smilin & then u frown" not the squinkelpuss rubbish u put im looking 4 a good song 2 sing but i gess itz not going 2 b this 1
I'm really into history, espacially with the civil rights movement and the Civil War. I know this sounds kind of wierd, but I read the American Girl books for Addie, a slave. They're actually pretty cool, all about how she escapes slavery in 1964 and then tries to find her family when slavery ends. Sometimes I wish that I lived on a plantation back then so I could tell people off for being mean to my slaves. Maybe, if I'd lived been a teenager in the sixties, I could even be in the boycotts and everything! Even though Martin Luther King Jr. died, it's nice to think that his followers still respected his no-violence attitude. After all, why try to treat the bad people the way they treated the African-Americans? And you have to admire them- even through the 200+ years slavery was practiced, they stayed strong and kept on fighting. Now they blend right in. I think this song just says that all and more. (Although I don't quite know whose point of view it's from.)
This song is cool,thanks for put the lyrics
Sorry, Bella...but you're wrong.
What is this song about!???
aww i love this song!
me and the kids sing this song together to chill out its so cool
well clueless if you didn't understand when u are listening..
Sorry for U :D
i am lulwa al marwani i live in qatar i am lebaese
i go to the gulf english school in qatar
i am in year 7
year 7sh
come to me at 8:00 in the morning
and look 4 me i will be watin
in the gulf english school
i am in the girls area
wht da hel!!=)
i love this awww
people fucking sayyy this song is gay i shoot them!
check out the jacob miller and the inner circle version...nasty!
tà buena la cancion
cool =]
This should be Mrs. Clintons campain song
why can't we?
This song was playing by Jacob Miller
i love this
puto el que lee
dude! The song rocks!
Super kruto! It's Cucumber!
Big Thanks. kakashka.
this song rocks
this song is fucking bullshit. i swear, its so gay.
this is the best song ever
u rock keep writing your #1
I kno all the words now. its easy once u learn em.
Me encante esta canci�n .... pero me gusta mas con los arreglos ...
es muy coollll...
I love this song, but i like more with the make up,,, it is very cool
Tha singer its not war..Smash Mouth Rocks!
you got some rong lyrics and we cant be friends cuz you're the frickin enemy hahahahhaha
laugh to that suckers
I'm 53. You kids don't understand what it means to have a song with lyrics that mean something.This is class compared to the stuff out today.
muy pillo me enamore de la cancion wacho . el gil q la imbento es lo + pillin q hay. vientos no se q mas decir jojojojojojo.
Vientos es fabulosa y muy copada .Chalay nose q decir jojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojojo
4 What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don�t they come from your desires that battle within you? 2 You want something but don�t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. 3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.
The Holy Bible : New International Version. 1996, c1984 (Jas 4:1-3). Grand Rapids: Zondervan.
love the version in the movie bridge to terabithia
the second verse is.
I called you but you could not look around so what you put is a bunch of bs lies. dont try and make a good song bad douchebag
eh joey, i'd be thankful for living today because you never know how different things could be if you lived then.
this is such a great song
sorry bout that but every 1 has there own oppinion so jst like let every1 b themself
The Joob-Joobs are coming!
this song is awsome when aliens sing it - pixar is also awsome.
I know all the lyrics and i've only heard the song once. amazing.
people - each verse is relating to a different circumstance, but collectively refers to peace and harmony. dont over-analyse a cool song!
oh my god i!!!!!!!! realy love this song it so great, i think all hostile people should learn that song, people like u,i write it down so i can learn it but i'm very friendly.
dont be so mean to bella we all have a right to think what we want and if she thinks the song isn't good enough let her think that and you can think what you want but don't call her a dumb ass!
i totally agree with her but i also don't i like it but it's wierd thats my opinion and you all have yours take the advise from a semi-prefesional singer
i love this song
kay--don't be mean if bella got the words wrong. the words are actually i called you but you could not look around. (i have the cd)
also, the artist is war. smash mouth redid it.
also, also: it's kind of ironic that you're cursing and being mean over a song called "why can't we be friends?" just noting that.... <3
K so I def heard this song the first time at the end of Lethal Weapon 4 or smthng way long ago and I member one time one of my bfs got into a fight with me and another of our bfs, so we called her and sang her this song using three-way. she def cracked up and started talkin to us agin x)
i think that this is a great song because its tryin to settel war. and its very catchy
Y cant we be friends is my favourite song
YEAHH!!! WHY the fuk can we be friends!!! xD
why can't we all be friendds? i dontt gett itt....
just to correct a few things on the comments here:
- Smash Mouth did a cover. War did the original in.. the late 70's i think?
- the song's not trying to settle war.
