
Lyrics Depot is your source of lyrics to KID CHARLEMAGNE by Steely Dan. Please check back for more Steely Dan lyrics.


Artist: Steely Dan (Buy Steely Dan CDs)
Album: Royal Scam

While the music played you worked by candlelight
Those San Francisco nights
You were the best in town
Just by chance you crossed the diamond with the pearl
You turned it on the world
That's when you turned the world around
Did you feel like Jesus
Did you realize
That you were a champion in their eyes
On the hill the stuff was laced with kerosene
But yours was kitchen clean
Everyone stopped to stare at your technicolor motor home
Every A-Frame had your number on the wall
You must have had it all
You'd go to L.A. on a dare
And you'd go it alone
Could you live forever
Could you see the day
Could you feel your whole world fall apart and fade away

Get along, get along Kid Charlemagne
Get along Kid Charlemagne

Now your patrons have all left you in the red
Your low rent friends are dead
This life can be very strange
All those dayglow freaks who used to paint the face
They've joined the human race
Some things will never change
Son you were mistaken
You are obsolete
Look at all the white men on the street


Clean this mess up else we'll all end up in jail
Those test tubes and the scale
Just get them all out of here
Is there gas in the car
Yes, there's gas in the car
I think the people down the hall
Know who you are

Careful what you carry
'Cause the man is wise
You are still an outlaw in their eyes



by Kim on 6/5/2008 9:44am
Love it!!!
by big D on 6/23/2008 12:36pm
love it,
I think it's about making LSD
by pierrre on 6/24/2008 12:20pm
Steely Dan tour arrived in Montr�al next monday, Jazz Festival, can wait to hear it live. great song
by MarkT. on 7/12/2008 1:18am
Yeah, it's about a drug dealer (or cooker) whose time has passed. All his customers are either dead or grown up.
by Major Dude on 8/12/2008 8:44pm
Thought provoking lyrics, creates wonderful memories of living in the City (San Francisco) in the 70's. Yes, it would take stones to drive to LA on dare, and to do it alone. Never wise to guess what these guys are thinking, but sounds like they are talking about the exodus of the 60's hip culture who have joined the human race, as we did, us who now have mortgages and kids with masters degrees and kids who are commercial airline pilots, have. But, it's a wonderful life - wouldn't change a thing.
by Gerhard B on 8/15/2008 11:30am
what a guitar solo - the best!!
by guiturtle69 on 9/14/2008 7:00pm
It is about Stanley Owsley, the guy who made all the good orange sunshine acid.....TURNED THE WORLD AROUND!!!!!!!!
by chuck swab magne on 12/9/2008 3:00am
Bet he's related as web. Anybody who is anybody is related to the frankish king in our western culture. So even when the acid makin bear is long gone, it still maybe cool. Or else I may start whippin up a batch out in the contra conta.
by Steamdude on 2/21/2009 5:41pm
Bear Lives!
by Rabid on 4/28/2010 3:28pm
I think it's about Oswald Owsley.
by Fryin Brian on 5/6/2013 12:59pm
It's about "Bear", Owsley Stanley. LSD millionaire and soundman extrodinaire.

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Steely Dan Royal Scam Lyrics

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