- and unrelated, upwards on the comments, slavery did not end in 1964 haha, it was way earlier than that my friend.
great song though. great band.
Check Bella's comment a little bit below mine and listen to the song.... What, is Bella on Crack? or does she have a very serious hearing defect?
it's a beautiful song.
all over the world why can't we be friends
iss is a maggiiiiccc song :D
real catchy
is a bautiful song, is prettier i love it, talk of the realiti of the sociality, is very good. i love to every body. bye bye.
I love this song. Its actually LEGENDARY
I Love it in the Bridge To Teribeithia aswell.
I love this song sooo much. I also love it in bridge to terabithia. It really makes me cry as well.I really don't consider this song as rock. But what evs
ud malparidos q viven en el sotano d sus papas maricones agan algo.
I always get this song stuck in my head and then i'm just singing it all day. Great song!
i'd be better if it'd have better verses. i don't mean its bad but it's just advice
Sean you are correct, Bella was wrong about the lyrics. I'd also like to add a correction.. It's not "sometimes i don't speak too bright". the correct lyrics are "sometimes i don't speak right, but yet i know what i'm talkin' about". Trust me, i knew the drummer =]. Peace everyone!
Is Simple, is fantastic, is wonderful, this song is very good!!
i like this song in brige to terabithia that film made me cry when i watched it.itz a good song
i am lulwa al marwani i live in qatar i am lebaese
i go to the gulf english school in qatar
i am in year 7
year 7sh
come to me at 8:00 in the morning
and look 4 me i will be watin
in the gulf english school
i am in the girls area
Do you want to be kidnapped or something?,You should get some help!
bad ass
hey bellea ur wrong u know this isthe right song
all u guys r dumb
all u guys r dumb
this song sucks ass its just random two liners with an over used chant. Theres only 14 lines of song thats not chorus. Fuckin a
everyone who has written on this page is illiterate.
p.s the child in lebanon im coming for you
Everyone who has written on this page is illiterate :)
Everyone who has written on this page is illiterate :)
Except Camille
so awesome
know what i do i put the song in the backround on a difrent website then i sing the words from this website its cool
I love this song and i love nick
you suck the song is great i have always liked it
cvjcncvjcvgjvbg song rock porrdtdrtdfghcfhjhjfjfcg poo man 5000 she hates this song and likes to poo
this is so ay but it wud come in handy if my boyfriend breaks up with me but you would have to change it to Why cant we go out an more??
ha so wat do yeagh think.
heeeey nicE SOOOONG LOve it
peace and fuckin' lovE!!!!
i love you guys
this song is about just chillin out because people get over anxious and over angry about stuff much like the kids who are commenting on this page also it was recorded in 1974 and it was originally by war. smash mouth did a shitty cover if yuore looking for a good cover listen to the one by sublime
fuck a $crap ! & pinChe$ leva$ maaayn .
this is sooo good but it can use more words why cant we be friends shows up to much
i just heard this song in the movie Bridge to Terabithia.
Dude Joey,
If your reading this the proportion of sentences were you sounded like a dooosh in your post was pretty high...heck man, maybe you mean well but shit...
I ♥ ♥ ♥ (LOVE) this song!
sup nigga
Same I heard it in the movie Bridge to Terabithia. AWESOME MOVIE!
hey, they sing this song in bridge to terabithia ... that movie rocks and so does this song!!!
you rock!
i was singing this song all during school today n then one of my friends sayed omg thats out of bridge to terabithia haha
i love this song im going to be singing it all week haha
i hope they make more songs :D
the second lyric is wrong if this is the old version.
and the first verse is wrong if this is the new version lol
yeah i love bridge to teribitha to great movie, great song, i love the teacher who sings in i btt, shes awsum!!!
i love this song so muchh
I heard this on the radio today, it kind of fits in well with Obama's nationality and his agenda.
i love this song i sing it all the tim and im going to be the next american idol
this song is great.
his lyrics are very good.
this daymnn songg iss stupidd ass hell...
me and my friends sing this song all the time, we luv it!!!!!!!!
its cool it reminds me of romeo and Juliet
I love this song the message is clear!!! Why can't we be friends? lol have a great day!
I wrote that song with Al Gore back in the day. Prophetic, wasn't it?
la cancion me encanta y lo peor es q no se muy bien quien la canta
i think that song is soo amazin
Why can't you suck my dick? Why can't you suck my dick?
It's too repetitive. It says Why can't we be friends WAY TO MANY TIMES!!!
People on this are sick. Its alright. 3/5
Hahah, tha song is about Racism yah idiots! :D
that song makes my girlfriend crazy and now l love it too
hi im 12 and i love this song and what it stands for. i think smash mouths cover was horrible. i nmean i love smash mouth but come on. i like how zoey deschanel sang it in the bridge to terabithia. lol
what the hell does squinkelpuss mean r u some british drug addict bella lol get the bloody hell of of the internet this is a good song not "rubbish"
i erd dis in brige 2 terabifia or i ws devastated wen she died the fils mint bt so is dis song its totaly ausum y carnt we be friends i wanted 2 do dis as r leavers asembily song isted we aft 2 do gimpi high skoo musical tugevar tugeva rrr i ate it lol bt dis song iz ace !!!!!! oxoxox
x ;P x
i heard this song in bridge to terabithia. its such a great and sad movie. i think i might learn this song on my guitar or keyboard. P.S. Scene Kids Rule :D
we all really could be frnds ...right???
yo im a sexy chic!
y dontcha come over my place? ;P
I love this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This Songs In The New Final Destination :L Perfectly Timed In The Film.
i love this song. it one of my favorites. this is a good song.
i also heard it from bridge to taribithia that's how i no the song in the first place. go war!!!
Hey Joey the slaves were freed by Abe Lincoln in 1865 so I think u mean she escaped in 1864 and martin Luther king jr. Died after he acheved equal rights so his followers would have no reason for violence anyway they already won and also if u lived back then in the time of slaves you would have been killed if u spoke out agaist slavery in the south besides u would have been brought up thinking slavery was good not how u people think now so u probably would have no problem with slavery lastly wat does this have to do with this song?
I think it is a beautiful song and those who do not like should mind there own business. it is a song u do not here every day
really good song love the lyrics
i love this song
this song says 'why cant we be friends 47 times
ello poppit my name billybobhuntersonpocketkeru i come from land of sector 7, i have a crush on darth vader and a odd fear of blueberry muffins... got a promblem?... i think not!
this song is kinda crappy cuz all the majority of lyrics is "why cant we be friends" its like somebody from elementary making a song just to pass and go on to the next level... in the same sense as making a trash song to be just heard... i think they should had reduced the amount of "why cant we be friends" lines with more better and sensible lyrics...
i love this song all time favorite..... i ain't kidding!! =P
i like this song,originally i heard it from the movie "bridge to tarabithia". :)
LOLer....you are a fu**ing n00b. This song is verry special for a bilion of people....:|
then rest my case...
Yeah, why CAN'T we be friends?
If anyone can't figure out why we can't be friends, look at a lot of the comments here. Look at the language here. There is no respect, no caring.
When this song came out, we wanted to change the world. We wanted to compromise and learn from each other. Well.. Look where that got us.
LOLer of the world is wrong you got the song right
At the end of LETHAL WEAPON 4 it's the end's song
I love this song iwill never stop singing this song.
everyone who thinks this song is supid can go to freaking hell!!
this song ftw!!
this is from bridge to terabithia i LOVE THIS SONG
bitchs this song sucks major ASS
great song
two words... smash mouth :)
this is my jammmmmmmmmm
this is my feel good song
if you show a person in Welfare line how the money is spent - you are really showiing how MY money is spent.
u know wat this song rocks and u r an ass shut up
listen! all of u r doosh bags! and u people r prissy! especially bella and josh!wat r u two smoking! u r all lame for even being on here! wat is my excuse? i feel like it! got a problem with lets take care of it!
Okay. There are two different versions of this song. This version happens to be by War. The original. Smash Mouth did this song a couple of years AFTER War.
i luv this song its awesue
haha Tim I'm pretty sure Smash Mouth did this song more than a COUPLE years after War ... seeing as War was a '70s band and SM was from the '90s, I'd say it's more like a couple decades ...
but whatever, good song, good album!
then what
Who covered this song in the 60's
The Stones?
this song is the one for me and if i were to get in a fight with my friends i would so play this song!!!
yeh i think its kool... i like all ppl in this world
Yo... i lovwe this world and all the people in it
I really like it how you have thought about eachother just ahd a go at singing it lol its great to know you are there for eachother and also ignore the other horrible comments other people have put ( the mean ones ) xx it was brilliant xx i am 10 yeaers old bye the way and i love ya song bye bye xx
i love this song.. so cool..
this a great song!!
like it, two thumb's up..
five if i have, hahahaha...
why can't we be friend's??
would you like be my friend's??
I like pie.
Especially meat pie, and rhubarb pie. YUM. ;-)
if u gay u can not singn this song lol :-B
PRETTY SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this song is the shitttt!!!!
this is my most faveret song
lawl this song is stuck in my head so i thought i might just sing and play it for my music class :)
go fuck yourselves you bunch of tree hugging hippies, and fuck you about you slavery and shit, it was better when we had slaves working in our fuckin gardens
love this cuz of terabithia!
Well i'm no hippie, and i'm against slavery, but this is a good song..not the best...and far from the worst....the lyrics are right and i think that more people should be writting songs like this one...songs that have more depth than what they did last week with they're friends at a party or whatever it is that all theese song writters are writting about.
i love derek
redneck gives rednecks a bad name. Too bad we tend to judge everyone by our own worst values and behaviors.
I love this song. Good for a sesh
This song is actually about racism and how they want equality...
i love this song
Does anyone knows when was it written?
i wasn't born when this song came out, but i still can't get enough of it...just a great song
i hate this song so much at i will get into a fight the next person play this song and the song is crap!!!!lol
sorry, gabe, but u don't know anything of music!! this song it's so cool...! <3
I don't like when play it War, but the song it's beautiful.
you're lol en nub.
with love...
thank u for put the lyrics
the song has simple lyrics but they're meaningful. The lyrics aren't just about racism. it was made with the cold war in mind; when it first came out it was broadcasted simultaneously to American astronauts and Russian cosmonauts.
i feel like want to say "why cant we be friends" on his face..
I like why can't we be friends song
@ the end thats alot of why cant we be friends but i luv this song so much.
Where do I listen to the song?
hi i want us to make friens where did you live
It was written during the cold war
carlos sucks
lol we cant be friends because your creep.
Lol imagine being called boob. what a bad name boob hahaha
this song relly pulls my heart strings and it made me cry the frist time i herd it
Bella ur a fuckin retard!!!
this song is cool
freak 101 you are so rude our world shold lissen to this song thank u SLY u are right it is bout racisim
i was starting love this song when i saw THE BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA, this song for Leslie and Jess.
This song is cool
Bridge to Terabithia
Why can't we be friends? - sublime... no war
eh i love dis song but not as i
wuv Kesha now she will rox yr soxz
I love this song... This song was included in the movie "Bridge to Terabithia" and it was my favorite book too... Thanks!
nice song......<3
Wanna know why we can't be friends? Because you keep FUCKING REPEATING YOURSELF!
It's so nice!!! <3
great lyrics. I know your working for the cia....
Maybe the american people should ask themselves why most presidents have worked in the cia?
mena affair with clinton, jfk "intervention" (mcCains word).
If these "accidents" never get questioned, why would the people stop doing it?
Who's here because of Adam Carolla?
I agree these lyrics are absolute shit.
Yeah this song annoyes me
����� ������� �����...
me gusta!!!!!!
Hiya! Where's the love my friedssss!!!
I like thissong
i like it
this song slow :D
BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA brought me to this song... and that was the first time i listened to hard rock.. AND I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish i was born a bit earlier!!! <3
i think this son g is the best and i would love to travel to see you sing in person
the song's great
this is a greet songs, as greet as my relationship bstfriend
To: Juanita
Please oh please will you be our friend? We love you so much. Marly has had 7 boyfriends this year. We love the chocolate color of your skin.
Sam & Jenna <3
To: Juanita
Please oh please will you be our friend? We love you so much. Marly has had 7 boyfriends this year. We love the chocolate color of your skin.
Sam & Jenna <3
P.S. How is Technological Education going?
To LOLer of the world your not a deep thinker are you. You need to REALLY look closely @ the lyrics and THINK about them.
Love this song. :)
Me and my friend sing this every day at school but we only new the part that goes "why can't we be friends" so when I found this we were soooo happy that we new the rest of the song !!!! Thanks ;)<3
i really love dis song even doe its a legend
i really love the song although g its a legend
Hey it's Hanna again I want to thank you again s�oooo�
I really like this song but the way they sang it Walt Disney's Bridge To Terabithia is way much better. That movie made my tough heart cry.
That movie made me feel sad for three days, it really touched my heart so I bought its original DVD.
aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh, saveeeeennnna
bkfucf8kre 7c 7ud x76yer ry6d myr 6x b67sn nc vdm cdj fry6w ycnhr4hghg
This is the kind of clap-trap crap that passed for "music" in the drug-addled '70's. Shameful.
"I know they sing this in the CIA, and also in the Ma-fa-ayyy!"
Can you guys please learn to fucking type English and not this T3XT T4LK rubbish? No one can take you seriously when you use that.
I like this song but it gets repetitive.
i LOVE this song i always cry when i watch this film its so sad when leslie dies but its so sweet however yess the song is very repetitive x
sweetest song man this is the coolest lad all of the girls be lovin me when i sing this one
i think that "frend" is kinda vague i wish the artist had elabrated on what he meant because i have frends that don really fit this song lol they listen but they dont care.
maff-ia :XD plus the slammin catch chorus!!!!!1 +112
This song was in the Bridge to Terabithia